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No Comment! Just Give Time To Do The Fansign Trade To U Ok![/i]
[b]@black2punx: [/b][i]i think u forget mines![/i]

[b]@emokidd:[/b] yeh i know my fan sign is a [b]COMPUTERIZED[/b] not a [b]PERSONALIZED[/b] but we have no basis regarding two the both selection. are u kiddin because the [b]EFFORTLESS[/b] called "wlang ginawa" Excuse me im too curious, The [b]Typing, Uploading, And Sharing [/b]Is A Effort ayt! we know the differences of both is only the SIGNS, [b]100% for the personalized 50% for the computerized[/b]! that is only the pecentage of both cause "mas my effort ang personalized" but u are wrong to called the computerized fansign is EFFORTless.. watch your word! guys sorry for wrong grammar im not a intellegent churry!
[spoiler][b]Bakit Ba Ako Nagmamadali?[/b]
why? because yung ibang na submit ko ng FANSIGN ko d nag reply and then nakikita ko naman na nagagawa nila yung sa iba piling ko SNOB ba! ung iba naman may pinipili pag ayaw nila sa taong yun hindi na nila gagawan ! im just only remind para gawin if ayaw naman ako gawan ok lng basta i pm lng ako! kc baka istorbo ko ung neym nyo lging nababandera! actually ung iba PM lng Ung Iba talagang gawa ko lang biglaan cause tlagang active cla mag work ng signs! i just explain my side ok *no war* ok explain ko lang please support my FREEDOM OF SPEECH sorry for using tagalog [/spoiler]





Image Will Post AT:[b] [url]http://www.maruko-fansite.co.nr[/url][/b]
Last edited by Maruko (2008-04-14 19:38:00)