• » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

Pages: 112345677

[align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

Huweee~ Happy monthsary Clare. XDD

Last edited by faelnar84 (2008-08-10 00:24:18)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[sup][b]lol . :lol: shocked :O , surprised :o, stunned :| , unexpected :wow: that's my expression's when i saw that message. :lol: for the most awaited after 48 years of waiting fan sign from you posh :lol: finally. thanks for the gipt :redface: weee love it, finally, i saw your face. :lol: the message is pretty sweet, except for the lil kid thingy there :disgust: :lol: but still you are more childish than me :P i have a proof, you're goin now to a childrens party right?. with a balloons, and clown :lol: tiny posh :lol: :lol: :P happy 1 month and more months to come for both of us. :) i love you :kiss: :) :wow: [/b][/sup]

Last edited by portuniecho (2008-08-10 00:42:45)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

congrats......... hahaaha... be happy
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

the reason why i joined Ftalk? really, truly... is because I wanted to be updated always with the layouts created by this ONE person. Mind you I was really taken aback by her designs, they were out of this world, i added her in my multiply account , that's how crazy i am about her works.... that person is ForsakenDoll
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7016/52588774le8.png[/img] [img]http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/7327/ninaxn1.png[/img] [/align] [b]first impression[/b] :arrow: [img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6409/78790048gj6.png[/img] (guess what? she really is ü) [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] we're already friends wayyy before Friendstertalk ü [b]Tell something about him/her[/b] [align=center][img]http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/1751/74249645xz4.png[/img] Hello muh sizley! ily so much. Thanks for being there fo me, listening to my stupid complains about random stuffs no matter how crappy it is haha (esp about love cheee.) Thanks for giving me advices, for treating me lunch in Tokyo Tokyo wahaha... Thanks for sharing me chizmax 'ol teh tym haha For singing to us when we're bored -- everything you do, i really really appreciate it a lot ü Thanks fo bein such a good friend <3 muahx! i love you thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss muccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ♥ [b]GIFT[/b] [spoiler][img]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/6519/sizleyec4.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/align] :arrow: [url=http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/5118/sizleyej2.jpg]bit bigger version[/url] I will just give you a real present when i get to Manila tehee [b]ILY MY one and only SIZLEY ü[/b]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

ily sizleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ur teh first person who greeted me on my bday!.. 12am :o:o i really appreciate that!.. waaaaaaaaaaaaa im being kinda emotional here :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: i am so lucky to have u as my sizley!.. thanks for accepting me as ur friend!.. ily ily ily.. tnx for teh gift!.. wuuuuuuuu :kiss:
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://photos.friendster.com/photos/27/75/73495772/1_650504548l.jpg[/img][/align] [align=center][b]My Pareng Loevly (nina123456)[/b][/align] [b]My first impression to her..[/b]:arrow: [sub]i thought she's quiet/ shy type of girl..(but im damn wrong!!)[/sub] [b]How we bacame friends here in Ftalk..[/b] [sub]sorry but i cant remember!:D haha! joke!..hmm..im doin' some "girl hunting" back then when i spotted her post in one of the threads and i stayed there there for about a couple of minutes just staring her ava and start asking myself.."Is Kyla already a forumer??" then i sent her a friend request and fortunately, my charms worked so perfectly, she accepted my invitation. We exchanged comments, messages in FS until i realized that she and my baby (baby daw oh..) used my comment page as a chatbox so i insist that we better continue the talking in Ym and on that conversation, we started talking crazy stuffs..and the rest is history.[/sub] [b]Say something to her..[/b] [sub][b]LOEVLY NINA is a girl..[/b][/sub] :arrow:[sub] that has the same with the Soul Siren,[b] NINA[/b][/sub] :arrow: [sub] that has a big resemblance with the R&B Princess,[b] [url=http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u186/alone77/heartfeltcover2big.jpg]KYLA[/url][/b][/sub] :arrow:[sub] but sounds like E-Heads' vocalist, [b]ELY BUENDIA[/b][/sub] [sub](dont mind that part^ pare, im just kiddin'..) This girl is more of a sister to me rather than just an online buddy, so anyone who will try to mess up with this girl..im telling you now, BACK OFF or else..:evil:[/sub] [b]My message for her..NONE!!! joke![/b] [sub]To whom it may Concern,(watta heading!)[/sub] [sub]Pareng Loev..SURPRISE!! (just act as if you were surprised! LOL!) uhmm..i dunno what do you have and why i keep on entrusting those personal stuffs to you but THANK YOU so much for allotting enough time to listen on my dramas and dont you know that even your simple thought of sayin' "Pare, you know naman na im just here.." is enough for me to feel at ease coz i know that someone's making me feel that im not alone, and also THANKS A LOT for making me laugh whenever i feel so down (if you only knew, kinakabag ako after talking to you!) and IM SO SORRY if im not always there if you are the one who is in need of a friend but i wanna assure you that even if you cant barely feel my presence, andito lang ako..nakakalat! i know there's a lot of things to catch up but im really tryin' my best to keep in touch..[/sub] [sub]OK, closing remarks na..[/sub] [sub]Pare..stay as crazy, silly, bubbly, pretty, sexy as you are and please do take care of yourself and dont forget to..brush your teeth and wash your face before you go in front of your PC ah?!:lol: haha! joke..i miss you sooooooooo much pare! :D[/sub] [sub][align=right]Respectfully Yours,[/align][/sub] [sub][align=right][b]Craph[/b][/align][/sub] [b]My gift[/b] [sub] i already gave this to her 2 days ago...[/sub] [spoiler][/spoiler] [sub]in addition to my gift, i wanna put an imeem here buT i dunno how but anyways, i wanna dedicate this song to you..[b][url=http://www.imeem.com/fairchild/music/bpWkENUt/eraserheads_pare_ko/]Pare Ko by Eraserheads..[/url][/b][/sub] [b][sub]*time check..it's already 2:14 am Sept o7 'o8 on my clock, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARE!!:D:rose:[/sub][/b]

