[quote=xavierkym]One Piece.
I forgot what Episode.. I'll search it first.
have you seen
episode 310 "A Friend Approaches from the Sea! The Straw Hat Crew's Strongest Bonds"
where Luffy, after finally defeating Rob Lucci, is unable to move after his battle. The Franky Family, along with the Galley La Company, Yokozuna, and Oimo and Kaashi are still alive after their Buster Call encounter. When all hope seems lost, the Straw Hats hear a familiar voice that tells them to jump into the sea; the Going Merry.
episode 311 "The Crew's Great Escape! The Victor's Path is for the Pirates"
With the arrival of Going Merry, the Straw Hats make their great escape from Enies Lobby. Thanks to Sanji, and his clever strategy of closing the Gate of Justice, the Marines are unable to get a shot on Merry. The crew fights off the remaining cannon barrage, and finally give their thanks to Merry.
and lastly episode 312 "Thank You Merry! The Sea of Separation in the Snow" As the crew make their way back to Water 7, they meet the Galley-La Company sailing out to greet them. The Going Merry cracks under its own weight, and the crew say their farewells as they give Going Merry a Viking funeral, finally putting it to rest. Wow I've senn this many times and still makes me cry...