• » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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[align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[quote=vbuzz3r]I just wana say.... you're special Mz Xiru ;)[/quote] thanks...... :D [b]to vbuzzr: youve been so good to me. and i didnt expect it. :crybaby: <--- tears of joy! haha thanks so much, stay as mah bro/buddy... :wow: :kiss: :rose:[/b]

Last edited by ---xXirukiTepe--- (2009-01-12 08:27:26)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

To A special member ; I wont forget the day you told me the word. All the funs we had even though it just through net. Hearing your voice is like heaven to me. I never wanted this to happen but it did. But they say if you really love someone The best way to say it is ; Im letting you go so you can be with who you wanna be with and be happy Even though im not a part of it I want you to know , Im glad that i met you. The upcoming days i might feel miserable dont worry about it Ima just put a smile on my [b]fes[/b] and pretend everything is oke. [b]Je bent de licht in mijn dagen Je bent de engel die me bescherm [/b]

Last edited by preciouszshortypinay (2009-01-29 11:09:17)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

:arrow: [b]To a special member[/b], Thanks for everything. Your being so nice to me. Hope you'll be ok now. :| Take care always and God Bless :) [hr] :arrow: [b]fafs tunie[/b], hello bro, hope you fine now. if you need someone to talk, dont worry, im just here for you. thanks for being so nice. take care and God Bless :)

Last edited by dondon (2009-01-15 07:33:24)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

OT: i thought this was for birthday celebrants only.,wkokokk~~ :lol: [hr][hr][hr] [align=center][b][color=#6699cc]Princess Lhyrickz[/color][/b][/align] [color=#0099ff] [align=center] We met in da FTP(Ung sa taas mo thread) last July 2008, but we were not close. :lol: We got close in da other forum. But since dat forum is not so active, we decided to bring our closeness here in ftalk. :eh: This person is uberduper evil. :lol: She teaches me all da bad things in da world. =( I kid, i kid. :P:P This gal is soo great and fun-loving person. I never get bored talking to her whether in ym, here in ftalk or text messages. :D And everytime we talk it's like a race. =D coz we talk about lots of things so da replies are soo long. :lol: and even in text messages, the characters are [i]sagad[/i] to da max. :wasted: I love this girl so much. :) Where she is happy, i am also happy. When she's sad, i also felt her sadness. =( I know many people say that we are da same. wakokok~~we are "bad woman" :lol: but we are not bad. We just protect each other. :eh: That's why, when she gets hurt, i stand up for her. Especially when misconceptions about her arises, i get sooooo mad. :thumbsdown: People don't know what they're talking about. They are so closed-minded. :thumbsdown: Good luck to your lovelife now. I hope he takes care of u they way you should be taken care of. Because you deserve more than what this person could offer. :lol: So for THAT person, do not ever hurt her or its warzone time. =D Me labs u xoxoxoxoxoxo. :wow: My gift? wait for it this month. =D prepaid card is enough. =D [/align][/color]

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2009-01-15 21:57:23)

» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b]Take good care of urself always, i'm always here for you. :wow: [/b][/font]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

To Special Someone.. Thanks for treating me as ur bro. I appreciate that. Stay the same, ayt ? take care now. =|
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b]FOR [url=http://theftalk.com/p=malow]CHOCNUT[/url][/b] [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/vsf686.gif[/img] [b] My Gift[/b] [spoiler][img]http://photos-193.friendster.com/e1/photos/39/11/57611193/1_208751024l.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

:arrow: [b]To moderator Aysbeaux[/b] Hello, do you know me? :paranoid: :lol: well anyway, i just want to greet you a happy happy birthday. wish you all the best. Keep doing your good job as a mod. We are just here for you if you need some help. Thanks for being such a nice friend and a member. Goodluck to your career :lol: and ahmmmm i speechless :redface: =D That's all. Happy Birthday again :gift::gift::gift: LETS PARTEY HARD :cake::cake::cake: about the gift? hmmmm i will think later :lol: Take care of yourself and God bless you ;)
daixee mae
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

happy birthday mod.aysbeaux sorry for the late greetings :D thanks for being very nice, ur so fun to be with hapy bdei agen God bless p.s i olredy murdered ur x :D he's now a cockroach =D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

First timer at this thread. =D For my very gorgeous, adorable & sexiest daughter ever (same with duch. tinay.): Ice baby, [b]ICE[/b]. Well, first of all.. I wanna say that BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANAK. (12:03AM, nah! too bad) Then, i just wanna say thank you for all the good memories we had, remember when we kindah used to spam at the chit-chat section, *oopps, that's so 90's so forget about that* then, because im so makulit that time i was the very 1st member who tasted the real flavor of [b]CURSED[/b]. Well back to the topic, hope to know moar about my daughter, and you know that ILYSM & We members/mods REALLY LOEVS YOU. Hope that all your wish will be granted. Take care & always be a good girl (gone wild =D) ILY.

