2007-06-30 06:34:45

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i think this is a need.. [quote]Forum Name: Real Name (complete): Address (or location if it is too confidential) Birthday: ways to contact (YM, Email, cp#) etc, etc plus additional personal info.. N

[quote=Padme][quote=feruzz]guys...I think I cant handle my reputation as a mod :wasted: :wasted: :wasted:[/quote] What seems to be the problem feruzz? You're probably just worried cos you're busy at the moment. But we're all busy, arent we? I think it's okay, as long as you can still visit FTalk weekly to help moderate. I hope you dont mean quitting. :( But quitting as a mod will entirely be your decision. If you think that you can still help moderate from time to time, it's okay.[/quote] ok...thanks sister [b]Padme[/b] thanks for your comment.... I'll try my best.... :) :)

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