• » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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[align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b]xxBUBBLIExx / Chaw / JC . <3 [/b] [b]First impression.[/b] A cool girl with a great points of view in life. (proven wrong.) :lol3: I thought of her as friendly since she post a lot! She's a spammer before by the way :lol3: JK. [b]How did we became friends?[/b] Well. I met her on the literature section. She made a story, I read it and replied. She still don't know me that time. Uhg. I really don't know. She kept on saying that I am nice and I did the same, but we never really had the chance to talk to each other longer til I joined MMP. OMGSHHH!! She's insane! :lol3: Like Faith, we became close because of the CC! <3 (Yhet reminiscin') She laughs so hard like she'll die tomorrow. Idk. I usually don't talk to people if they're younger than me. But she's just, just.. You are the only exemption *Song plays* Lolers. :lol3: [b]About her.[/b] *She laughs even though nothing is funny. *She laughs at not-so-funny jokes. *She laughs a lot. *She accepts me. *She knows I always need the toilet bowl and still loves me :lol3: *She knows how to stand her decision. *She knows when to stop. *But, she's a bitch sometimes. *She's a real friend (so true.) *She can understand that you can't understand without you being offended. *She hate older guys except Jep. :lol3: [b] MSG[/b] Fck you. <3 But you know how much Yhet loves you. Right? I treasure you so much that I could actually trade my favorite shrimp just to see you. OMGGGG!! I love you and please don't change. Oh, I trust you so don't break my heart. :lol3: LOL! Na-ah. Seriously, I hope we could be friends til FOREVER!! <:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i35.tinypic.com/2ilbsk1.jpg[/img][/align] [b]Eizness/Eiz/ Eljhoy/ Baby Eiz[/b] [b]First Impression?[/b] hmm. Let me recall our first encounter. Well, I met her in TS. She`s new then I guess. The I thought she belongs to the group of a brat girls. But you see, I was wrong. [b]How did we became friends?[/b] Obviously, we belong to the same eGroup. We talked inside The Scandalers thread. We became textmate. And eventually Mommy-Baby tandem. ahaha. [b]About her?[/b] Well, all I know about her is that she`s very kind, outspoken person. She`s smart. She`s sweet. She`s caring. She`s thoughtful. She loves to write. And of course she`s my baby. [b]Message:[/b] Baby Happy Birthday!! You`re 18 now. You`re allowed to have a boyfriend now. Ahaha. Kidding aside, you know that I`m always here for you. I guess we are bound to become friends in real life or in cyber world. We have almost the same personality. Thank you because I met you here. You know that even we are only online friend I always treat you as one of my REAL LIFE FRIEND. And if you need me just text me and I`ll try to respond your message. And always remember that God is always with you no matter what. Remember what I`ve told you before? What ever happens to you have a reasons. And those reasons only God knows. And I`m always ready to help, guide, and pray for you. You know that I love you. Again Happy Birthday. [pardon my English :P]

Last edited by eizarg (2010-08-13 13:07:52)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

YHETTT [spoiler][img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_l73h6jOnOS1qcqkglo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1281809962&Signature=9CLf0vHUJhm3n06%2FHvOdIsTPYoU%3D[/img][/spoiler] What's your first impression of that member? I was like "Ugh" when I saw her friendster profile. Because her profile is tweaked, and I'm more on the simple type. I thought she's malandi because her shout out that time is 'i love you starry boy', but when I became close to her, omg,[b] she really is[/b]! :lol3: justK. :lol3: How did you become friends in ftalk? She was one of the authors of the Lit section. So I checked her out. And then she replied to my thread. I looked at her friendster and added her. Then we talked. She first called me bubblie (coz that's the name I was giving, and I don't want to be called chaw so...) She told me I should call her t3hy. lol. I kinda irked for a moment knowing the fact that she likes 'unusual characters' or what they call it now; jejemon. hahaha. then after some time, we were reunited. SHe told me I should work for UNO. I was like,"what? I don't even know where their company is." Hahaha. then I told her to join MMP. then we began doing CCs. :] Tell something about him/her She's so thick. Hmp. Thinking she's the only goddess-like girl in the group. :/ HAHAHA. jk. Her appeal is so strong that other races are already attracted to her. You know when you're a goddess when you have light in you. And opposite attracts. She's also small like me. :lol3: She laughs like a vibrator *fact*. She loves older guys and [s]dreadcloud[/s]riko. She has kept a lot of things under her sleeve. She can be random at times, lol. She falls head over heels for francis. And he's like 8 years older than her. Not saying that I don't support your love but, I'd rather choose [s]dreadcloud[/s]riko for you. XD I don't even know why I talk to her. I mean she's way too old for me to talk to. :xixi: She has a lot of boys. I'm pretty sure she has big eyebags like me. And she does use a sprayer whenever she excretes MSG; ILY girl. I'm hoping to see you soon. lol. I missed my chance last year. I should have seen you in Phil. but anyway, we're both here now. @-) Please don't make your appeal to high, you know what could happen. I'm a true friend. I'll be there to tell your charcoal suitors that you are ugly. okay? Hahahaha. And btw, forget the shrimp coz I'm allergic to it. :lol3: PS. Don't fall to hard for this message. this ain't sweet. So make sure your butt is closed. XD