Last edited by jamessss:b (2009-01-29 11:07:49)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

Forsaken_doll you re my special person too me. .. . plz give me a chance to introduce my self to you. . [spoiler]my cell number is 09197089272[/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

^ do not double/triple post pls. =|
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][font=century gothic][color=gray] [b]Riz The Ikik Queen[/b][/color] [/font] [img]http://theftalk.com/img/avatars/av10/91088.jpg[/img][/align] [align=center][font=Courier New][color=gray][b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b][/color][/font][/align] [color=green]A funny BOY. No, seriously, I thought she was a boy. Because of her Ninja avatar and..no gender stuff. I've seen her posts and told myself.. "This guy's funny. Especially HIS siggy. Kinda GREEN lol" And so on.[/color] [align=center][font=Courier New][color=gray][b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b][/color][/font][/align] [color=green]We've finally met..And I finally clarified that she's not a HE at the OT thread. :] She introduced herself; and said goodbye asap. lol Then the next day, I greeted her and she was like really shocked because I remembered her name! But, I admitted that I saw it on her siggy. :eh: Then, we "spammed" at the 'The last the cutest' thread. I won of course. Our "friendship" grew..and she corrupted my innocent mind! You can see everything at the OT thread. :D (I'm tinatamad to dig eh.XD)[/color] [align=center][font=Courier New][color=gray][b]Tell something about [s]HIM[/s]/her[/b][/color][/font][/align] [color=green]Ate Riz is a oneofakind dudette. :33 You'll just ROFL at her posts. When she's crazy, throw jokes at her..insult her, er, say bad things about her! >:]] But when she forgets to take some heroin, STFU and back off! She'll bite you like what a dog does to its toy! Nah. Okay. Blah blah. She is very good in entertaining people! :] (YES! She does the chacha, boogie, swing, tango. DIRTY DANCING, rap, ballroom, physical fitness, stretches. :lol:) Her dream boy's tall, dark and.. funny!=) Eventhough she has already corrupted so many innocent minds, I love her so much. <3333333 :wow: I really can't imagine Ftalk..I mean, my life without her. :3 *I can't think of anything more!! :wallbash:* Be my NURSE. And work for free. x33 I really love it whenever I make some bola to her. :lol: Bilis lumaki ng ulo eh. :wow:[/color] [quote][b]Heyow Hommie! \:cool:/ Happy Birthday MAN! :3333 Iloveyouuu :* Take care of yourself. AND, keep on corrupting. :3 You will always be our IKIK QUEEN.[/b][/quote] [align=center][font=Courier New][color=gray][b]For teh gift? :ninja:[/b][/color][/font][/align] [spoiler][color=green]I'll give it to you once you've come back! :wow::wow:[/color][/spoiler] [sup]PS: sorry if its lame. =( I'm kind of wasted right now. I just want to be the first one to greet you in this thread. :wow::wow:[/sup]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://theftalk.com/img/avatars/av8/73976.jpg[/img][/align] [align=center][b]Eney[/b][/align] [b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b] Hmm. I don't remember neimore but one thing I will never forget is taht i nver felt I was a noob during my first week of stay in rockstars and 'twas all becoz of her ;) [b] How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] We became friends during the ym confe of rockstars, she was there. I asked her hu she is, then she said she was teh girl wiht food in teh avatar, She was so talkative that time..she rily talks alot. We call each other as "kyutifai" [she was teh one hu suggested it]. I still can't forget teh times wen i used to teased her wiht "da him" [I guess, he isn't active here anymore] and that made us even closer. And thanks to the philclan war. :D [b] Tell something about him/her. [/b] Eney is such a very fine gal, she said she's fugly but heck she's not. She's gorgeous and everyone here adores her. You can't help yerself not to like/love her coz she treats evribadi with respect. She got lotsa stories to share from her family to her crushes, you'll not find it so boooring coz she's soo fun to talk with. She relays stories to evryone wiht a twist. She's into korean hotties ait now, ooh 'em not rily sure [tvcq?? dbsk?? dang, i don't have any idea hu are these guys.haha! forgive me 'em so not innnn]. Anndd ooh, teh eyebags, eer soo luv them coz they made her rily look more beautiful. Kyutifai yer actually one of teh reasons why i'm still alive in this forum. I love you for real. I soo missed chitchatting wiht you. [b] Gift??