[quote=gcc4426]whoa, a simple narutard argument going down personal?
is that ur way of insulting sumone when u run out of words?
my bad, im poorly raised by my parents.

Well, I see you broke the rules. (again) Look at yourself, you are pathetic. Your words are ranging from arrogant rant to pathetic insult.
Oh btw. Still haven't gave up sarcasm eh?

I know you're trying to defend your Narutard honor but can you at least [u]try[/u] to make sense.
I could not understand a single word. I don't even know if that was an insult.

Excuse me if you weren't directing that to me but even if that wasn't made for me, it still made no sense at ALL.
You are embarrassing yourself, also I did not run out of words, it was just too hard to understand your uneducated, arrogant and senseless posts.

Please... No one wants this argument, but if you want an argument please avoid failing. For it causes public humiliation and self-moral destruction. Look you're even insulting yourself.

And my nose is bleeding trying to understand a single word. Please make it end and STFU.
But then again, I salute you. HEAVILY. It takes courage to face against (almost) everyone.

But like I said you still FAIL but this time, even greater.

You definitely need help so I want you to get these if you want to continue arguing:
"Winning for Dummies 101"[/b] a best-seller
[b]"Not Failing for the Arrogant, Stupid, Senseless and the Mentally Impaired"
A LIFE or A DOG[/b]
And lastly...
[b]Go to /Windows and Select file folder 'System32' and press the Delete button, and then click the option OK.
Then proceed to go cut yourself, don't forget to close your blinds and buy a dog[/b]
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

[b]If you follow the directions carefully, you too may find a [url=http://www.uguuchan.net/ss/src/121686376672.jpg]life[/url].

@topic: Sailormoon.
Last edited by Deviantangel1995 (2008-07-29 08:13:23)