• » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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[align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i43.tinypic.com/dc7bcl.jpg[/img] [font=Century Gothic][size=3]Iana Mira/iana27/Yans/[b]"Bitch"[/b][/size] [quote][b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b] [img]http://sl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1177/1177968a1tezkojxa.gif[/img] I have a bad memory, and I can't remember a thing. So don't force me. :disgust: Lol :lol3: Ofcourse I thought she won't snob others, because she's not so snob at all. She's Friendly y'know.And also, she's like, uhh, can't spell :lol3: there's something in her that would make you feel that you're not alone, something like that. =3 For short, first impressions, Friendly and the one you can talk to. :lick:[/quote] [quote][b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] [img]http://sl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1177/1177968a1tezkojxa.gif[/img] Well, there's a thread where I first met her. Somewhere in the Fun Corner. She's attractive, and appealing. :eh: But hell yeah, we're not yet friends. XD We use to talk when I joined MMP. We shared e-adds, then in YM, we had this chat, with webcam, she's so pretty. :lick: And then there is this Facebook, a lot more of communications. :lol:[/quote] [quote][b]Tell something about her[/b] [img]http://sl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1177/1177968a1tezkojxa.gif[/img] (Oh my mind is getting active again by this) :lol3: She's Lovely, she had these gorgeous eyes, and thin lips. She likes this guy [spoiler][img]http://i44.tinypic.com/15pia6r.png[/img][/spoiler] she wants me to tell this guy that she likes him,and that was a couple of months ago.:d Iana is also lovable, and I do love her BANGS.;) She had this mood swings. XD and when I called her, I was like, "woah, is this Iana?" it turns out that I loved her voice a lot. And I'm gotta get her voice. Lol. :xixi: and when you're close enough, she'll love you for reals. [img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img][/quote] [quote][b]Message[/b] [img]http://sl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1177/1177968a1tezkojxa.gif[/img] Uhh, Hello Iana, ma Bitch, I wanna thank you for everything,like EVERYTHING you have done to me. Although you're my [b]cyber friend[/b], I had treated you like one of my [b]TRUE FRIENDS[/b]. Hope for you to stay pretty and get your own prince charming. :xixi: You're a wild one. :P Don't you ever change,huh? [color=red]H[/color][color=orange]A[/color][color=yellow]P[/color][color=green]P[/color][color=blue]Y[/color] [color=violet]B[/color][color=red]I[/color][color=orange]R[/color][color=yellow]T[/color][color=green]H[/color][color=blue]D[/color][color=violet]A[/color][color=red]Y[/color]. More birthdays to come, eh? :eh: This supah message is gonna kill me with all of these English. :lick: But that's okay. Anyways, I Love You Yans. :blush: And Imissyou. :cry:[/quote] [quote][b]Gift[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i41.tinypic.com/2yni51w.png[/img][/spoiler][/quote] [/font][/align]

Last edited by maricella (2010-05-03 03:54:19)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i43.tinypic.com/dc7bcl.jpg[/img][/align] [size=4]Iana Vi Mira / Yans <3[/size] [hr][hr][hr] Happy Birthday, Yans! (: I love you very very very much. :lol3: Though we don't talk that often, you know, you're still special to me. All of you are special to me. Whatever happens, I'm always here. :lol3: K? HAHA! Happy Birthday again! :* [hr][hr][hr] ** [b]Paw[/b] ;]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs230.snc1/7720_1096498183680_1563380180_30217085_2676577_n.jpg[/img] [size=5]Chaii/Cheng/SCM[/size] [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] Shes Ignorant. Seriously, i think shes like others there XDD :lol3: [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] We became friends because of Fangirling in TVXQ, she loves Shim Changmin and I love Kim JaeJoong. Then we became close, because we both know Eney. So, we form a group SCM2MJJ. :eh2: [b]Tell something about Her:[/b] Shes ANIMU ADDICT. Like Me, and we always have same interests, We both love OHSHC and Vampire Knight. Shes super makulit sometimes, and hyper too. She love me so much, and i love her so much too!~ Shes the kindest person you know. And one thing, Photoshop Addict XD :lol3: [b]Message to Her:[/b] Cheng-unnie,[b]HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!![/b] sorry for this late message, but i greet you in FB right? You know how much i love you. Imma kill the ones who hurt you. You know it XDD :lol2: I hope you will be hyper in Plurk again, like SCM2MJJ hyperness,Beloved BFF <3 Thanks for everything Cheng. Saranghaeyo. :wow2::wow2::wow2::wow2: [b]Jeng.