• » [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

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[i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

[i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let this burden out of my chest. If you still wanna continue, read on. I love Ftalk, though I've been here only for a couple of weeks, I couldn't go through a day without opening the computer. Ftalk helped me a lot, I learned new things, met new friends, and most of all, learned how to be responsible. Anyway, the reason why I made this thread is because I noticed that a lot of arguments have been going on. I mean, why won't we just get along? Why do we even argue when we don't even know the person we're arguing? We judge people on how they act in Ftalk, but don't even know what they're capable of feeling. I sometimes come across posts where I see people arguing about a Layout Compilation. Maybe the threadstarter expected +repus and the 'Thanks for sharing' post. One member here just said, "Maybe next time you should make the text black, 'coz I can't read the text.". It's just an opinion! And with that simple sentence, an argument started. So I'm here to set it straight. I have a message here for all of you: [b]To the mods:[/b] I know it's hard to handle a forum and all, and we salute you guys for doing such a good job. You're ready to lend a helping hand to those who are in need. We really respect you guys, no matter how strict you guys could get. :lol: [I'm not saying you are... :P] [b]To spammers:[/b] Why do you need to spam? To increase your posts? But do you think, that when you spam, people respect you? Of course not. I don't wanna be rude or anything, this is just my opinion. [b]To rippers:[/b] C'mon, be real. Why do you even rip codes when you can make layouts of your own? Ripping codes, is not a way to get famous. Yeah, people know about you, but people refer to you as the bad guy. Remember, ripping codes is considered [b]stealing[/b]. [b] To haters:[/b] Why do you even bother to post on a particular topic when you have nothing good to say? Opinions are appreciated but just being [b]too much[/b], won't help at all. You're just blowing their self-esteem. Please, next time, if you have nothing good to say, keep your mouth shut. Gosh, didn't know I could say things like that. :o [b]To flammers:[/b] Same as what I said with spammers, what's the point of flamming when all you get are -repus and cursed/banned status? [b]To regular members:[/b] Thank you for being part of the Ftalk Family, and taking your time to even read this. Your posts are appreciated and no matter how things get worse around here, we're a family, and we stick together. Hope you see my point in this. :) I love you guys! =) P.S. I might leave FTALK... For good this time... I'm gonna miss you guys!

Last edited by ♥brains&beauty♥ (2009-01-10 02:06:00)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

Thanks for this sis. u're our peacemaker looks like's eehjhay's decision makes a great effect here.... btw,how about haters and flammers? do u have anything to say to them?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

Oh yeah, let me edit. :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[b]Hooray for the Peacemaker ! :D:thumbsup: I totally feel the same way . I guess noone can stop Mod Eehjhay's decision . =([/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[quote=obsessed95]Hooray for the Peacemaker ! :D:thumbsup: I totally feel the same way . I guess noone can stop Mod Eehjhay's decision . =([/quote] I know. I hate it so much! :cry: But thanks, by the way. :D
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

You are the light that leads to a peaceful community in FriendsterTalk.com. You remind me of lovegood :D First of all, I wanna say I also have a fight with some users here. Even if he/she says so much of bad words to me, i still apologize that person. I just want it to be over, to be cleared. But no changes take place. Err... I think ahmmm... 2 topics are already made to stop the fight but YET, I don't see any changes at all. Not even a single change. Tsk tsk.... A reminder from my favourite post:- [quote=karuro72002][align=center]Hey! FRIENDSTER is Build for Friendship Purpose! [b]NOT FOR ENEMY or ENEMYSTER try to post this on ENEMYTALK! :lol:[/b][/align][/quote] Read it carefully....

Last edited by 사랑해요UmA_loVe사&# (2008-06-08 11:14:53)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[quote=♥brains&beauty♥]We judge people on how they act in Ftalk, but don't even know what they're capable of feeling[/quote] nice one lil sis
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[quote=사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요]You are the light that leads to a peaceful community in FriendsterTalk.com. You remind me of lovegood :D First of all, I wanna say I also have a fight with some users here. Even if he/she says so much of bad words to me, i still apologize that person. I just want it to be over, to be cleared. But no changes take place. Err... I think ahmmm... 2 topics are already made to stop the fight but YET, I don't see any changes at all. Not even a single change. Tsk tsk.... A reminder from my favourite post:- karuro72002 wrote: Hey! FRIENDSTER is Build for Friendship Purpose! NOT FOR ENEMY or ENEMYSTER try to post this on ENEMYTALK! :lol: Read it carefully....[/quote] Yeah, I know.... I wonder why... Hmm... :rolleyes: [quote=switpotato]♥brains&beauty♥ wrote: We judge people on how they act in Ftalk, but don't even know what they're capable of feeling nice one lil sis[/quote] Thanks Ms. Swit. :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

thanks for this.. Please Make This Sticky..I love it.. :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

