^Sorry if I am too dramatic.
Sorry if Narutards make nonsense topics.
Sorry if we are die-hard fans.
Sorry if we want to stay as a never-ending shounen fan because we learn good moral values on it. especially about friendship

[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]What we care about is this section. We have enough even too many threads which discussing nonsense topics about Naruto/Bleach. Those threads make this section dead. This is the cancer that killing the section. Our purpose for making this campaign, is to save this section from that cancer. That's it.[/quote]
Yes. I understand your point.
[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]Well, if you guys still want to discuss about Naruto/Bleach, you have your own group there. Just discuss there. Or discuss on teh available threads in this section.[/quote]
Yes. We are following your rules.
[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]@Topic : Narutard and oh-- Bleach.

Eternal freakin full of fillers series! /facepalms
Watch it until your 7th generation.

people will get mad at me again if I criticize your opinion.
Sorry if what I am telling is nonsense.
[i]^i really just don't know how to speak in English properly. i don't know how to say what I want to say. sorry.[/i]
no. i know Naruto's negative sides.
it got a lot of fillers.
i don't just focus on positive sides.
I am not speaking just for me but for every Narutard and Bleachfag out there.
yes. I understand what Mods wants to say.
I undrestand that they don't like Naruto/Bleach/ or any other long anime series.
and sorry rockwell,
there is no strike through ->
please read it again.
[s]cut[/s] is the only word with strike through that i saw.
correct me again if i am wrong.
i accept disparagement.
I accept all offensive words.
i accept -repu.
you can curse me if you want.
Last edited by cjoker2 (2008-07-28 10:07:55)