[/b] :lol3: [b]Gift:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/qnl4dc.png[/img][/spoiler] [i]Gomen for teh gift T.T[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs460.ash1/25312_376587479197_796119197_3563104_1752045_n.jpg[/img] [size=5]Eney/Neng/M2M[/size] [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] Shes mean. Mataray. LOLS, :lol3: Im afraid of her before. [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] We became friends in FTP, we known each other. Then, i add her FS, we comment/chat. She used to call me Ailabyu before. [b]Tell something about Her:[/b] Shes so mean. Joke. Shes makulet, and obsessed to Micky. She will hunt anyone who steal him XDD :lol3: Shes the person who always have a favor to update her plurk. Haha <3 [b]Message to Her:[/b] Neng-unnie, you know how much i love you,forget about being friends XDD No. Miss yah so much. Your one of my beloved bffs you know. And You should know. Saranghae . :wow2::wow2::wow2::wow2: [b]Jeng[/b]. :lol3: [hr][hr] [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs460.snc3/26308_105397289483955_100000410524731_131962_2912057_n.jpg[/img] [size=5]Cha|Marga/Punda/Cha-sama [/size] Her heart is belong to a storm guardianXD [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] Shes stealer. Shes stealing my Ryuu! Lols. [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] We love Ryuu, so were complaining to each other who is the right girl for Ryuu XD Then, i add her YM, we have a chitchat. Before i know TVXQ, ive known Kim Jeong Hoon first, so were callnames is Kim before. [b]Tell something about Her:[/b] She have alot of friends, i didnt know that Cheng is also her friend. Shes makulet, and KHR / Hayato Addict. Even G she loves. XDD She love her friends alot. [b]Message to Her:[/b] Hey. Cha-sama, you know how much ilove you, imma kill you if you dont know :lol3: You know your so nakakaloka <3 I hope you didnt change. You know if you change, and i hope you have a cute/adorable twins, i know, the one is red XDD Aishiteru, sama :wow2::wow2::wow2::wow2: [b]Aila-sama/Punda-sama[/b]. :lol3:[/align]

Last edited by cutest08 (2010-05-10 02:32:20)

» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i44.tinypic.com/fdam9i.jpg[/img] [color=#ffccff][size=7][font=Trebuchet MS]CHAii[/font] [/size][/color] [size=5]Cheng / SCM[/size][/align] Not a long time ago, I posted something for her here. So I guess I won't be needing to do the same thing all over again. But if I have to say something about her in one sentence, I'd say.. She is uhmm. Uhmm. Can you just forget what I said? :lol3: I can't say something about her..I don't know. She's great and I love her. Maybe because I can't say something about her anymore because I've already accepted what she is. rofl. Like there is something wrong about her. :lol3: Gaaah. Those two (Cheng and Jeng) will understand this. I'm sure of it. (((: Message. Uhm. I am not gonna make this long and emoCHENGnal. :eh: I'm gonna make this simple and short. :xixi: You know how much I care about you. You also know that I am willing to do everything just for you two. I love you and I miss you so much. I miss our bondings at Plurk. The way we go hyper at Plurk and FB. Yeah, those were the days you were still 'starstruck' with K-Pop. lol But, not because you have already lost it we're not friends anymore. [i]May ganon?[/i] :lol3: Our friendship, SCM2MJJ will never last. I'll be your Neng and you'll be my Cheng. If only a girl-girl marriage was allowed, I would marry you in the future. :lol3::lol3: Okay, enough said. Jeng might get jealous. :lol3: Anyway, [color=red][size=5][b]Happy Happy Happy Happy 16th Birthday Cheng! Iloveyouuu:)[/b][/size][/color] And for the gift, this is the one that I was talking about. Yeah. Spare with me this time. I am not a PS master unlike you. :music: Hope you like it! :peek: [spoiler][url=http://i40.tinypic.com/w0iao4.png]Click[/url][/spoiler]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[size=6][b]Chaw, Nix && Odessa[/b][/size] [hr][hr][hr] » What iz Your first [b]Impression[/b] to zem? [: Well, lez see. [i]Chaw[/i], uh. I thought she was a total snob, and, I thought she was older than me. :lol3: K, I am not gonna give any more dezcription about her. I've made enough, just browse the pages. [b]:[/b][b])))[/b] And I'm tired making the same ol' words. For [i]Nix[/i]. I knew she was kind, she was friends with Chaw, so. :lol3: For [i]Dess[/i], uh. I was shy to be friends with her back then. She was like, registered in the year 2007 and she knows a lot of FT members. I feel so left out so I joined [b]FU[/b]. Friendstertalk University was like, ze most discussed E-group before. Having a lot of members, you know. And, who doesn't know ze Famous LordHeinz? :lol3: K, anyway. I got to know more about Dess that time. (: She was pretty, outgoing and oh, [b]Curly[/b]. :lol3: I've always loved her curly hair. :lol3: lolwut. [b]:[/b][b])))[/b] [hr][hr][hr] » How the Hell did you become Friends? Uh, I always think zat Ftalk really connected us. :lol3: I met chaw on a [b]XatBox[/b], on Tambayan room two. :lol3: Nix, when she joined our very own [i]Super Fockers[/i]. And Dess, on Friendstertalk University. [b]:[/b][b])[/b] [hr][hr][hr] » Can you tell [b]something[/b] about zem? Yes, I can. [b]:][/b] Chaw, she's ze serious type. Especially when it comes to study. :[b]B[/b] She's smart, really smart that's why when it comes to giving Ideas, she's always the one I run to. She's [b]small[/b], like a dwarf. lol jk :lol3: She's also Photogenic, can't you see? Thanks to her, all of her real life classmates are added on my Facebook. Like, seriously. :lol3: And, thanks to her. I met her bestfriend, Erikaaaa, whom I really love. :[b]3[/b] For Nix. Uh, uh? Hahaha. I'm losing Ideas. :lol3: She's just too gorgeous and smexy and perfect. lolwut? :[b])))[/b] No, I was obviously kidding. Haha! Nix, she is really funneh. She's like a total clown. She loves to curse, like super curse. [b]@*$%@![/b] I love sharing to her. Because she give awesome responses, and she'll even curse you. Funny how we got so close. :lol3: Dess, she's practically a babe. She's mostly sweet, and you'll really feel that you've got a friend. She has this awesome side of her which can make you smile even if you're so fucked up from all the stress and problem ze world gives you. Like seriously. :lol3: She's pretty, just a bit prettier inside. You know. :lol3: She's hysterical at times. And, and, oh. [: [hr][hr][hr] » Any message to Zem? K, I love ze three of you like Seriously. Without you guys, I should've been a Nun. So thank you, I learned how to curse, too. :lol3: You know, even ze three of you are not mostly Online at the same time, I'm glad that there's still someone I could switch in talking. Wtf :lol3: I mean, I'm glad zat for example, if one is not online, there's two. And if two isn't online, there's three. :lol3: I'm glad that there's the three of you. \:[b]D[/b]/ I love you, guys. You three will always be the most special members to me. :[b]***[/b] [hr][hr][hr] Gifts;; [spoiler][img]http://i44.tinypic.com/2r7wnbc.jpg[/img] [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/jueip2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/20qx4o.png[/img][/spoiler]

Last edited by MiNEKOARCH (2010-05-10 11:16:42)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[quote=eney0715;#3575293;1273478338]Okay, enough said. Jeng might get jealous.[/quote] Its Okay. Now SCM2MJJ is last. LOLXDDD Forever SCM2MJJ <3333~ [b]T: Post 265[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

To ayieeeen, hi :)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b][size=5]Allen // Pogi // allendchaha[/b][/size] [spoiler][img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs608.snc3/32014_125615710784374_100000078361127_330865_6345901_n.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [b][color=skyblue]What was your first impression to [size=5]Allen[/size]?[/b][/color] [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] At first I thought he was a [u]playboy[/u]. :lol3: No, seriously. 'Cause he was pogi and everything like that, so I thought he was a playboy. And oh, I thought he was a snob. Gravee. Because when I say 'hi' to him at MMP, he doesn't even give a fvck. :lol3: Sorry pogi but it is true. >< HAHAHA![/quote] [b][color=skyblue]How did you become [size=5]friends[/size]?[/b][/color] [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] We became friends at facebook. When I added him, or was it when he added me. I forgot. Then I think, I wrote on his wall. Saying that he's pogi etc. etc. :lol3: Then, we became closer at MMP. Ever since that day, I would always tease him pogi pogi pogi. :lol3: But it's not just a tease. It's true. :D[/quote] [b][color=skyblue]Tell something about [size=5]him[/size]?[/b][/color] [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] One word: [b][size=3]POGi[/size][/b]. Uhh, just so you know, I'm not lying. He's a nice guy, as far as I can remember, I never heard him curse. Lol. And, he's really hyper at times. :lol3: He makes me laugh when he denies that he's not pogi and stuff. We're not close. Okaaay? :lol3:[/quote] [b][color=skyblue]Message for [size=5]Allen[/size]:[/b][/color] [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] Well, Allen-kun, stay as you are. hehe. Have fun with your effin life. Ilyfrrr. :* Take care always. Don't you leave MMP again ok? :3 Ok, Ilyfr again.[/quote]
