• » SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

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SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

» FTalkAgent
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=cjoker2]Okay. i can accept -repu or you can curse me. i just want to tell my unsaid feelings. and remember. we are in a Democratic country.:idea:[/quote] Well we are entitled to our own opinions so it's okay to air out your feelings. I just don't get why saying that a certain anime is crappy would get someone offended. It's teh anime that's crappy, not teh one who likes it. And so what if you like it? So what if i hate it? so what if someone says bleachfag so what if i still liek bleach? [u]nobody cares[/u] even teh [url=http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/7588/poster44296456fx5.jpg]carebears[/url] doesnt care so don't worry if someone else hate yer fave animu. It doesn't mean you should hate it too. You can't please everyone ü

Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-07-28 08:24:31)

» FTalkAddict
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=forsakendoll]so don't worry if someone else hate yer fave animu. It doesn't mean you should hate it too. You can't please everyone ü[/quote] yes. i know. [quote=forsakendoll]I just don't get why saying that a certain anime is crappy would get someone offended. It's teh anime that's crappy, not teh one who likes it.[/quote] yes. i was offended. because of kuya shirow's post here: http://theftalk.com/t38681-No-more-Naruto-or-Bleach-Thread.html he said: [quote]I would expect that there will be no more naruto and bleach shit threads would sprout and the [u]population of narutards and bleachfag here will hopefully be reduce and diminish if not cut yourselves.[/u].[/quote] please be kind :crybaby: i understand that naruto/bleach topics should be minimized, but what i cannot understand is why we, the so called narutards and bleachfags should be reduce and diminish and worst cut ourselves. ^it is just like saying, don't watch Naruto/Bleach anymore. correct me if i am wrong. :crybaby::crybaby: [i]sorry, dinamdam ko talaga ito. at naiyak ako (slight), hehe.[/i]
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

^ Don't be too dramatic. Lulz. And don't take it too seriously. This is internet where anything could happened. The bad thing is those [b]Narutards[/b] keep making nonsense threads about "Who will blabla idk gtfo" in this section. That's why we want to limit Naruto/Bleach threads. There are too many crappy threads in this section. We aren't stopping you guys --those Narutard die hard fans-- from being a narutard. Haha. Oh wow. Just stay being that never-ending shounen fan. We don't care. I LOL'd. What we care about is this section. We have enough even too many threads which discussing nonsense topics about Naruto/Bleach. Those threads make this section dead. This is the cancer that killing the section. Our purpose for making this campaign, is to save this section from that cancer. That's it. And oh blessme-- Animu and Mango isn't about Naruto/Bleach only. But yah-- some people who thinks they have watched "the best animu", came here and made a thread about their "best animu" which is non-sense/phail. Well, if you guys still want to discuss about Naruto/Bleach, you have your own group there. Just discuss there. Or discuss on teh available threads in this section. And please take note on what we posted here, this thread titled [b]What was the worst Anime you've watched?[/b], so it depends on member who posted here. Respect teh other opinion. Don't get offended if some people posted your fave animu as teh worst animu. Keep in mind, [b]Fact is teh real thing you should realize on.[/b]. [b]Footnote for all:[/b] Don't try to be a pretentious weeabboo. If you only watch Naruto only. *chuckles* - - - - - - @Topic : Narutard and oh-- Bleach. :lol: Eternal freakin full of fillers series! /facepalms Watch it until your 7th generation. :lol:

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-07-28 09:15:37)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

@cjoker2 OHOHOHOHO.. aren't u being too dramatic now look at you you've taken this too seriously why don't u understand the situation.. and oh theres something wrong about the quoted sentence there from the post of shirow you didn't include the freaking strikethrough tag don't you know what it really means? he putted that tag so that it won't be included on the sentence when u read it... [b]not [/b]to be taken [b]too literary[/b] the only thing you see when someones tells something bad about your fave stuff or anything.. your damn perspective when viewing it is becoming like a hypocrite meaning you just only see its negative side ignoring its other denoting meaning in short being a god damn [b]ONE SIDED!!![/b] oh god if theres any please forgive these poor souls... :thumbsdown: @topic still that freaking anime.. :thumbsdown:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

