[size=4][b]Donna Louise Chavez[/size][/b]
[quote][b]What's your first impression of that member?[/b]
• At first I thought she was younger than me. She is so cute & everything. But I was shocked that she wasn't younger than me[b]![/b] And then, I thought she was a pro in Photoshop(and she is).
[b]How did you become friends?[/b]
• We become friends in The Scandalers. I was a new member back then. [b]: ))[/b] As usual in meeting other ppl, we talk & talk. Then I asked for her YM, and we became closer friends thanks to YM.

[b]Tell something about her[/b]
• Yeahs, I admit. She is cuuute. Kawaii desu~ She speaks Japanese and I think she's fluent(?) Hm, she's mai beloved gurrpwen. She's creative in many ways. She's very bubbly. She looks like a kid. Ohmygosh. I envy her.
• Gurrpwen, gomenasai for forgetting our callname. But remember taht I love you so much forreals. [b]: )))[/b] Stay the same until the end of the world. [b]: DDD[/b][/quote]