I hate those who are trying to impersonating/cloning me. I [url=http://i34.tinypic.com/28seja.jpg]ROR'd and facepalmed hard[/url] everytiem I see them.
[spoiler]From teh way they speak, and trying so hard to use a "fail" l337. And oh- I saw and I amazed on how a weaboo changed from a failure to a bigger failure. Hahaha oh wow. And those cancers are everywhere. Pathetic weaboo is a pathetic weaboo. EPIC PHAILED.
Tsk. Just go to /Windows and Select file folder 'System32' and press the Delete button, and then click the option OK. Then proceed to go kill yourself, don't forget to close your blinds and buy a dog.[/spoiler]
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-20 09:16:14)