• » For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

whhaaaaaa profile updated...... but still not yet finish [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/aljayizer[/url]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

Only I like there are the edited picture for layout i'll give you 4/10

Last edited by almenadjul (2008-06-23 06:55:53)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

thanks for the rating but still a progress report..... i cant measure or scale the pixel of the layout the pixel of my laptap is different from a pc, but still im trying to fix it...

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-06-23 09:07:16)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

No Problem... gud luck in organizing..:lol:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

oh thanks master box (main background finished) but still underconstruction.. [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/aljayizer[/url]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

to be honest your profile is a big :thumbsdown: i meabn look at it no body cant read your font your background is so bad this is a profile show off not a picture show off your noob of the nobbies "the noob of noobs" better luck next time kid ill rate your profile -5 / +10 =D
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

..that's some awesome page you got there.. it's so simple and WHITE. ^ don't be so mean to other members, it doesn't make you any better

Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-06-24 22:48:13)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

[quote]to be honest your profile is a big :thumbsdown: i meabn look at it no body cant read your font your background is so bad this is a profile show off not a picture show off your noob of the nobbies "the noob of noobs" better luck next time kid ill rate your profile -5 / +10 =D[/quote] its not yet finish.... im creating my prof not only in a small period of time, it takes too much time to create an great quality graphic. thats why i called it a progress report. im not those noobs na nkagawa lng ng layout is ok na..... :D im different men dont be so insecure..... peace yhaw!!! :) a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! a progress report!!!! btw thanks sugarstix for appriciation!!!!! u have a wonderfull eyes in choosing a right quality... :) and i saw ur profile man..... its too blury, yuve got a blury pictures and graphics... to be honest men but it has a style..... a wierd stylistic profile uve got... emo!!!

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-06-25 00:19:36)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

in progress :question: lol :lol: cant see any progress and btw sugarstyx_x is a girl haha better luck next time dude =D:thumbsdown:

Last edited by charlessiason (2008-06-25 00:39:24)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

^nice overlay .. but pixelized .. i'll give u an 8 .. :thumbsup: @aljayizer: yo frnd , buddy .. i think u should go to the graphics section .. :eh: -use mozilla -
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

wow! 8/10... RATE MINE!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

Hii!! every one hope i can do all the thing you are doing!! thanks!~!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

ehehe thanks guys.. yeah its pixelized i cant measure using laptop and pc they have different pixels idunno but still i will fix it. thanks guys for appreciation.... hope we can help each other.. in fixing our prof

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-06-25 09:27:08)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

[quote]n progress lol cant see any progress and btw sugarstyx_x is a girl haha better luck next time dude[/quote] :lol: think your the only a noob commentator here that insecured in my art work :P ehehehe u aint nothing to show off men better go at home and lay eggs... u got nothing to show off ... show up ur blurry profile...:o lol black and white is that a chess board duh? show some graphics men ur profile is so so sooooooo booooooorrrriiiinnngggg!!!!!!........ lol booooooorrrriiiinnngggg!!!!!! booooooorrrriiiinnngggg!!!!!! booooooorrrriiiinnngggg!!!!!! booooooorrrriiiinnngggg!!!!!! booooooorrrriiiinnngggg!!!!!! emo boring emotional noob hahahah lol!!!!! zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: so boring u aint nothn to improve.... u hav no chance no potential.... better lay eggs lol!!!!=D oh think ur not a noob, ur an old school black n white lol...

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-06-25 09:53:44)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

[b]dude do you know the rules around here or just ignoring it?[/b] your double posting again huh! and btw he wants a black and white profile so respect him dont say that genre is boring cause there are other members here also in that genre so please give some respect and like darylldelfin said why dont you try to go to graphics section =) :D:thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

but its a profile show off ryt? a profile includes a proper position layout, graphics, designs, a perfect theme that fits in your personality and etc. that builds a profile and offcourse your info... am i in a wrong section?..... men its a web page design ..... not a only a web layout show off... if u want some layout u may go to friendster-layouts.com :D there youll see more layouts. and by d way charlessiason mouth and words sounds disrespectfull... he starts the flame... whahah so disgusting... not educated aren't he? :lol:

