[quote=cjoker2]and sorry rockwell,
there is no [b]strike through ->[/b]
http://theftalk.com/t38681-No-mor … hread.html
please read it again.
cut is the only word with strike through that i saw.
correct me again if i am wrong.[/quote]
lolwut? come again?

hahahah you made lol and its a big LOL

are you being too obtuse or just can't get what i simply say there? i told that word is having a strikethrough so that it won't be [u]read literary[/u] [b]"i did not say that the whole sentence are having that strikethrough tag"[/b] /facepalmflood.gif your not getting my damn point try to re-read and understand what i say before you reply my post with some fallacy and lunacies

[quote]correct me again if i am wrong.[/quote]
and now I've corrected you cause ur wrong
