• » have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

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have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

» FTalker
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

jealousy can kill.. wahaha when it hits your head hard :thumbsup: :crybaby:
Last Angel
» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

If im jelous i just ignore it.... i don't care...... :thumbsup: maybe its good fo u
» FTalkAgent
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

I'm not very good at handling jealousy. My insecurities build up so much when I'm jealous.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

shit tis feeling sumtyms isn't good. especialy if u got jealous with nonsense ting. tis may lead to serious problems, dont kip it, show it... but not in an immatured way... :) madali akong magselos. kahit sa mga friends ko, self centered kc. nag wawala ako. hehehe
» FTalkElite
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

no comment.i can't think ryt now eh. :wallbash:
» Banned
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

woah.i juz cry.lol.
» FTalker
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

Re:[b]meng wrote:[/b] how do you handle jelousy?..aha..i just ignore jealousy... crazy as it may seem but that's true.. i don't get jealous easily.. i dunno why.. i just have a big trust on all the people i know.. even if we just met for about a couple of days.. >its hard to ignore jealousy especially if you always see the person your jealous at. somtimes this jealousy tends to be more on each day and became insecurities...
» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

I sometimes get even if the guy makes me jealous. But seriously, I can't control my jealousy =P I get jealous [i]waaaaay[/i] [b][u]too much [/u][/b]^^;;
» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

[b]JEALOUSY[/b] hahaha... we ARE one big funny family... hahaha.. Well, as for me, What i will do is [b]chill & most importantly be cool..[/b] trust me, you wouldn't like that person who made you jealous knew that you are jeaous.. if that person knew; she/he will be like =D & you will be like stupidly :evil: .. So, instead of being :evil: / :angry: .. why not be :cool: & [u] your image will NOT be ruin[/u].. So, chill dude.. :cool: & soon You will handle jealously in a whole new different way.. :cool:
» FTalkAgent
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

I get super jealous.. I actually need counselling to overcome that. :disgust:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

hm. i cried. :crybaby: && cried. :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: we both cried. :crybaby: 1 week. evryday. just CRYiNG && CRYiNG. :crybaby: bcoz of my besfren. && my ex.besfren. tss. :mad:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

i sometimes just can't handle jealousy... :crybaby: i really cry... :crybaby: often, i really doubted my boyfriend and and some questions about what was it... but, when time goes on, i realize that it is really important to trust your partner... :D jealousy might just ruin a relationship... :evil: its better to control yourself and gain some trust... :D
» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

[quote=Xian]Bah women are the most jealous species.. :disgust: They're so unpredictable and they get too moody with just almost anything. Ignor them :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: that's the best way like temper tantrums from a toddler..[/quote] yea... in some point ur right.. we are the most jealous species (its bcoz we love deeply and afraid to lose).. but i dont think its right to ignore us wen were jealous.. (coz we might feel that you dont care.). i think you should comfort us.. cause assurance is all we need.. but hey, we wont be jealous if there's nothing to be jealous about. dont say we re just paranoid.. never underestimate "gurls instinct" =D pero it depends upon the guy nmn ehh.. the way he treat his gurl.. :) bak to the topic..;) i dont tell him if im jealous.. i just keep it to my self.. :P daanin nlng s joke.. n_n

Last edited by gothica13 (2008-04-23 08:27:06)

» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

i dont! lol.. it depends.. f its sumting that i cant avoid wndering, its a very long discussion.. lol.. hehehe!
» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

It's like a monster :lol: I almost broke up with him..haha. good thing we talk things through. communication is really important =)
» n00b
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

im a slightly "mapampuhin" xori for the word :D ..peace.. if im jealous.. i always kip it even if im about cry i juz pretend dat i don't see anything or hear anything and pretend to be happy and to laugh at somthing just what i always do. :o . coz i don't lyk dat people are staring at me coz im crying.. i alwayz hide my feeling and wen im alone i jus cry.cry and cry.. :crybaby: but still i don't tell him da feelings i have. :D . maybe xumday i will have da strengh to tell him :doubt:
» FTalker
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

how do i handle it? simple! sometimes i cry like this -> :crybaby: or.. i just dont talk., then he/she will notice that.. or., i fake laugh and fake smile... then i tend to :cry:
TA Juleigtin Siahaan
» FTalkAgent
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Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

wew.. :D :D Nice topic I think.. :eh: =) Well..The best way to handle the jelously is :arrow: [b][color=#FF0000]"Always Have Positive Thinking"[/color][/b].. :eh: :eh:

Last edited by TA Juleigtin Siahaan (2007-07-04 00:19:10)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

jealousy? i have my own issues with jealousy and it's really difficult coz i'm emotional but i hate showing it.. so what to do?! i just used to tell my partner "hun, i'm jealous" and we'd talk about it. difficult but therapeutic :eh: . and now, after 19 months, i have moved on from this =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

i jz do something that would make 'em jealous too.. hehehe...
  • » have you encountered jelousy?..aha.. ahm...if yes how did you handle it..?... ahmm..wat are the things you did..?... if not yet what should you do if you might experienced it?...

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