^ partner! it's not PDA it's so sweet!!!!! [img]http://cinta.kaskusradio.com/onion/smiley/blink.gif[/img]
you and labteam make me apol. and whoa. i finally saw your face! gooosh partner. you made up my day.. im so happy i have finally seen your pic. you never show it to anyone. waw. you are prettier than me partner [img]http://cinta.kaskusradio.com/onion/smiley/nosepick.gif[/img] LY so much.
[b]ON TOPIC[/b]
umm. im still working on my video.
haha. i sure hope he likes it

[b]hint[/b]: he's not my crush. i treat him like my brother [img]http://cinta.kaskusradio.com/onion/smiley/nosepick.gif[/img]
^ i just noticed i picked my nose twice [img]http://cinta.kaskusradio.com/onion/smiley/doukana.gif[/img]
Last edited by deathsiren (2008-08-10 00:24:54)