Last edited by raphael_marcos (2008-10-31 12:14:26)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

wow pare.. that's ur longest post ever in ftalk!.. :wow::wow::wow: and u made that foe me.. :crybaby::crybaby: i really got teary when i read that.. :cry: anyways,, pare can you.... translate it? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: just kidding.. ily pare!.. muahhzz.. :kiss: [quote=raphael_marcos]i sent her a friend request and fortunately, my charms worked so perfectly,[/quote] i LOL'd bwahahahaha.. [quote=raphael_marcos]LOEVLY NINA is a girl.. :arrow: that has the same with the Soul Siren, NINA :arrow: that has a big resemblance with the R&B Princess, KYLA :arrow: [b]but sounds like E-Heads' vocalist, ELY BUENDIA[/b][/quote] bwahahahaha :lol::lol: PARE.. hahahaha.. [i]ok na sana e.. biglang naiba dun sa pangatlo[/i] :lol::lol::lol: [quote=raphael_marcos]supposedly, im going to put my son's name on my forearm but she suddenly popped up on my mind and i remembered that i made a promise to her that im going to make her a fansign (coz im a big fan of her..)and thank God i didn't forgot it or else, i might be killed by her..:lol:[/quote] [i]mas pinili ako kesa sa anak nya [/i] :lol::lol: :penguin: u can put ur son's name on ur forehead though! :lol::lol::lol: ilyyyyyyyy PARE.. im really thankful that i knew u!.. ur really one of a kind.. :kiss: stay true and sweet pare.. i really liek u for being so honest and straight person!..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b][u]AT FORSAKENDOLL:[/u][/b] That's kinda nice graphics you got.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

^awww.. tijes. u're really, really makes me speechless :| hahahaha.. ah yah, sorry for the leaving without permission.. haha, yeah my bad, poor connection here.. ( hufh, never been happened if i didnt get stupid boot ) lol. :wasted: :lol: ehm, why u gave me that stupid feeling's? hahaha.. cge-cge beybi.. thanks for all. i'd really love n miss ya much. :wow: :lol: :P hahaha, not joke ;) happy monthsary for us :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center] [b] WEW :D This is my First time to post a Message for someone here :D I'm saving it for someone special. I guess this is teh right time :D [quote][color=red]/[u]![/u]\[/color] PLS TURN YOUR Ftalk THEMES INTO [u]CELLFUSE[/u] :lol:[/quote] This Message is for [color=green]my boo[/color]- [color=red]Portuniecho[/color] [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/1zozsyd.jpg[/img] [color=red]My GIFT :gift: [/color] [/b] [/align] [align=center][spoiler][flash=410x110]http://media.imeem.com/m/iOJi5yNwL4/aus=false/[/flash] [hr][hr][hr] [b]I sang this song and recorded it but i didn't found my classmate who had a MMC reader. Im having a hard time coz mine is micro MMC. grrr.. So for now, be contented with her voice :lol: Sowee boo.. Hope you like it. This is an old song but the meaning of the lyrics tells a lot. :D [/b][/spoiler] [/align] [align=center] [img]http://i33.tinypic.com/2d1216w.gif[/img][/align]