Zelle pretty
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][color=violet][size=4][b]Gerlpren / Labb / GF // biancabianx[/size][/b] [b]What's your first impression to Bianca ?[/b] At first I thought she is one of the snobber in cbox :xixi: But when we talk at cbox :wow2: She's very kind, funny and friendly. And I really love her because of her cool attitude. :confident: [b]How did you become friends?[/b] Because of the cbox :lol3: It was very funny. We're just joking that we called each other [u]gerlpren[/u] but when we stopped it, some noticed .. and they asked me, "why?" =3 I didnt expected that :doh: So we call each other gerlpren till I call her Labb :love: ahaha ! But she's like my sister, my older sister :xixi: [b]Tell something about him/her[/b] She's [u]crazy[/u], funny and very friendly. :woohoo: And I can say that she's cbox addict too xD Yay ! :dance: Like me :confident: Wee ~ [b]Message for Bianca:[/b] Hello bianca,labb and gf :xixi: What can I say? ... :wtf2: Lol :lol3: Well, I miss you :um: I hope you'll be more active in MPA because everybody miss you so much especially.. [u]Me[/u] :) I love you and always take care :kiss: Don't worry, I'll always be here for you and if you have problems, just tell me. Well, I dont care if you're older =D I really dont care :lol3: We're still friends. :) And thanks for being my big sister. [i]*huggies and kisses from zelle[/i] :manhug: :kiss:[/color][/align]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i818.photobucket.com/albums/zz103/telayy/15739_105005079510994_1000000450-1.jpg[/img] llyanz lab :love: [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] at first, im scared to talk to her because she looks [i]mataray[/i] and i thought she doesn't talk to strangers. :peek: but then i found out that she's approachable and friendly. :eh: [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] i met her through the chatbox and then we became more close through YM and RS stuffs. :yes2: [b]Tell something about Her:[/b] she's gorgeous. :wow2: she's a model :wow2::wow2: and she's also the [b]lab[/b] of my life. :love: okay, enough of cheesy stuffs. :lol: she's a studious person. :confident: (i envy her determination. :lol3:) i trust her more than my other friends here in real life. =3 she loves me and cream-o. :love: :lol3: [b]Message to Her:[/b] lab, thank you for being a sister to me here in cyber world. i miss our talks and conferences. :( im looking forward to meet you someday. :salute: :lol3: i will always be here. :hug: sorry 'cause i sometimes stalk you in your blog. :lol3: XD [b]Gift:[/b] [spoiler]:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::lol3:[/spoiler] [/align]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][size=5]This is for [b]oniongurl[/b] // Khristin // Tin :D[/size] [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs114.snc3/16146_104548476225660_100000115237142_119080_2068421_n.jpg[/img] What's your first impression of that member? [spoiler]At first, I thought she's snob at first. But I was wrong, I was really the snob. LOL XDD My first impression to also her was she's an Anime Lover and I was right then.[/spoiler] How did you become friends in ftalk? [spoiler]Well, you know. I am the kind of guy who's [i][b]epal[/b][/i]. No, I'm serious so beware of me. :lol3: I PM-ed her last time, because she changed her Avatar. Because you know, I [i]nasanay[/i] that she always uses Anime Avatars like that, but one time she changed it to her real pic. I PM-ed her and told her that bla bla bla. Then, I think she hated me because she though I was saying she's ugly in her picture so that's why she changed it again. So, please sorry. If it offended you, but really that wasn't I'm trying to say. Then last time, sometimes, I used to talk a lot to some members of MPA @ Chatbox. :xixi:[/spoiler] Tell something about him/her! [spoiler]I want to say that keep being good. And don't worry of what you're thinking(the issue? XD) Anyway, don't leave this forum, ok? I love you as a friend![/spoiler] uhh. sorry for my grammars. thank you. trying hard. :lol3: sorry tin for stealing your picture. :xixi:[/align]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i45.tinypic.com/5ecxa0.jpg[/img][/align] [align=center]donnie okazaki [/align] [b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b] [spoiler]Well, at first i thought he's a serious typo guy, which is somehow true. An arcade addictus and anime lover (based on fb pictures and video)[/spoiler] [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] [spoiler]I think everything happens at cbox and we've known each other since the eb thingy. We've been spamming at facebook and ym.