[align=center][quote]@sis carmii: easy lan sis. wag k HB. hehe
. nyak! aba. may pgnnsa ka kay kuya aljon ha!..
@sis jash: haha. soree sis. wahehe. si lester?.. hm. ewan ko. haha.
@sis rach: wag k mglit sis. ahihih xD
@sis gossipgirl: haha. nkkloko b sis?
@sis lyneth: we. sis. amisyu. nyak uber ako. haha.
@sis nicz: bad cheetah? cheetah girlz..
@sis chiin: wahaha. ke edward ka nlng sis.
@sis luna: thnx sizie.
hih. bbliw si lester. jokx xD
@sis dess: cruel b sis? boys eeh.
@sis icarushkii: sis. wag k hb. hih.
@sis reilabs: sadly, i can't tell it for now sis.
@filpinadk: hmm. yep sis. the truth will be reveal. just a few chapters.
@sis jannah: huwah! beybi???
@leziiaaa01: hi there! new reader?.. thanks for reading eh. hope to see yah more often.
@sis aljelyn: gnun b sis. aus lan. study & twilight first!
i put a little twist sis.
[quote][i]Hey guys. I'm already planning to write my second story. I'll gonna post it right after I finish this. I hope you guys support it once again.[/i]
:idea: Upcoming story
[b]Waiting Shed[/b][/quote]
Last edited by +._ROCEL_.+ (2008-11-24 14:16:27)