We can sticky many threads like this but it won't change the fact that we can't please everyone. I appreciate your effort so so much.. and i hope there will be lesser feuds with what you've said. ^^ I really feel sad with what's happening.. It's the mods who are making a big fuss.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[b]I'm bothered Really, Didn't get a chance to Post on eehjhay topic, and I'm sadden on his last words Farewell...Make this Sticky. thanks for this Reminder.. This is For all of us[/b] [i]And to those who are selfish B*****D!!! You know who you are, May You rot in ****..[/i]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

:arrow: Reminder: Refrain from directing hate to others. I just can't get why private things be let out in the public. Is this how we are now? Although some people may say that 'They are just members' I do believe that everyone here is not 'JUST a member' every individual can help maintain peace in this site if we just start to discipline ourselves. It's sad to think that [i]quoting manong bob's post[/i] [b]It's the mods who are making a big fuss.[/b] I don't think we need to be that rude, or make people intimidated. Yes, we mods, some of us are strict. But why resort to 'under-the-belt' and super duper humiliation? and even have "resbaks"? Hate me if you want, but I'm just sick of the attitudes of the people who doesn't even know how to deal with their crappy lives and direct it to this forum. To rule-breakers: Don't even try to underestimate and test the capabilities of the moderators. To moderators: It's not bad being strict/rude/whatever bad image. We just have to know our limits.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[b]Nice thread, this forum really needs it....For now i already said my piece and that's it....I won't say anything anymore....I'm focusing more on my real friends at Rockstars and The Cradle...So Take Care everyone! Keep Rockin' \m/[/b][b] Life Rocks! =)[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[quote=Hoshigaki]thanks for this.. Please Make This Sticky..I love it.. :D[/quote] Thanks for reading, really appreciated. :D [quote=lucknskill]We can sticky many threads like this but it won't change the fact that we can't please everyone. I appreciate your effort so so much.. and i hope there will be lesser feuds with what you've said. ^^ I really feel sad with what's happening.. It's the mods who are making a big fuss.[/quote] I'm so sorry sir. I know what's happening now, I just can't seem to do anything since I'm one of the youngest members here. All I can do is just remind everyone that we;re a family, and we [b]gotta start acting like one.[/b] [quote=meng.o3]:arrow: Reminder: Refrain from directing hate to others. I just can't get why private things be let out in the public. Is this how we are now? Although some people may say that 'They are just members' I do believe that everyone here is not 'JUST a member' every individual can help maintain peace in this site if we just start to discipline ourselves. It's sad to think that quoting manong bob's post It's the mods who are making a big fuss. I don't think we need to be that rude, or make people intimidated. Yes, we mods, some of us are strict. But why resort to 'under-the-belt' and super duper humiliation? and even have "resbaks"? Hate me if you want, but I'm just sick of the attitudes of the people who doesn't even know how to deal with their crappy lives and direct it to this forum. To rule-breakers: Don't even try to underestimate and test the capabilities of the moderators. To moderators: It's not bad being strict/rude/whatever bad image. We just have to know our limits.[/quote] Of course I don't hate you at all Sis Meng. :D Thanks for reading Sis Meng, very appreciated. And I agree with you 100%! :thumbsup: [quote=Angeli_7]Nice thread, this forum really needs it....For now i already said my piece and that's it....I won't say anything anymore....I'm focusing more on my real friends at Rockstars and The Cradle...So Take Care everyone! Keep Rockin' \m/ Life Rocks! =)[/quote] Thanks too for reading my thread. You take care too Sis Angeli! [quote=BwizetT]I'm bothered Really, Didn't get a chance to Post on eehjhay topic, and I'm sadden on his last words Farewell...Make this Sticky. thanks for this Reminder.. This is For all of us[/quote] Your Welcome. But it's not me you should be thanking, you should be thanking God for opening my eyes and tell me to do what's right. :) =) @Big bro [u know who u are... :D ] Thanks so much for reading... Love you bro! =) :) :D :kiss: [spoiler]Thanks for the +repu guys, even though I didn't deserve OR expect it.[/spoiler]

Last edited by ♥brains&beauty♥ (2008-06-08 21:16:10)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

