whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xavie..

im really touched .. and flattered.. :">
i liek that song!! wuuuuuuuuu epic winrar!..
tnx for the effort u made.. whhhooaaa i never expected that someone will post
somthing special for me here

im really being emotional here..

and i really appreciate this xavie.. ur voice really makes me

i had a weird moment when i woke up a while ago...
i dont know if ur gonna believe me.. but when i woke up..
i was thinking of that song.. i was liek humming that song...

but anyways.. xavie i really wanna thank u for this..
i really consider u as one of my closest friends here..
thanks for being uber nice to me..
whooaaaa im really liek blushing right now!.. dont know what to say

but thank u thank u thank u,,
muahhhzzzz xavie