What do u think this thread is for huh?

No need to be so offended. And also, take note, you're off-topic.[/quote]
oh, oh. i was jst talking to mr.ezil. no need to join.
thanks for noticing.

i didnt know im off-topic. my brain didnt notice it. im a failure, u know.

@ topic:
worst anime: bleach. i think i've posted this on other topics.
nver liked that anime, though its the same as kiddie naruto. an anime just for FAGS and TARDS.
being a naruto fan is a COMPLIMENT.

d'you know y i take insults?
cos im a CYNIC.

tsup ! haha.

im a diff naruto fan.
im not that TARD that usually posts:
"who is the best naruto fuckwit jackass cum-frosted goo-stained turtlesmoker foul-mouthed anuscake...."
hav u seen me posting it? none.
so, dont look on us as 1 whole narutard. we ARE a lot diff from each other.
just be sure u can STILL stand on ur words.
all those things that u have thrown at us are just pointing back at you.
i still respect all of u as moderators in this forum.
i use insults to make you, and also myslf, realize things.
Last edited by gcc4426 (2008-07-29 00:01:23)