to all

i just wanna say sorry and thank you to all sizies there

i decided to leave this group.
i have some problem with sumone

at there

but nvm.
she's still my loevly sizies.
i think it wouldnt be good if i still stay there.
and actually i know i alredy not active at there.
boredom maybe,but feel guilty is moar.
i still feel be a bad member *or was a bad leader*
althought i know this group bein moar bad when i was teh leader

u may say its not my false, but i know if it becoz of me

i loev this group <333
but i think all of u didnt lyk me there

ah ok then

nice to meet all of sizies there <333
even i leave,
i hope all of u didnt hate me.
i still will treat all of u as my loevly sizie

and i hope u'll do teh same

ok.enough.i hope nobody miss me

but i'll miss all of u

bye all.
take care there.
c u around ftalk
[spoiler]ate Aina, im sorry im leave

i'ts ok if u think i wasnt a loyal member or what =_=
maybe its ryt.
i juz can get enough ther