Nice thread you got here :thumbsup: Everything is so messed up lately that people are now getting confuse on what's happening with some moderators and some members of ftalk. I would like to say something about this issue. I'm not posting any rants hatred or whatever, I just wanna clear things out. In our lil community problem arises -- and that's alright. But if we don't solve our problem the [i]right[/i] way -- that's where rifts and conflicts exist. We let our hatred and anger the better of us -- that's the fault of most members here. I too may be guilty of that. Instead of ignoring others who keep flaming -- we want to get back at them. And that's just plain wrong. Remember -- two wrongs can't make one right. If you have problems with a particular person or group of people, you tell them directly through PM and not by posting offending remarks in the confession thread or whatsoever -- but here, that's not the case. People prefer to post flames until everything gets out of hand. How can we fix this then? Stop talking about it. If you don't know the real story it's best to keep your opinions to yourself. If you don't have anything good to say, just keep your mouth shut. If you want the story read this. I want to keep this as short as possible. There's no bias reactions here. Just facts. [spoiler] Let's start with Portuniecho. Portuniecho is Fis.Ms' boyfriend. One day they decided to keep their relationship in check and decided to "cool off". But after 1 or 2 days, Fis.Ms suddenly became Eejhay's girlfriend. Portuniecho's friends barge into the matter when they saw that tunie got hurt and posted harsh posts in the confession thread. It's [b]wrong[/b] to meddle in someone else's affair but sometimes when your friend gets hurt you can't just standby and watch. You just feel that you have to do something. And that's what Portuniecho's friends did. After letting out their emotions and hatred, the issue DIED. Eejhay and Portuniecho even patched things up and made up. In short they're okay. So everything was [b]peaceful[/b] again. [i]Well, it was suppose to be peaceful anyway[/i] [/spoiler] part 2 [spoiler] Let's term the two groups involve as "Group A" and "Group B". Well it was suppose to be peaceful but then a moderator let Group A flame and post challenges and debates in the confession thread -- they even coined the term "wakaka" to the moderators and to members they refer to as "wannabe moderators". At first Group B ignored them. But after a few days Group A repeated the "challenge" and keep on flaming. Group B reacted and asked them to stop because the issue died already. BUT the thing is, because Group B "reacted" with Group A's attention seeking remarks, the moderator told them that it's their fault for reacting. And so Group B got mad again at this moderator and the whole situation intensified. [/spoiler] part 3 [spoiler] everyone knows it, it has something to do with emokidd and eejhay. This is just between the TWO OF THEM. I have no right to say what's going on between them because it's their agenda. It has nothing to do with eGroups or whatever so if members would talk about it PLEASE DO NOT INVOLVE EVERYONE -- do not tag people from class-s or people from class-x. Not everyone is involve. This is a personal argument and we don't have anything to do with it so please learn to shut up especially if you don't know the whole story. [/spoiler] Personally, I don't want anything of this to happen. I don't want Sir Eejhay to leave because of all of this. This doesn't feel [i]right[/i] at all. Let's solve this thing. IF YOU'RE a member or a moderator who has problems with a group of people or a certain individual, PM them personally or contact their group leader/founder. TALK TO THEM DIRECTLY instead of talking behind their backs saying she's a bitch or he's acting like God. If you think they're/he's/she's mean, harsh and acts inappropriately - tell that to them/him/her. Mention names and not blind items like " when will THEY ever stop?". Because How would they know if you're not telling them DIRECTLY. If you DON't have anything to do about this matter --meaning you are [b]not[/b] involve in any of this. Keep quiet and pray. If you just want to barge in and flame -- keep quiet and pray BECAUSE your flaming and challenges WON't SOLVE ANYTHING. You're making it WORST :thumbsup:

Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-06-09 07:21:43)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

if u hurt someone i think it juz a humane things to do and say... [b]Im Sorry[/b] for everthing... dont leave everything in thin air coz it will only result to more gap... but if u will say sorry then recant it later on... it will do no good as well... like wat u said it will only worsen the situation... ej was bombarded thru this forum.. he juz deserve an apology thru this medium as well.. dont let us all guess.... be a lil transparent.. and straight...
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

@forsakendoll That is the thing. I even tried to beg harvey to stop it already. But won't even reply me back. He even announced that he's evil etc. And he even said he's not really involve, he was just enjoying to meddle in the issue. First of all, confidentialities deserve to be in private. I understand that you want them to be informed. If we could just understand this, none of this would ever happen. Both corners and sides of this situation went utterly wrong. While we are trying to resolve this, some other people involve is rejoicing as if they are waiting for the other ones to be exiled in this community.