[/spoiler] [b]Tell something about him/her![/b] [spoiler]He's a great singer lol, a nice guy and he have a great tons of sense of humor.[/spoiler] [b]Message to Him:[/b] [spoiler]yeah you're right people might change but even if one people change it doesnt mean that friendship is over. Even if we usually misunderstood each other lately, lets just give each other time and understanding. Lets stop being insensitive, just dont compare yourself on my other friends.Everything is equal :) and you might be above them. Well I hope everything will be fine, I miss you :p- lol about the picture, you dont have fb photo thats why i make some way xd[/spoiler]

Last edited by lollipop93 (2010-06-05 09:33:36)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[quote][align=center][b]TROPANG KALYE / MGA KATROPA [/b] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/5plj0h.jpg[/img] What's your first impression of that member? -- I thought few of them were snob. Few because i know some of them na because we`re in the same group before. How did you become friends in ftalk? -- I joined Tropang Kalye. They`re all approachable & friendly so we bacame friends. Tell something about him/her -- Tropang Kalye, a group of sabog, kalog, etc. When its time to be serious, we are serious.(drama?)They are all giving a warm welcome to all the newbies there..haha. i love them. And today, my beloved group, TROPANG KALYE, is celebrating its first birthday. We are family guys. I LOVE YOU MGA KATROPA. Gift. [spoiler]:arrow: [img]http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu316/rEbELiOuZ_gUrL87/Picture019copy-1.jpg[/img] :arrow: [img]http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu316/rEbELiOuZ_gUrL87/Picture018copy.jpg[/img] :arrow: [img]http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu316/rEbELiOuZ_gUrL87/Picture004copy-1.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/align][/quote]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[quote][align=center][size=4][b]TROPANG KALYE // kaTROPA.[/b][/size][/align] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/5plj0h.jpg[/img] [quote][align=center][b]What's your first impression to them?[/b] [spoiler]I thought they`re all snob. :( But after a few days, I realized that I`m wrong.:lol3: They`re not snob. They`re really friendly && approachable. :yes: And yes, they`re really sabog, kalog && adik. :lol3::lol3::lol3:[/spoiler][/align][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] [spoiler]I joined TK. :) Actually at first, I feel being snobbed because I don`t really know all the member.. and they seem really serious and busy ;__; I`ll just post, goodmorning, goodafternoon && goodevening, I`m scared to make sali to what they`re chatting about. :xixi: But after when ate eunice talked to me && welcomed me that`s the time i became more closer with each member. :D I love them for reals , :heart: then I start to post more often, I can really say that they`re all really friendly, or I can say, they were like my family. :thumbsup: I love them for reals. They`re very kalog && adik. Hahahah. I LOVE YOU GUYS! I REALLY DO. :hug:[/spoiler][/align][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]Tell something about them:[/b] [spoiler]They`re so kalog. :lol3::lol3::lol3: . I learned a lot from them. They`re really friendly. And uhmm, basta I love them. Now, I`m speechless. :d Hahaha.[/spoiler][/align][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]Message to them:[/b] [spoiler]Dear mga kaTROPA, Happy Anniversary. YEY! Sana tumagal pa tayo kahit madami ng magka-college, && college na. LOL. SayWhuttt! And ngayon na pasukan na, I hope maging active pa din tayo. ThankYou, kasi kahit na lagi akong umaalis sa TK, tinatanggap niyo pa rin ako. Kay Mae, NanayYish, Ate Jen, Ate Ehra, Ivyness, Ate Kate, Kuya Ben, Ate Meg, Kuya John, && MTM. ThankYou sa inyo for making me happy whenever I`m down or sad. Andmi ko ng nasalihan na group pero dito ko lang sa TK naramdaman na may mga friends ako. Kahit na sabihin na nating sa internet lang yun. I still thank you all for that. From FU to TK to OS to TK to RS to TK. LOL. Andami na diba? hahaha. Pero TK lang talaga yung binabalik balikan ko kasi dun lang talaga ako nakaramdam naparang family ko talaga sila. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Happy Anniversary ulit. Lovelots, xoxochubiie // Xearis.[/align][/spoiler][/quote] [quote][align=center][b]Gift:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i50.tinypic.com/ja9klh.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Sorry for my ugly face.[/align][/quote] [scroll][size=5]I LOVE YOU GUYS. <333333333 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AGAIN. :) [/size][/scroll][/quote]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[quote][align=center][url=http://img88.imageshack.us/i/2s6uh4m.jpg/][img]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1672/2s6uh4m.jpg[/img][/url] [b]What's your first impression of their member?:[/b] [spoiler]Honestly, My first impression of their members are as bad as what you think. Somehow, I felt like I belong to these kind of people. You know, always happy, friendly and optimistic. At first, im kinda hesitating to join their group. I mean, what am I even going to do there? But I followed my instinct and, yet again.. My instinct is right. I knew this people are not as snob as I once thought. I knew they are indeed friendly and uhh, [i]sabog[/i], if that's the right term. And without my knowledge, I found myself having fun in their company.[/spoiler] [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?:[/b] [spoiler]Simple. All thanks to the e-group thingy. ROFLMAO. ^^[/spoiler] [b]Tell something about them:[/b] [spoiler]Hey Tk! Well, just want to let you all know, You guys are the best. ;) Thank you for always making me laugh even for just a short period of time. Im really hoping to know you all guys well, but yeah, school's coming so im going to be kinda inactive nowadays. Neverthless, keep on rocking alright?! :))[/spoiler] [b]Gift:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/3766/jhgl.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [i] Yeah, I know my gift suck. I'll try to make something better later.[/i][/align][/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:O8HADgfy4LsdhM:http://whyevolutionistrue.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/panda.jpg[/img] [b]PAW[/b]nda ; Minekoarch[/align] What's your first impression of that member? I didn't really have my first impression of her here. Like the above post, met her in a random chatbox. I thought she's a flirt /way back dec2007/. Like srsly? Coz like the name she had in that chatbox is full of jejemong characters. XDD Haha. And for those who know the story, glad you knew it. I thought she's really 18. But she sounded like a 10 yr old kid when I first heard her voice /jan2008/. She even got hooked up with so many guys. I was just like, 'woohoo'. K, enough for our stupid past ((: How did you become friends in ftalk? We became friends before the ftalk era. XD But we reunited here since I saw her pic and I was like danxxx! She said, "chawwww!" and that's it. I began to quit going to that insolent chatbox and started talking to her from here to ym. I realized that she's a year older than me. And we're both pretending that we're WAY OLDER than what we really are. Right? Just say yes. ((: I confessed that I'm only this age. And she's like, "REALLYYY? I'm also *this age*!!" And then we became closer when she followed me in MMP. and then we talked about stuffs over the phone. And so on. Tell something about him/her. She's awesome. Her attitude is typical, but once you really became close to her; when I say really close, like to the point that you're already sharing your own opinions and gossips XDD, she's pssh! One heck of a kind. She cusses a lot. And I bet I WAS the influence. I did cuss a lot before but I stopped. Coz it just ain't right *woohoo*. Hahaha. But anyway. Dude she's tall, and I'm short. her eyebags are the same size as mine, I guess. We're both stupid in a very unique way. ((: She laughs and makes fun of me, but I don't. -___- Gift: It's not as wonderful as you think. x.x [spoiler][align=center] I met a girl named Paw She told me she's so tall I dropped my jaw, "oh wow" She laughed and said I looked like a doll. Dude she wears a very long hair But she never tried to comb it I told her you'll look like a mare She mocks, "I don't want to, I quit." I insulted her with my humor Taking no offense, she laughed so hard I was thankful, this wasn't an uproar Then on, I became her cool bodyguard. I Just thought everything's gonna be alright No matter what we do, where we are, how often we argue, I'll be here to bring the rainbow in your every puzzled night.[/align][/spoiler] added; Kaaaay. I'm so gayyyy.