Last edited by xxBUBBLiExx (2010-08-13 14:22:25)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj14/lorenz_k/11862_103135926375036_100000358867645_74134_781737_n.jpg[/img] Brye Kristof // Brye // Friendship Brye What's your first impression of that member? At first I cannot read his username.  He’s addicted to ftalk coz rank is super talker that day. I’m kinda shy, I don’t know he will approach me. But I’m wrong, he’s super friendly nice. He knows about my condition. How did you become friends in ftalk? We become friends at the FTALK CBox. After that we get closer and closer friends. Tell something about him/her Thank you for being a good friend. You understand what my condition is. Like you said we can be sisters. Love lots, Friendship.. My gift: [spoiler][img]http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj14/lorenz_k/anigif.gif[/img][/spoiler] [/align]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

This is for Dess, Odessa, Odeng, BF. [b]*u*[/b] Happy Happy Happy Gorgeous Eighteen, BF! (: Uhmmm. :"> I love you to death, I love you, I love every single thing about you. I love your hair, your face, how you make me laugh, your voice, your attitude, your intelligence, your common sense, your eyes, your body, how you share your opinions with me, how you tell me gossips, how you tease me on tinychat, your innocence, and everything that you actually do. (: But of course, this isn't my real gift, this is just part of the gift. lol :] K, I love you BF. Be happy in your birthday, K? I miss you, a lot. <3
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i38.tinypic.com/124y9ee.jpg[/img] [b]James Salcedo Hernando; Bf :3 [b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b] - He's snob. Mayabang. Chooses his friends. Sensitive. But he is really a hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot guy. [color=red]♥[/color] And everything that I said.. I mean what I typed is very wrong. Except for that he is really a hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot guy. [color=red]♥[/color] [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] - It was the 9th of June. And, at the Chatbox, some of the members and I we're planning to have an eyeball. Then, he posted that when, where will the eyeball will happen. Then, there. We had the callname; Bf and gf. [color=red]♥[/color] Then, we exchanged numbers. We met personally at the 12th of June. Then, still. Up to this day. We have this communication. Same as before. (: [b]Tell something about him.[/b] - He is so sweet. Really sweet. He's always concerned with you. And he's a dream guy of all girls out there. [color=red]♥[/color] He's a strong person. And do love a girl with his whole hypothalamus. He gives so much effort just to make his girl happy. And I really don`t want him to hear or see to cry. 'Cause, his pogi points will be lost. ): And he's a jolly person. He's a close friend. He knows my life and I know his life. I trust him. We have some things in common in reality. And that would be something.. ASDSF<DSFMS<. P: And I do love him. [color=red]♥[/color] [b]Message:[/b] Bf, james. Happy birthday. I know, i`m so late that almost everyone had greeted you. But, it doesn`t matter who's the first one to greet you happy birthday. It matters to the point that I greeted you, right? I really want this message to be long. Like as what you told me when you called me up. Then, here is it. A very long message for your birthday. I really want you to wish happy birthday. I wish you`ll be happy with your life. More happy moments, less sad moments. Because, I don`t want you to cry. Your pogi points will be away kasi. [color=red]♥[/color] And, whenever I hear you cry, I also start up crying like last week. When you called me up. Uh, please don`t change. I love the way you are when you`re sixteen. And I wish you`ll be the same for the upcoming years. Please accept the fact that you`re handsome, you have the muscles, you have the name in Ftalk, [i](but I don`t befriend you because of that)[/i] you have everything that a girl needs. And I know you've been giving your best to your girl. Just do it the best way you can. Don`t ever ever say to me that you`re ugly. Because, you know it hurts? <'3. In any kind of view, front view, back view, side view. I`m here to love you. [color=red]♥[/color] Okay. I`m so getting crazy. Always remember that eventhough I have all the wrinkles, white hair, saggy face, a hunchback. I`ll still be here for you. i know I maybe telling this just because I want to say something to your birthday that i`m just making up lines. But, it'll be the truth. And, oh. I just want you to realize that you are something worth to me. (: I ran out of words to say now. All I have to say is that, you take good care of youself or else, when I fly there to Bataan, and see you thin. No more maskels. I don`t know what to do with you. Haha. Okay. I wish you`re okay now. Be happy with your life, good looking man. I love you. [color=red]♥[/color] Bf, I forgot. Haha. Is teddy still with you? When a time will come that we`ll meet again. Bring him. (: Let's exchange teddies. [color=red]♥[/color] Then, spray it with your perfume. Oh my. That would be a drug for me. [color=red]♥[/color] Oh, then the next time we meet again. Let's change out teddies again. Hahaha. - Xstel. [color=hotpink]♥[/color][/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs184.snc4/37531_1152254142377_1708371447_298881_6287257_n.jpg[/img] [size=4][b]Jeduthun Managaytay[/size][/b][/align] ▬ [i]What's your first impression of that member?[/i] [quote]★ Well at first, I thought she was a boy. :lol3: It was because of the username, hello. Then I thought she was a snob. I also thought she was addicted to anime because usually, her avatars are from animes. :lol3: I also thought she lived in Philippines, but I found it impossible cause her english makes me nosebleed everytime I see her posts. And yeah, I thought her real name was Hayley. :3[/quote] ▬ [i]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/i] [quote]★ I don't remember exactly how but, I remember it was in the crush thread. :lol3: So yeah, then after that we chatted & chatted in ym until we got really close. I used to call her [u]maguwang[/u] but I figured out it was so tiring to type so I just called her [u]ate[/u]. But yeah, we are really close, until now. :3[/quote] ▬ [i]Tell something about him/her[/i] [quote]★ [u]Jeduthun[/u] is one of a kind. She knows all of my secrets, and I think I know all of her secrets too. She lives in USA, and that's cool yo. xD She is the kind of girl who never fails to make you laugh. XD She always gives me advice, good advice if I have problems(all kinds of problems, love, family, etc.) I am really thankful that I met someone like her. I mean, we have a lot of things in common. I am glad that we always talk, as in almost everyday. But I am looking forward to meet her so she can meet JO too. xD I never regret being fc to her because she makes me smile, everyday. She has this tablet pc that I'm very jealous of. Hmpf. Anyways, I love her and no one can steal her from me(except higawa ofc) :lol3: She's like a family to me. ♥ And I wish she was really my older sister. So I could tease someone about Lady Gaga. Jk. I love her.[/quote] ▬ [i]Message[/i] [quote]★ Hm. I love you Ate. :* Lalala, when you arrive here, tell me okay? So I can prepare money for our strabucks. With ate Ali. :3 Haha. Srsly. I hope you stay the same. Take care & God bless. I love youuuuu. ♥[/quote]