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-09-25 03:19:08)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[sub][b]I'm Speechless :lol: [/b][/sub] [spoiler][sup][b]Oh My God. I was shocked. :crybaby: Thanks boo for your wonderful gifts for me, Didnt expect this, I thought you will make me a Layout, :lol: I'm afraid to play the music. [i]baka tumulo luha ku e[/i] :lol: while playing the music. I liked the music dont worry, I will just think that you're the one who is singing that song :wow: :wow: The message is very touching. =( Makes me want to back the old times :lol: :lol: Thank You for the gift boo. Now you made my birthday so special and I'm really really happy now :wow: :wow: I love you boo, And I'm happy that you're my besfriend. I really really liked it. :wow: :wow: Thank You So much. [/b][/sup][/spoiler] [sub][b]For the others.[/b][/sub] [sub][b]Thank You to all who greeted me, Even if were not that close. But still you greeted me a very warm birthday greetings. I will treasure all your greetings and gifts guys for me, I love FTalk Fam. Thank You guys. May God Bless You All. Sorry if its this message is too short for you guys, If only you would know how much I'm happy I am with all your greetings for me. God. I'm really really happy. :D Once Again, Thank You, [/b][/sub] [sub][b] Thank You eGroups :wow: , Thank you FriendsterTalk :wow: . And Thank You Class-S Family :wow: Peace Y'all[/b][/sub]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][b]My First Ever post here (: -- Here comes the Dramatic Lines. X3[/b] [quote][b]REMEMBER[/b] : Please don't bother to read. I told you its boring full of crap. You can now [b]exit[/b] or press [b]ALT + F4[/b] it'll better. Nevermind those things. Its not that important. Okay-- ThankYou. I don't like copying of gifts just to impress people. If you copy this. Well-- IHATEYOU. =| Remember : I'll die for mii kapz. :P NO one can ever steal her from meh :wow:[/quote] This is por mii [url=http://theftalk.com/p=gemandi][b]kapz AKA gemandi[/b][/url] [img]http://i34.tinypic.com/162law.png[/img] [b]NOW for the gift? (:[/b] [spoiler]Kapz, i'll just give you the fansign and the gift in YahooMessenger. I feel a bit shy. :/ HAAHA. Hope you like it. <3 Hugs and Kisses for mii Kapz. :kiss: Don't ever change (: ILABYEE for sure. :P OKAY lastly- behave =\[/spoiler][/align]

Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-11-01 01:49:25)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

i saw lots of special message cute special message! ill send one special message to someone special err! :rolleyes: she's secret for n0w! i like her... wanna thank her for being so nice to me & for being a good friend to me! ;) u kn0w hu u are! :D :kiss: :rose:

Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-10-26 04:20:31)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b][align=center]I just wanna greet a special person to me and other members too This is my first post here..haha This is for: [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/293hvdj.jpg[/img] [quote]The Gift: I'll just post it somewhere or pm it to you.[/quote] [/align][/b] [align=center][b][i]Hanzil[/i] if someone hurts you,me and trixx will defend you..haha OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU!![/b][/align]

Last edited by bheszt_09 (2008-10-28 00:36:15)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

I think I should have my thank you'ssss. - - - Especially to the two who posted their greeting /slash/ messages /slash/ heart warming lies and unbelievable descriptions here. lol I really appreciate Trixx's gift. Aww, i got teary-eyed. =( You're doing great in gfx ahh? Say thanks to me. =D You've got the cutest gift, Kapz. :lol: Good thing, you behaved while i'm not around. =| Thanks also to the poster above me, dria. You guys keep saying that I'm snobbish, hell no! - - no doubt. |?|=D Again, thank you to all who have their "Happy Birthday, more bdays to come, wish you all the best" greetings. Haha. Ilaughyou ALL! =D - - - NOTE : this thread seems to be ''My message to a Birthday Celebrity/Celebrant''. :lol: :penguin:

Last edited by gemandi (2008-11-02 06:38:53)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center]I just want to greet a member that for now is the most special member for me :wow:[/align] [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/2jbky9j.jpg[/img] [quote][b]Last Message[/b] Being with him is like a rollercoaster, :lol:, sometimes it makes happy and sometimes it makes me worried, haha, but still, it's special for me. It has been a month, and I'm looking foward to February 11. :lol: Love you always. :kiss:[/quote]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][color=red] [b]I just wana say.... you're special :wow: mod daLe :wow:[/b] [/color] [img]http://i43.tinypic.com/35k8ljm.jpg[/img][/align]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

I just wana say.... you're special Mz Xiru ;)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

Aw. there's no picturee. [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/dlmftc.png[/img]
  • » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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