Last edited by xxBUBBLiExx (2010-06-09 02:12:38)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[quote=xxBUBBLiExx;#3625880;1276063457]She laughs and makes fun of me, but I don't. -___-[/quote] Che! You don't? Hahaha! ((((= [hr][hr] Warning. This picture is kinda big and might really seduce you. :-J [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs470.ash1/25808_376258838403_590213403_3789571_670056_n.jpg[/img] [align=center][b][size=10]BLANG[/size][/b][/align] First Impression; Well, uh. She's a nerd, a freak, a dork that plays guitar and has a fucking hot ex boyfriend because she wears this glasses which sort of make her look cuter. Ew! (((= How did you became friends? Well uhhh. I think it was when she started joining MMP. I wasn't really talking to her before because she was sort of the serious type, you know. (((= She speaks english and I don't know, I don't understand her sometimes. She seems Alienated, loljk. XD Tell something about her; KKKKKK. She's really dorky and nerdy but oh my gosh, she plays the guitar real good. It's cool when you see a girl play a guitar, really awesome. :-J Hahahahaha. lol And, she's a fucking Freelance Photographer, and her photographies are good, too. Hahaha! She haz the talent, man! What more can you ask for? Plus, she's super SEXY. Sexier than Megan Fox and Cameron Diaz, I tell you. ((((= Plus, she's kind-hearted sometimes. Hahahaha! Kidding. She's really kind all the time. :xixi: Haha, whatever. XD Message; [b]Happey Birthday, Blang[/b]. You are still the sexiest for me. Hahahahahahaha! ((((= Che! You always make me away.. but okay, I still love you. (((= Ew!
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b][size=3]Dondon / Milo[/size][/b] [b]First Impression:[/b] -I thought he's a guy who's very funny but just got a looks that's not 'that-good-looking' :lol3::lol3: oops, sorry. But, when I started stalking him & even search his ftalk's username in google, i saw his past ava-s that made me shout & said; "omg! he's a freaking handsome." :heart::heart: [b]How did you become friends in Ftalk?[/b] -I joined a group last-last summer on which he's the founder & currently the leader in that group named Bahay Aliwan. I became his wife there & we got 3 childrens. Do I have to name them [i]pa ba[/i]?! :lol3::lol3: [b]Tell something about him:[/b] -He was a triple-F man. Funny, friendly, & FLIRT. :lol3: JOKE. I mean, the third one was only a joke. Seriously, he's sweet, caring, gentleman..? YEEAAAHH! He's concern to us. He loves Anime. He's good in gfx. Uh, what else?! [i]Basta,[/i] he's good in everything. he's good on comforting somebody. He's a multi-talented man. He thoughts very deep & he's a lover boy... We love him so much. :) [b]Message to him:[/b] -Milo, you know that i'm a year-s way younger than you but, i prefer not to call you kuya because it might lose your "dagdag points." You know that I will always be here for you no matter what. You know how much we love you. And those memories, *if only you'd remember it* ---those memories we have those days, even we both knew that it almost brought the two of us down, I won't forget it, & don't want to forget it because those time, those days was one of my happiest times here in ftalk. :lol3::lol3: LOL, sorry... :D And like what you've always told me, *[i]Di ako magbabago[/i]* -- even what i am wearing now. :D I love you... :) ------------------------------------------------ [b][size=3]Checkered / Kamil ko[/size][/b] [b]First Impression:[/b] -Oh, well yeah funny but, I thought she's a boy because of her animated ava. :lol3: Seriously.. but when i got a chance to be friend with her, I suddenly knew that I was very very wrong. Crap, she's a girl. & she's undeniably pretty. [b]How did you become friends in Ftalk?[/b] -Like Dondon, I met her in Bahay Aliwan. Weeks later, she became the leader of that group and yah, i thought she's a boy. She's the one who approaches me first and the rest was history. :) [b]Tell something about her:[/b] -At first I thought she's a snob and a very secretive person. I mean, i'm *nosebleed* to her and never heard a single soul from her. But luckily, we became friends. I then knew that she's very talkative, & she never ashamed to share her crushes to me & -- to my sister Debs. She spoils friends & cherish friends. Hard-to-get, hahaha!! She's a wonderful woman. Super girl i've ever met. An interesting girl. She's funny and sometimes, frank. But, I love her very much. [b]Message