» Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
b0bcar, h0w c0me i paste the c0des dat u p0sted here, i used it, but nth happened, can guide mii T__T
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
[quote=bobcbar]function tb7_makeArray(n){ this.length = n; return this.length; } tb7_messages = new tb7_makeArray(6); tb7_messages[0] = "+'+'+'+'+weLcome tO sPiDy Bob'S pAgE!+'+'+'+'+"; tb7_messages[1] = "__________Enjoy Your Visit__________"; tb7_messages[2] = " . . .Leave Me A Note On Cbox. . ."; tb7_messages[3] = "----->>>>>Why Rip My Codes, Ask They Can Be Yours!<<<<<-----"; tb7_messages[4] = "Check out my other page"; tb7_messages[5] = "Take Care Friends!"; tb7_rptType = 'infinite'; tb7_rptNbr = 5; tb7_speed = 300; tb7_timeOneMsg = 3000; tb7_minBrojRazmaka = 0; tb7_maxBrojRazmaka = 3; var tb7_counter=1; var tb7_currMsg; var tb7_stsmsg=""; var tb7_brojac = 0; var tb7_expand = true; var tb7_run=false var tb7_tmpmsg=""; var tb7_spaces=""; var tb7_timer=null; for (var i=0; i<tb7_minBrojRazmaka; i++) tb7_spaces += "_"; for (var i=0; i<tb7_messages.length; i++){ tb7_tmpmsg=""; for (var j=0; j<tb7_messages[i].length; j++){ tb7_tmpmsg=tb7_tmpmsg+tb7_spaces+tb7_messages[i].charAt(j); } tb7_messages[i]=tb7_tmpmsg; } function tb7_settitle(){ if (!tb7_run){ clearTimeout(tb7_timer2); return; } var tb7_sts = ""; if (tb7_brojac == 0) document.title = tb7_messages[tb7_currMsg] else{ for (var i=0; i<tb7_messages[tb7_currMsg].length; i++){ for (var j=0; j<tb7_brojac; j++) tb7_sts += "_"; tb7_sts += tb7_messages[tb7_currMsg].charAt(i); } document.title = tb7_sts; } if (tb7_expand && (tb7_brojac >= tb7_maxBrojRazmaka)) tb7_expand=false; if (!tb7_expand && tb7_brojac < tb7_minBrojRazmaka) tb7_expand = true; if (tb7_expand) tb7_brojac++ else tb7_brojac--; tb7_timer2 = setTimeout("tb7_settitle()", tb7_speed); } function tb7_coordinator(){ if (!tb7_run){ tb7_currMsg=0; tb7_run = true; tb7_settitle(); } else{ if (tb7_currMsg == tb7_messages.length-1){ if ((tb7_rptType == 'finite') && (tb7_counter==tb7_rptNbr)){ clearTimeout(tb7_timer); tb7_run = false; return; } tb7_counter++; tb7_currMsg=0; } else{ tb7_currMsg++; } } tb7_timer = setTimeout("tb7_coordinator()",tb7_timeOneMsg); } tb7_coordinator();[/quote]
is this css or js codes?
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
[quote=zealyws]b0bcar, h0w c0me i paste the c0des dat u p0sted here, i used it, but nth happened, can guide mii T__T[/quote]
u need to create a js file if u don't already have one then apply it to ur profile using the curent js linker code.
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
[quote=bobcbar]u need to create a js file if u don't already have one then apply it to ur profile using the curent js linker code. [/quote]
how to create a js file?
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
how to create a js file?
read this tutorial [url]http://theftalk.com/t22027-Making-Extensions-Files.-%5BFriendster-Editing%5D.html[/url]
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
erm...thanks bob...
the link dat u gave mii, where shud i see?
alot part...
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
there is a big problem, i cant even create anything in ripway.com
i put the code, name it name.js
it took so long to load, n nth happened...
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Try using fileave.com or another hosting site does not have to be ripway.
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
great! i've been luking 4 ds code...^^,)
Thank ya very much![/b]
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Your welcome always happy to share
[quote=khair_mcb]bosss add me jngan pe kada[/quote]
Please take time to read the rules, english is required except in regional boards. Also stop spamming posting comments unrelated to the topics.
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
[b][/b]Thanks for the code, i have used Message Scroll for this one.
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
[color=tan]thank you for the codes especially the site [/color]
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
Thanks for ur nice comments, happy the codes work for you too
Re: Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s
» Many members keep asking me for the title/status bar I am using. These are my codes you just need to change the message and add to ur external js file.
Sorry I do not remember who gave me the codes s