Last edited by Bridget (2010-08-27 09:24:04)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b]James Puge Hernando. [align=center][img]http://i34.tinypic.com/2u8z4gz.jpg[/img] [/align] [/b] [align=center][b]First impression[/b][/align] A total snob, sonofabitch omgg. I wanna kill him the first time I saw him. He locked all my thread in the new member section. Well yea, I have to admit he caught my eyes the first time I saw him. :xixi: but hey, now that I met him already, K no comment. Loljk. :lol3: [align=center][b]How. Yeah, how?[/b][/align] So I joined MMP, PM`ed him like! "wtf you're so handsome" well, k, that was a joke :lol3: I asked him when will he accept my love for him, I mean, when will he accept me to be a part of the MMP. .. .. .. After 1month he accepted me!!! OMGGG James, never thought it was that hard!! Confession: I hated you for a while for that :xixi: [align=center][b]Something about him[/b][/align] He sucks if you don't know him! Talk to me and I'll prove you wrong, you shts! Stop telling craps about him, I bet my life to tell you guys it's not true. He is fun to be with like yeah, bigtime! I could actually spend like forever talking to him. He's a nonsense guy with sense, lol and well he eats a lot, I swear!! Well, he is strict, I know, but he knows his limitations, he knows what to tell, he knows how to end it and he knows when and where to start. You might see him bitching with people, well I can say they deserve that. James Hernando, ogod. He's someone every girl would ask for, for some reasons he loves me, and I totally love him back. <33 [align=center][b]Message.[/b][/align] Well yes James, I love you! And I'm really glad you forced me to go to the EB, in that case, our friendship became deeper, I s'pose. (: I met a guy who's so close to perfection yet still down to earth. I met a real person, a real guy and a real man. (: And James, I know you remember how shit I am before! We've got arguements and even hated each other for a while yet you're still here accepting and loving me. I want you to be my friend for like, forever. Could we? <33 I can't think of anything else to say but THANK YOU. (: Thank you for making MMP, I found great friends there. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for being there. Thank you for not leaving me behind. Thank you for talking to me, for the laughs and maturity we shared. The moments that will last a lifetime. The iced tea ;p the friends ship. Okay? Read this whenever you are down. Hey fafs, keep smiling. Lovesloves. <33

Last edited by yh3t (2010-08-28 19:12:34)

  • » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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