[/b] [spoiler]ooh, forgive me, some wasted adlibs, haha. . this was recorded during yer bday kyutifai! I had a hard time luking for sites to upload this, thanks to mabel haha. :D [url]http://www.4shared.com/file/119609925/7c70f00b/recordedforyene.html[/url][/spoiler]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i44.tinypic.com/2qu6hqv.jpg[/img] [b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b] Well at first I thought she was kinda serious with this and that :lol2: but as soon as we got to chat my first impression suddenly changed and I got to know her better :). [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] We became friends in ftalk when we met in the cbox then our friendship grew when we chatted in ym and made a game(which I always won :eh:) :lol2:. [b]Tell something about her:[/b] She's the type of person that can make you happy when you're sad(and vice versa :lol3:), the type of person that you need to approach if you want to truly get to know her :). She loooooooves food(specially chocolate, ice cream, candies etc. :d). She's hates being called beautiful even though she really is beautiful :eh:. She's afraid of lizards :lol3:. She's loves music, below eye level bangs :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: and ofcourse her friends :eh:. She's a great person inside and out :eh:. [b]Message to her:[/b] [spoiler]Thank you for everything ateee. I may piss you off sometimes so i'm sorry :). I'll always be here for you no matter what you go through. If anyone messes with you I promise they won't live to see another sunrise :lol3:. I'm very very sorry if I always beat you at our game since you know i'm stronger and much much better than you :d. Pout pout pout :lol3:. Uhh there :) thanks again ate :)[/spoiler] [b]Gift:[/b] Here: [spoiler]<embed src="http://www.4shared.com/embed/263846661/14fc0b5f" width="320" height="20" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed>[/spoiler][/align]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i818.photobucket.com/albums/zz103/telayy/kuya1.jpg[/img] [spoiler][img]http://i818.photobucket.com/albums/zz103/telayy/kuya2.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Jonathan Christopher Rubis [b] First Impression:[/b] he's friendly. he's quite mysterious at first. i never thought we will be this close and ill be comfortable with him. :faint: [b]How did you become friends:[/b] i met him through the chatbox. :scared: i saw him in a ym conference then added him up. we started a game to see who greet each other first, we started to talk more often and get close because of this. :yes2: [b] Tell something about him:[/b] well, he's a [s]flirt[/s]. [i](alright, im kidding) :lol3:.[/i] seriously, :| he's a nice person and a gentleman. :puke: he's very weak for me, i always win in our games. :yes2: he looks like jimmy neutron. :lol3: he pronounced my name wrong [i](teley)[/i] :lol3:. i like the way he sing with his guitar. i love his unique smile (:)+:|) and pout. :um: he's funny and jolly but can also be serious at times. :yes2: [b] Message to him:[/b] kuya, thanks a lot for everything. :yes2: im always here for you. sorry cause im always mad and for what i did last april fools. :no2: XD . thanks cause you're always there when i need you, it feels good to have someone who i can tell my problems. im glad i met a kuya like you. i hope our friendship will last. don't change, okay? =) [b]Gift:[/b] [spoiler][img]http://i818.photobucket.com/albums/zz103/telayy/parakyganda.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs437.snc3/25131_1308899956975_1064850166_30758589_6947095_n.jpg[/img] [size=4][b]Donna Louise Chavez[/size][/b] Gurrpwen[/align] [quote][b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b] • At first I thought she was younger than me. She is so cute & everything. But I was shocked that she wasn't younger than me[b]![/b] And then, I thought she was a pro in Photoshop(and she is). [b]How did you become friends?