Last edited by eehjhay (2008-06-08 23:35:20)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[b]I'll stop being vague from now on.[/b] I guess you "forsakendoll" feel the need to bring this up again. [spoiler] [quote]Instead of apologizing to Portuniecho for the "betrayal" (well sorta), they called him "pathetic" and "uberly dramatic".[/quote] I apologized to echo right after I (Emphasis on the “I”) told Echo that me and Ej started going out. I (emphasis here again) KNOW that I did have some fault in the situation. If you go back in the confessions thread you can see that Echo was the one who reacted when he saw Ej saying that he missed me. Why the hell should I apologize then ? He was the one who had to bring it up in public. Neither me nor Ej were even hinting that something had happened but Echo had to post. And as for patching things up I haven’t pm’d echo or anything like that simply because someone hacked my ym right after the breakup. That and I have no interest in befriending a person who brings up PERSONAL TOPICS into the public for no reason. [/spoiler] :arrow: I have no problem with saying sorry ... its the person that I'm saying sorry to that I worry about. [quote]ej was bombarded thru this forum.. he juz deserve an apology thru this medium as well.. dont let us all guess.... be a lil transparent.. and straight...[/quote] ^i agree. His rep was mauled in this forum. I don't think he'd like it but he deserves it. :)

Last edited by fis.ms (2008-06-08 23:48:01)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

[b][quote]Reminder: I know this is very long but please give me, a 12 year old boy in search for peace within the forum, a chance. Please bear with me and take in what I have to say, please read and understand. All I want is to try to make a difference.[/quote] [quote]What I am about to post is neither a rant nor a rebuttal to any of the posts above. Rather an honest thoughts and feelings. None of these words have the purpose of a backstabbing anyone. I just want to point out my insights in what's happening here. I do not specify names but I think we all know who they are. It's hard to cover up something obvious and in front of you. If I may have hurt some feelings here then I sincerely apologize.[/quote] Forsakendoll is right. Making a fuss on a public thread does not make anything right. It will only make things worse and unresolved. I believe that a particular mod (Unspecified) is abusing his/her (Unspecified) powers as a mod. He/She is giving a bad example for us all. Even worse he/she posted it in a public thread. Could he/she have not done that in the backstage? This immediately made a controversy leading to other drastic occurrences. Concerned members started to make some statements about the case and he/she started to flame those who commented. That could not have happened if he/she had done that in the backstage. Both of them were mods so they could have settled things backstage,correct? As you can see also mods have made a mistake because they are only human. Those who discriminate the mods have no rights to comment about the mod's lacking or unavailability for the due time. We can neither do anything nor ignore because things like these can't just be buried. What I propose is we all forget on what has happened recently and things in the past. All the flames, spam and everything else. Let us all start a new friendstertalk where everyone can resolve all of their problems. Also, this is the internet for crying out loud. This is not our lives, rather this is our second lives that we need not to pay much physical, mental and moral attention. [quote=eehjhay]First of all, [i]confidentialities deserve to be in private[/i]. I understand that you want them to be informed. If we could just understand this, none of this would ever happen. Both corners and sides of this situation went utterly wrong.[/quote] Exactly. PMing someone is already a form of courtesy because that particular person needs no fuss in any thread rather, to keep things low and far from anyone who can state and comment negative words. Lastly, I just want to keep things easy and understandable I shall mince my words into this small sentence: [quote]Keep all confidential things private. All grudges aside. All hate, flame and spam forgotten. Unsaid feelings, said. Fights, forgiven and most important all wars brought to peace.[/quote] [/b]

Last edited by Deviantangel1995 (2008-06-09 00:33:46)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

First of all, at thread starter, thanks for opening a topic like this. I think this will be the way to patch things up and reconnect the chains that have been broken by some troubles. I mean I have nothing/not involved in any issue that's going on right now in ftalk and I don't wanna bug in. I don't want any trouble. In other words, I am out there. I apologize for I also become mean to my other co-members here. Honestly, I am not that direct person to confront them and tell them what the problem is, instead, I open it all up in the confession thread. I already opened this to some thread here in the under section asking for apology for doing such. Seriously, I know I am not involved but I want to bring some message for the members who have gaps here. I hope u guys would be fine now. Honestly, when I was a noob, I was happy logging in on ftalk because I know this is a happy and united forum. Trully it was. It is a good forum. So far, this is the best forum I have joined. I hope the old ftalk comes back. =| It's nice being here in ftalk.. I love being here. Most of all, this is the place where I felt true belongingness inspite the fact that I haven't met all of the people here face-to-face.
  • » [i]:arrow: [b]To the mods[/b]: If you think this is nonsense, trash it anytime. :D[/i] First of all, I wanna thank you to even bother read my post. I know it sounds cheesy, but I still want to let th

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