• » here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

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here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the snake game, this trick resembles that game. The browser will roam the screen when a user clicks the right mouse button or the context menu key in the keyboard. This could hung a browser. Works better in Firefox. Tested With: IE7, Fx2 [url=http://the-cradle.users-board.com/Right-Click-Snake-h7.html][b]TEST IT HERE[/b][/url] <">Important Notes: No need to alter anything in the script. Just copy and paste in your js file. This will eat up a lot of memory.[/quote] there's no other way to stop that code when you right-click but to just close the browser by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys simultaneously... you wont be able to press the window's close button because the window is roaming the screen at a quite fast rate... that method of closing can also be used for profiles with infinite alerts... here's one with a confirmation (as requested by a member) <">just read the messages in the first function carefully before you change the alerts... pressing OK means stopping the script from activating CANCEL means go...

Last edited by jopet_Q (2008-03-12 21:42:00)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

it's very cool guys....:thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

>> its like a game in mobile phone..:D thanks for that buddy and to angell :thumbsup:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

wow nice code i like it you rock :thumbsup:
Co_don SanAdH
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

it's very very cool buddy ... :D:thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

hahaha...i like it...very nice...=D=D=D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

I just wanna say =D ahahahaha! The browser turned into a snake :lol: :thumbsup:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

Great script. Just wanna ask something. Is this script works if the user right clicked in the right click allowed area such as CBOX :paranoid:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

[quote=KaNaLiTnUk]Great script. Just wanna ask something. Is this script works if the user right clicked in the right click allowed area such as CBOX :paranoid:[/quote] the script only targets the main document... frames and embedded flash are not included. to make it work for cbox and flash, you need to spawn a transparent division that will cover the cbox message box and the flash embed's screen (but that will be a very nifty and complicated thing to do)... @users you can experiment with that code by simply getting one function... that code consists of 5 functions to make it roam around the screen. Each function performs a certain task... example, you want to use a curtain slide window opener, you can take one function and modify it like this...[quote]scrW=screen.availWidth scrH=screen.availHeight window.resizeTo(10,10) window.focus() for(a=0;a<80;a++){ window.moveTo(0,0) window.resizeTo(scrW*a/80,scrH*a/80) } window.resizeTo(scrW,scrH)[/quote] now that's another window opener trick you got there... that trick can also be found from Angell's library =D @mods... if you think this is another trick, kindly just move the codes I used as an example... no need to put credits coz we really don't emphasize on that matter (all we want is to let others learn to go around with codes)

Last edited by jopet_Q (2008-03-10 16:54:04)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

Thanks,but not gonna use it cuz it hung up my browser.:crybaby::crybaby: But thanks for sharing.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

[quote=lilprincess950]Thanks,but not gonna use it cuz it hung up my browser.:crybaby::crybaby: But thanks for sharing.[/quote] that's what is written in the description heheh... the loop in the code makes the browser hung... it's a funny code at first try, but a ryt-clicker would have second thoughts of doing it again if they experience what you have experienced...lolz if you don't want to hung the right-clicker's browser...just replace this part[quote]clickSnake()[/quote] with this (redirection)[quote]top.location.href="http://www.blahblahblah.com"[/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

very educational indeed. =) :thumbsup: thanks for explaining to us the script sir jopet. :)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

wow! really nice it will be felt annoying to those right clickers..haha! =D [quote]there's no other way to stop that code when you right-click but to just close the browser by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys simultaneously... you wont be able to press the window's close button because the window is roaming the screen at a quite fast rate... that method of closing can also be used for profiles with infinite alerts...[/quote] and it's funny if the person do not know how to close that browser..haha! :lol:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

CoOoOoOoOoOL!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

wow nc nc very interesting.. i'll try it later but many tnx for sharin
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

[quote=jopet_Q][quote=lilprincess950]Thanks,but not gonna use it cuz it hung up my browser.:crybaby::crybaby: But thanks for sharing.[/quote] that's what is written in the description heheh... the loop in the code makes the browser hung... it's a funny code at first try, but a ryt-clicker would have second thoughts of doing it again if they experience what you have experienced...lolz if you don't want to hung the right-clicker's browser...just replace this part[quote]clickSnake()[/quote] with this (redirection)[quote]top.location.href="http://www.blahblahblah.com"[/quote] [/quote] I know it said on the info,but I figured it wouldn't be hung cause I'm using FF.:lol: Anyway,thanks for the info.Might as well put it on the post so other peep's browsers won't get hung up.=)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

nce bro..gonna use it later =)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

oh! that was unique!:D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

Pressing CTRL ALT DEL will restart the computer, right? Or you customized the hotkeys for this?
  • » here's one I found from Angell's library (posted in his forum but his library had always been kept secret) [quote="Angell de Ville"]Title: Right Click Snake Description: If you are familiar with the s

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