to her;[/b] -Kamil ko, You know that I love you very much! Always be here for you to understand you, to comfort you, and all. Always think that I'm always willing to listen your thoughts, your problems, your memories you and your crush had, lol joke! i mean, yeahhh, seriously. I love you so much. xDD If you have time, share to me your newest crush in your school, okay?! :lol3::lol3: Your tingle moments. :heart::heart: Stay as what you are. We love you for who you are. Don't lose hope. Keep on believing on your beliefs you think it's right. [size=3]Love,[/size] [size=2]Me... / Kape[/size] [i]*sorry, i'm to lazy to hunt some pictures. xDD[/i]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i26.tinypic.com/2q0leud.jpg[/img] [img]http://i29.tinypic.com/30ix4xz.jpg[/img] [size=4]AILA & ENEY[/size] [i]*guess I don't need to do the Q&A thingy xD[/i] These two are [i]superbly, incredibly, amazingly, dramatically (?), insanely (what? xD), lively, <insert more ajdectives here>[/i] [b]LOVE <333[/b] [i]*char ;D[/i] I can't describe them for words really. I feel like at ease whenever I talk to these two. I just can't find a reason to turn away from them. Love them both a lot! <3 [b][u]MESSAGE:[/u][/b] [b]HAPPY BIRTHDAY[/b] to both of you! It surprised me to know that you two share the same birthday XD Okay, this will be a short message but [u]DEEP[/u] [i](oha, deep as in deeeeeeeep)[/i]. I really miss our chit-chats BIG TIME T~T but hopefully sooner or later or this Christmas break or sembreak or what, hoping we'll be able to chat again like we used to. And another thing, you two are [b]still[/b] big fangirls over K-Pop [i](& the other one has J-rock too xD)[/i] idols, don't be like me that stepped down on being an [u][b]UBER FANGIRL[/b][/u] of the idols [i](I'm still a fan but not that much like buying albums/hunting photos or like going gaga over them)[/i]. Continue supporting them because I now support anime xD [i]*gets slapped hardly*[/i] AGAIN, happy birthday M2MJJ! More birthdays to come and blessings~ God bless you girls, I miss you and I love you two so much. MWAH~ :* [b]For Neneng[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i32.tinypic.com/98u5p4.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [b]For Jejeng[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i28.tinypic.com/vdlq2s.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [b]PLUS- SCM2M Tribute[/b] [i]*daw xD[/i] [spoiler][img]http://i26.tinypic.com/2djvv47.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [/align]

Last edited by xwiit_az_candii (2010-07-15 06:17:48)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][font=Arial][color=red][b]^ FRIENDSHIP KATHLEEN aka (kathleen24) [/b][/color][/font][/align] [align=center][img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs236.snc3/22374_1099179577946_1780354793_205208_138713_n.jpg[/img] [/align] [font=Papyrus][color=red][b]^ What is your first impression of that member?[/b][/color][/font] [font=Papyrus][color=pink][b] :eee: Well the first time I saw her is because her siggy caught my attention saying that she has a cp but she`s normal like us, then I think that she`s brave and she has a positive outlook in life despite of having that. At first I thought she's a snob because maybe she might think that people may underestimate her situation but the first time I approach her she`s very friendly and nice though. [/b][/color][/font] [font=Papyrus][color=red][b]^ How did you become friends in FTalk?[/b][/color][/font] [font=Papyrus][color=green][b] :eee: Well we become friends because we met at the cbox. [/b][/color][/font] [font=Papyrus][color=red][b]^ Tell something about her. [/b][/color][/font] [font=Papyrus][color=violet][b]:eee: Well she`s absolutely friendly, she loves what she`s doing, she very brave and a very cheerful person, and I really admire her because she's very friendly to everybody here in FTalk. One of the most friendliest member here Ive seen and Im so happy being one of her friends. I never regret meeting her. She`s like my sister and a were like friends in real life. She has a deep concern on her friends, and she loves God. that's why God loves her also.[/b][/color][/font] [spoiler][font=Arial][color=red][b] Im going to give u fansign soon. :)[/b][/color][/font][/spoiler]

Last edited by bryekristoff20 (2010-08-05 14:56:25)

  • » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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