[align=center][b]Friendster Tweaks Generator v7
"The First and Coolest Friendster Tweaks Generator inspired by OGcss"[/b][/align]
Function: [/b][/u]The function of this generator is to add some tweaks to your friendster profile!
Compatibility: [/b][/u] Tested on IE7 and FF3
[b]v7 Feature[/b][/u]
The tweaks will be remotely hosted.
Generation Error is reduced upto 98%!
Compile Tweaks soo easy!

Acquire tweaks with an ease.

User-friendly Guides for various tweaks.
[b]Cool and complete FS Tweaks Compilation, this may include the ff:[/b]
1. WVM v3.6
2. Youtube Video
3. Cbox Anti-Poser w/ Avatar v2.0
4. Friend Randomizer
5. Mootools Script Enhancements (Makes the script load faster) [color=red]*Hot![/color]
6. Reply Comments Link
7. Friend Scanner
8. Viewer main photo with info
[b]Optional Tweaks[/b]
9. Poll
10. Sliding Photo Gallery
11. YM Status icon
12. Add your own JS scripts. *New
13. Snow Effect *New
14. Auto Friend Adder *New
[b]Very Soon![/b]
13. Use your own/desired WVM version
14. More Optional Tweaks![/quote]
Click [url=http://tinyurl.com/ftgen]here[/url] to start tweaking your FS profiles using FTGen!
Last edited by chibib0 (2009-02-08 00:12:57)