[color=#ffccff][size=7][font=Trebuchet MS]CHAii[/font] [/size][/color]
[size=5]Cheng / SCM[/size][/align]
Not a long time ago, I posted something for her here. So I guess I won't be needing to do the same thing all over again. But if I have to say something about her in one sentence, I'd say.. She is uhmm. Uhmm. Can you just forget what I said?
I can't say something about her..I don't know. She's great and I love her. Maybe because I can't say something about her anymore because I've already accepted what she is. rofl. Like there is something wrong about her.
Gaaah. Those two (Cheng and Jeng) will understand this. I'm sure of it. (((:
Message. Uhm. I am not gonna make this long and emoCHENGnal.
I'm gonna make this simple and short.
You know how much I care about you. You also know that I am willing to do everything just for you two. I love you and I miss you so much. I miss our bondings at Plurk. The way we go hyper at Plurk and FB. Yeah, those were the days you were still 'starstruck' with K-Pop. lol But, not because you have already lost it we're not friends anymore. [i]May ganon?[/i]
Our friendship, SCM2MJJ will never last. I'll be your Neng and you'll be my Cheng. If only a girl-girl marriage was allowed, I would marry you in the future.
Okay, enough said. Jeng might get jealous.
Anyway, [color=red][size=5][b]Happy Happy Happy Happy 16th Birthday Cheng! Iloveyouuu:)[/b][/size][/color]
And for the gift, this is the one that I was talking about. Yeah. Spare with me this time. I am not a PS master unlike you.
Hope you like it!