^Sorry if I am too dramatic. Sorry if Narutards make nonsense topics. Sorry if we are die-hard fans. Sorry if we want to stay as a never-ending shounen fan because we learn good moral values on it. especially about friendship :thumbsup: [quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]What we care about is this section. We have enough even too many threads which discussing nonsense topics about Naruto/Bleach. Those threads make this section dead. This is the cancer that killing the section. Our purpose for making this campaign, is to save this section from that cancer. That's it.[/quote] Yes. I understand your point. [quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]Well, if you guys still want to discuss about Naruto/Bleach, you have your own group there. Just discuss there. Or discuss on teh available threads in this section.[/quote] Yes. We are following your rules. [quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]@Topic : Narutard and oh-- Bleach. :lol: Eternal freakin full of fillers series! /facepalms Watch it until your 7th generation. :lol:[/quote] ....ok... people will get mad at me again if I criticize your opinion. Sorry if what I am telling is nonsense. [i]^i really just don't know how to speak in English properly. i don't know how to say what I want to say. sorry.[/i] @rockwell no. i know Naruto's negative sides. it got a lot of fillers. i don't just focus on positive sides. I am not speaking just for me but for every Narutard and Bleachfag out there. yes. I understand what Mods wants to say. I undrestand that they don't like Naruto/Bleach/ or any other long anime series. and sorry rockwell, there is no strike through -> http://theftalk.com/t38681-No-more-Naruto-or-Bleach-Thread.html please read it again. [s]cut[/s] is the only word with strike through that i saw. correct me again if i am wrong. i accept disparagement. I accept all offensive words. i accept -repu. you can curse me if you want.

Last edited by cjoker2 (2008-07-28 10:07:55)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

^ Why quote my @topic. :lol: You don't have to say those [url=http://i37.tinypic.com/2eq8c4h.jpg]"unwanted-info-who-i-already-know-and-despise"[/url]. And oh.. no need to use "Sorry" *too many. Pretentious indeed. Since you already understand teh point then just respect other people opinion without quoting it. Can't stand it huh? :lol: Anyway, if you still got problem, just go [url=http://theftalk.com/t4162-Got-a-problem%3F.html]here[/url] instead posting here. Gosh -- Don't try to protect certain animu or get offended by other member's post. If they post your fave as teh worst, then accept it. Don't complain about that fact. If someone posted my fave animu as teh worst one, I will ignore it. Haha. Why need to take it so serious? :lol: @Topic: Narutard and Bleachfag --Eternal freakin-full-of-fillers series. /unlimitedfacepalms.exe Keep worshiping 'til teh end of teh world. :lol: And also this one : Sailormoon. [color=white]^ Quote this post and it will prove you're the real failure.[/color]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-07-28 10:15:20)

» FTalkAddict
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

^sorry Ate. and thanks for understanding me. but others really don't understand me. Why? and I am not pretentious. what I say is real. If I say sorry, i mean it. I don't joke around. and thank you also for the screenshot of my previous post :thumbsup: (ehhh.. i feel like reading again the 24 books of the Illiad..haha :lol:) @rockwell thank you for your kind words

Last edited by cjoker2 (2008-07-28 10:20:36)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

Me? still....Shakugan No shana.. it's really....yah...i like the ost but that's all i like from this anime.. and also Onegai teacher or Love hina...these kinds of anime is really sucks...i cant find any good parts in these anime :disgust:
Yellow Flash
» Banned
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-04-16 07:20:33)

» FTalkAddict
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

^haha... yes it is finished... ohh.. it feels so good talking with a Mod. at least I have this unforgettable experience eh? but ye, actually, this is my first time that someone fought me like this: [spoiler][quote=rockwell07]the only thing you see when someones tells something bad about your fave stuff or anything.. your damn perspective when viewing it is becoming like a hypocrite meaning you just only see its negative side ignoring its other denoting meaning in short being a god damn ONE SIDED!!! oh god if theres any please forgive these poor souls...[/quote] [/spoiler] i will pray for you.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

At first I was :O, then I :lol: Kyaaa. Chill people. Starting up a war over some trivial animu issue will just be a waste lol shit @topic [b]Sailor Moon.[/b] WTF, they fight evil in those crappy clothes? shit [b]Dragon Ball.[/b] Waaahh never-ending sagas *puke [b]Digimon.[/b] HORRIBLE. Don't watch it. :penguin:
» FTalkAddict
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=joebz]At first I was :O, then I :lol:[/quote] hahaha... me, At first I was :mad:, then :evil:, then :/, then :cry:, then because of ate yuna, aya and yellow flash, i became :D happy again. @topic i don't like hentai :wallbash:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

