dude i know that ur layout was really really great and you have many fans out there ehehe think its time for the others nman
i like your wallpaper it fits to your theme the color blends to your boxes and luv those glassy small things color red... give your designs are 8/10
the tricks youve maid a js script in the window somethn cool isnt? ill give you an bonus 8 points for that
your header banner its shows up the real you, your true personality a real rocker photo ill give you a 9/10
and some additional comment page still its the first commentpage that i saw that has a designs ill give you a bonus 7
your attitude ill give you 9
and overall ratings youve got 87.7%/100%
one word that best describes your prof!!! COOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Hollywood

and i forgot the boxes its in a proper position well organized ill give you 9/10 for that
total percentage 92.5% still Supppeerrbbb!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by aljayizer (2008-07-07 08:24:15)