[/b] • We become friends in The Scandalers. I was a new member back then. [b]: ))[/b] As usual in meeting other ppl, we talk & talk. Then I asked for her YM, and we became closer friends thanks to YM. :lol: [b]Tell something about her[/b] • Yeahs, I admit. She is cuuute. Kawaii desu~ She speaks Japanese and I think she's fluent(?) Hm, she's mai beloved gurrpwen. She's creative in many ways. She's very bubbly. She looks like a kid. Ohmygosh. I envy her. [b]Message:[/b] • Gurrpwen, gomenasai for forgetting our callname. But remember taht I love you so much forreals. [b]: )))[/b] Stay the same until the end of the world. [b]: DDD[/b][/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[b]Nickay[/b] [b]First Impression[/b] - she annoys me a bit 'cause she likes kyoya too [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] - because we have so much in common, like kpop fan (especially SNSD), anime fan (especially KHR).. etc. and oh, we're also both "chidoras" [b]*HAHA!![/b] [b]Tell something about her[/b] - well, she's married to [b][u]Sawada Tsunayoshi[/b][/u] and she haven't yet continued her fanfic. [b]XD[/b] [b]Message to her[/b] - TRIPLETS! IMYSM. take care and i hope you're still the same.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[spoiler][quote=NGeNeRaTiOn;#3364090;1260003662]First Impression - Hhhhmmm.... She was kind and have a very funny impression when I'm teasing her at SCHOOL, BTW Happy Belated Birthday to you ( December 04th ) How did you become friends in Ftalk? - She found me in my FS Profile, She is also my Classmate, a real life friend XD Tell Something about her - 100% Otaku and a good writer. Keep it up! ( She's my Oba-chan ) Message to her - Just continue on what your doing and I know someday that you'll be a good writer, continue also writing about 'When East meet West' ( Is it possible for Ken to meet west [forgot the girl's name XD] ), have a more birthdays to come and continue on testifying during Chapel Service :D ( BTW have you watch the Asura Cryin' Season 2? and the Act 1 [episode 1] of when East meet west? )[/quote] [/spoiler] How darez yoo >: Get ready for meh revenge :evil: [hr] [align=center] [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] [b]Ngeneration.[/b] He is [u]annoying[/u], and he suck >: He ish very bad to [b]Khristine-sama[/b] and he shall die :evil: [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] He is a transferee in our school, [b]Sophomore Batch '09-'10.[/b] Before, I like [i]Friendster[/i] and I browsed my classmate's profile. I saw his, and found out he has an account here in [b]FTALK !!![/b] :O Then I was liek surprised and told him, [i]Whaa, meron ka palang Ftalk?![/i] and then ampppp. :facepalm: [b]Tell something about him[/b] He is the [b]most annoying guy[/b] you'll ever meet ( well, he is not that annoying in Cyber world ) And yeah. He ish a [u]boast[/u] and lol, hmm, he is [i]kind[/i]? Haha, just so he can get a compliment wahahaha :xixi: [b]Message to him[/b] Howla~ Are yooo still alive? Anyways, see you in school next year, if ever you're still there wahahaha spread my secret and I'll bury yoo alive :pacman: [/align] [align=center] [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] [b]Clay-chan && Yhen-chan.[/b] I first thought they are snob. :snob: Then I'm wrong. [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] They read my stories wahahaha and they are active here and they are my groupmates and they know each other in real life, cool! :eh: [b]Tell something about them[/b] They are real, they don't pretend someone they can't be— they are [b]cool in many ways,[/b] yeah, you two are like a cool beans in a can wahaha :thumbsup: [b]Message to them[/b] Stay who you are, don't change and Iloveyoo <333 [/align] [align=center] [b]What's your first impression with that member?[/b] [b]Tomo-chan && Aehlyn.[/b] I though Aehlyn is the typical snob ftalk member !! :snob: Then, ohyeah, she is [b]sweet && nice.[/b] Tomo-chan, well, my first impression to her [i]lasted.[/i] She is sweet for reals <333 [b]How did you become friends in ftalk?[/b] For Aehyln, I gave her a +repu and said, [i]Whaa I love KHR too![/i] or something liek that then for [b]Tomo-chan[/b], I pm'ed her since I am interested of getting to know her since she loves the catchphrase [b]desu~[/b] ( I love it too <333 ) :love: [b]Tell something about them[/b] Aehlyn, ish Hibari-san's waifu :xixi: She's older than me, but I don't respect her lol :evil: Noo, I feel comfortable talking to her. Sometimes I'm insecure of her >: Hahaha. [b]Tomo-chan[/b], well, Iloveyoo for reals. You are sooo [i]kawaii~[/i] and the very moment I saw her in the forums Ilovedher whaha :wow2: She ish like an imouto to meh ;DDD [b]Message to them[/b] Iloveyooo :wow2::wow2: [/align] And to Bels, sorry I can't make it longgggg. You are so coollll :heart: No pics, sorry. Too lazy to hunt. :evil: Next time: for Bels, Kuya Brye, Bianx, Zelle && Alyssa.

