*You must answer every question,
[01] Do you still have feelings for
your ex?
* i dont have an ex
[02] Have you ever been given roses?
* yep
[03] What is your all-time favorite
romance movie?
* there's many to mention
[04] How many times have you honestly
been in love?
* cant remember..5 times,i guess
[05] Do you believe that everyone
has a soul-mate?
* not really
[06 ] Whats your current problem?
* school grades!!
[07 ] Have you ever had your heart
* yup..2 times
[08 ] Experiencd Long Distance
Relation ship?
* nope
[09] Have you ever seen a friend as
more than a friend?
* yep
[10] Do you believe in the
statement, "Once a cheater always a
* nope,i think a person can change
[1 1] How many kids do you want to
* 2-3
[12] What is(are) your favorite
color(s) ?
* lack,pink,purple
[14 ] Do you believe you truly only
love once ??
* no way!
[15 ] Imagine you're 79 and your
spouse just died, would you get re-
* too old for that stuffs
[16 ] At what age did you start
the opposite sex?
* 11
[ 17] What song do you want to hear
at your wedding?
* haven't decided yet..too early to decide
[18 ] Do you know someone who likes
* yep
[19 ] Do you like anyone?
* yep
[20 ] Are you currently inlove?
* maybe ?_?
Last edited by MiChikO fuJiwAra (2008-11-15 08:46:47)