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-06-25 13:11:45)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

heres want you gonna do [b]kid[/b] [u]go sleep early finish your assignment and drink your glass milk and also pray ok[/u] :question: :lol: and btw dont expect that all of us are using safari like you [b]rich kid[/b] major of us are using firefox & internet explorer dont expect that we should adjust to you, [b]why dont you edit your work & make it compatible to ie & ff [/b]

Last edited by charlessiason (2008-06-25 11:25:36)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

[quote]nd btw dont expect that all of us are using safari like you rich kid major of us are using firefox & internet explorer dont expect that we should adjust to you, why dont you edit your work & make it compatible to ie & ff[/quote] ahahaha look at u ur talking about my wealth status thats a sign of insecurity tssk tssk. were not talking about status symbol here in being rich. thats too personal and ur insecure... hayyy dont worre im not that rich. im only a guy that has a taste in choosing a ryt very fast web browser. is having a mac means that ur rich? oh ur so insecure... ur insecurity will kill you. and btw im not saying that the viewers will adjust to my web browser safari im trying to adjust to them. Safari is also compatible in pc better download it to gain more info and learn a lot more in computer. OLD SCHOOL NOOOOOOBBBBBBB!!!!!! egg laying noob! =D:eh::disgust: oh and ive got a great definition for you [b]"disgusting egg laying insecure noob"[/b] kokorokok!!!!! oh and were did you get dat OLD SCHOOL LAYOUT? in your GRAND MOTHERS UNDERWEAR ? HAHAHAHAHAHAH..... SO DISGUSTING.. NUNUNUNOOOBNUNOOB!!!!

Last edited by aljayizer (2008-06-25 13:08:22)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

hey [b]RICH KID[/b] are you finish with your study? finish your study first haha! and rich kid im just saying my opinion is there wrong with that [b]RICH KID[/b] and what do you think of your self a genius guy we are all noob at first right? thats the effect of money in your lifestyle rich boy and you have the knowledge but you dont have the talent and im not insecure with you I mean, look at me! I see my reflection in the mirror and think, "[i]God blessed me[/i]"

Last edited by charlessiason (2008-06-25 22:30:47)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

^ Hey you two kids. Don't argue here. Let's go to the layout battle that will start this week. :eh: The real show off will begin soon. So stop the yipi yada blah blah. This is how you comment/criticize someone's layout... For aljayizer: [li]The huge use of boxes is alright as long as you won't omit the scrollbars. There is no horizontal scrollbar for your profile so I have to click the Mouse3 to browse around your profile. You should consider the viewers possible screen resolutions and other essential specs involved.[/li] [li]The use of Animated GIF will lose the quality of your images. Make sure that the images that you will convert as animated GIF, will compromise some properties and limited qualities for animated GIF. There are many ways to prevent your animated GIF be pixalated.[/li] [li]The background used for the boxes' headers are compatible with the corresponding contents of each boxes.[/li] [li]Choosing the right color for your theme is very important. Always imagine yourself as a visitor on your profile. Think what would your visitors will think about your profile. In addition, see to it that they are readable[/li] [li]Browse more on other profiles. Get some fresh and unique ideas and combine them all if possible.[/li] And by the way, thank you so much. Hahaha... You made me laugh loud by your animated images especially the X-Men and the Ghost Rider. :lol::lol::lol: As for charlessiason... [li]You attempted to use an overlay profile. But due to some circumstances and issues on the Overlay Codes, you can not use the overlay. There are other ways to use an overlay profile even if the main overlay codes are not available at the moment. Think of that. Hint: Read some hidden overlay codes.[/li] [li]Nothing more to comment on your profile since you failed to present your layout.[/li] But I do have some comments on your attitude, learn how to be sensitive and when to stop being arrogant. One more misbehavior from you and you'd be ban from this forum. As for others, if anyone attempt to rise an argument, do not get involve, either ignore them or report them to us.
  • » For all types of profile (CSS/Overlay).. Ok here's a good thread to trim off all those "rate-my-profile" threads in this section.. :midfinger: Let's start now.. :D Rate mine..

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