Last edited by oniongurl (2010-04-26 04:47:38)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

[align=center][img]http://i43.tinypic.com/2ntejp5.jpg[/img] [size=5][b]N I X I S M ★[/b][/size] [sup][size=3][b]=3 Nicole Exconde[/b][/size][/sup][/align] » What's your [u]First[/u] [i]Impression[/i] to [b]Herrrr[/b]? [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] Well, I don`t really remember WHAT. :lol3: Like I care? :xixi: Jokes :xp Okay, well, I thought she was really Friendly. I also thought she was Half Chinese. I also thought that she's [b]pretty[/b]. Errr, well, It`s all true. Except for the Half-Chinese. :lol3: I still need moar [u]facts[/u] about that Statement. Haha--[/quote] » How the [i]Hell[/i] did you become [b]Friends[/b]? [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] When MMP`s member got [i]watak-watak[/i] and then Me and Chaw decided to leave and make another group, [b]Super Fockers[/b]. :xixi: Well, we invited her over. And that`s it! :lol3: [b]Nonsense[/b]. :swt: Were not really super close that time. I just consider her as a, Err-- [b]KUTO[/b]. [[i]Kuto - A kind of pet living on the scalp of your head.[/i]] :lol3: [b]Serious[/b] moad. When the [i]hearts[/i] of MMP members got healed, we decided to come back and rule once again. :lol3: Joke. And then that time was when I knew that SHE has a [size=2][b]HUGE[/b][/size] crush on my co-member, [u]Japot[/u]. Oh well, You can`t fcking Blame her, Japot is really [i]sizzling[/i] [b]HOT[/b]. :lol3: Anyway, That`s when I tell her every detail about Japot. Who`s Japot? What`s Japot? How does Japot tastes like? :xixi: [u]Japot[/u], [i]Japot[/i], [b]Japot[/b]. Full of fcking Japot! (((= Then finally, She joined [b]MMP[/b]. The [i]End[/i]. Lmfao. DD:[/quote] » Can you tell [u]something[/u] about her? [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] [b]NO.[/b] :lol3: Kidding. Okay well, Let`s see. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. [b]EWWW![/b] She`s freakin` dugyot. She gets Fckin' obsessed so easily. She always [i]curse[/i] whenever we talk. [i]Parang Pasan niya ang buong daigdig[/i]. :lol3: And then she`s so Horrible! [b]WTF[/b]. I don`t know what the hell is wrong with her. Sometimes, I just cry. =( ^ Exaggerated much. :lol3: Oh well, The [b]REAL[/b] Nix is this. You know, like any other Best Friend, She`s someone you can shout all your Problems. Someone you can fcking lean on whenever you think Nobody understands you, because you know, She`s the only one who understands. We get along really well because maybe we have lots of [b]Similarities[/b]. (: You know, You can think of her as a [i]Nobody[/i], but If you`ll just look closer, You`ll know that she`s someone you want to be close with too. She`s UNLIKE any other, She`s definitely [b]Unique[/b]. :swt2: Also, She`s someone you can trust. She can get really [b]IMMATURE[/b] at times. We get really [b]Hysterical[/b] whenever we IM. :lol3: You know, behind that [b]Wild[/b] and Funny Image is a Kind-hearted Earthling. No exact word could ever describe my Nix. I`ll [b]love[/b] her and consider her special `til my last breath. :lol3: [b]OVERRRR[/b]! (((=[/quote] » Any [b]message[/b] to Herrr? [quote][img]http://theftalk.com/img/rep-icon.png[/img] Well, You already know how much I [b]lololoev[/b] You. DD: You know naman. Thanks for all the HELP (: You know, even if were not REALLY friends in the Real World, I still thank FTalk for sharing you to me. :3 I loev you, K? :puke: For the gift.. [quote][scroll][size=10][font=century gothic][sup][align=center][b]★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 ★ NIX LOVE JONGHUN FOR LIFE <33 [/b][/align][/sup][/font][/scroll][/quote] [/size] [align=center][spoiler][i]Taena, Endless na yan. Tignan natin kung di ka magsawa, [b]Kuto[/b] ka. (((:[/i][/spoiler][/align][/quote]
  • » [align=center]We have "[b]A message to the Moderators thread[/b]" so maybe we should also have a thread like this. [/align] [b]Why did you create this thread?[/b] This is actually a game played in Cl

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