some of my fav. vocalist


nate barcalow - when it comes to emo/screamo i would pick this guy (i miss finch)
brandon boyd - recorded or live this guy is awesome
lacey mosley - why not?

stephen richards - one of my best rap/nu-metal vocals
serj tankian - of soad
jonathan davis - of korn (the first band that influence me)
max cavalera - the good old school days


gabby alipe - NuRock 107 best male vocals of the year (yeah!)
jay contreras - what more can i say surely you know him
miguel chavez - a1a2a123four..

(hyskul plng aq nun) chicoscience now chicosci.
lougee basabas - my dream girl

ria bautista - vox & drums? can you do that?.

steve badiola - of typecast