POKEMON and DIGIMON!!! (i dont like those...):thumbsdown:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=cjoker2]and sorry rockwell, there is no [b]strike through ->[/b] http://theftalk.com/t38681-No-mor … hread.html please read it again. cut is the only word with strike through that i saw. correct me again if i am wrong.[/quote] lolwut? come again? :lol: hahahah you made lol and its a big LOL :lol: are you being too obtuse or just can't get what i simply say there? i told that word is having a strikethrough so that it won't be [u]read literary[/u] [b]"i did not say that the whole sentence are having that strikethrough tag"[/b] /facepalmflood.gif your not getting my damn point try to re-read and understand what i say before you reply my post with some fallacy and lunacies :lol: :lol: [quote]correct me again if i am wrong.[/quote] and now I've corrected you cause ur wrong :lol: ^[color=#556B2F]fix'd[/color]
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

heyah guys and gals,no more fights, let's just respect each other's likes and dislikes,don't take it personally :) ...mods might close this thread if lotsa post are OT. :D so just kiss and make up with each other. :eh: worst?dragon ball z, it's never gonna end,i just know that. baki the grappler., that body for a 13 year old boy? tsk., slam dunk.,he's stupid. :lol: also.,megabots,autobots..those robots thing.. :disgust:
Yellow Flash
» Banned
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-04-16 07:20:43)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]@gcc4426 What do u think this thread is for huh? =| No need to be so offended. And also, take note, you're off-topic.[/quote] oh, oh. i was jst talking to mr.ezil. no need to join. thanks for noticing. :wow: i didnt know im off-topic. my brain didnt notice it. im a failure, u know. haha. :wallbash: @ topic: worst anime: bleach. i think i've posted this on other topics. nver liked that anime, though its the same as kiddie naruto. an anime just for FAGS and TARDS. being a naruto fan is a COMPLIMENT. :wow: d'you know y i take insults? cos im a CYNIC. :kiss: tsup ! haha. :eh: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- im a diff naruto fan. im not that TARD that usually posts: "who is the best naruto fuckwit jackass cum-frosted goo-stained turtlesmoker foul-mouthed anuscake...." hav u seen me posting it? none. so, dont look on us as 1 whole narutard. we ARE a lot diff from each other. just be sure u can STILL stand on ur words. all those things that u have thrown at us are just pointing back at you. i still respect all of u as moderators in this forum. i use insults to make you, and also myslf, realize things.

Last edited by gcc4426 (2008-07-29 00:01:23)

» FTalkAddict
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=rockwell07]lolwut? come again? :lol: hahahah you made lol and its a big LOL :lol: are you being too obtuse or just can't get what i simply say there? i told that word is having a strikethrough so that it won't be[u] read literary[/u] "i did not say that the whole sentence are having that strikethrough tag" /facepalmflood.gif your not getting my damn point try to re-read and understand what i say before you reply my post with some fallacy and lunacies :lol: :lol:[/quote] hohohoho.. literary ? or you mean literally? wrong choice of words. that's why i cannot understand you. ehm uh.. sorry... and just one advice: don't be too offensive. just because you are a guy you can already say what you want. watch your manners.:thumbsdown:
Yellow Flash
» Banned
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Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..


Last edited by Yellow Flash (2009-04-16 07:20:55)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

[quote=cjoker2][quote=rockwell07]lolwut? come again? :lol: hahahah you made lol and its a big LOL :lol: are you being too obtuse or just can't get what i simply say there? i told that word is having a strikethrough so that it won't be[u] read literary[/u] "i did not say that the whole sentence are having that strikethrough tag" /facepalmflood.gif your not getting my damn point try to re-read and understand what i say before you reply my post with some fallacy and lunacies :lol: :lol:[/quote] hohohoho.. literary ? or you mean literally? wrong choice of words. that's why i cannot understand you. ehm uh.. sorry... and just one advice: don't be too offensive. just because you are a guy you can already say what you want. watch your manners.:thumbsdown:[/quote] ahahahaha seems too offensive to you miss [b]perfect[/b] im just telling the truth :lol: is that soo? in that case you don't need to change the subject into mine since i stated that strikethrough thingy cause u said correct me if im wrong oh lol :lol: well who is the one who shall mind her manners now? oh my :lol: @topic still that shit anime naruto :lol:
  • » SAILORMOON..lol :doubt: :thumbsdown: shit so bad..

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