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  2007-09-06 10:42:13

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

[quote]The content and links are updated as of [i]last edited[/i] of this post... =)[/quote] [quote]FOR ALL PEOPLE HERE [b]ESPECIALLY NEWBIES[/b]. THIS IS [b]STRICTLY NOT A HELP THREAD[/b] WHAT-SO-EVE

[quote]The content and links are updated as of [i]last edited[/i] of this post... =)[/quote] [quote]FOR ALL PEOPLE HERE [b]ESPECIALLY NEWBIES[/b]. THIS IS [b]STRICTLY NOT A HELP THREAD[/b] WHAT-SO-EVER. PLEASE ASK ANYTHING REGARDING YOUR PROFILE IN THE [b]FRIENDSTER HELP[/b] SECTION UNDER [b]Friendster Design and Development[/b]. Any post here should only related to the topic itself. [b]Anything that 'ask for help / how-to' related will be put under moderators consideration[/b]. Anyone should [b]NOT[/b] reply to that kind of post [b]what-ever-the-reason-is[/b]. Thank you for your [b]awareness[/b].[/quote] Hello people. [b]Welcome! [/b] :) As far as I know and lived quite long to see the changes in making friendster profile.... it has come to me that probably below are [b]the best bet[/b] to make sure your profile really worth to be visited by anyone.... Maybe other thread got this but I think I want to outline it properly so that profile maker / updater / maintainer / coder what-ever-people-call-is would try to follow these guidelines ([b]especially newbies[/b]) so that people all around the world doesn't hesitate to revisit your profile (unless you are the one who doesn't really care about it).... Hopefully I got my support from moderators here... :D Explanation in frequently ask questions style.... :thumbsup: Let's begin.... [hr] First thing first.... [quote][b]Make know friendster layout type.[/b][/quote] :arrow: At least there are three easy-to-spot type here... [quote][b]Overlay Layouts[/b] It is quite difficult to make but give you the power to create without limitation at all. (well.. it depends on how much you know how though)[/quote] [quote][b]Flash-Based Layouts[/b] Applies the same concept as above layout type but with a twist & tricks.[/quote] [quote][b]CSS Layouts[/b] Easy to customize but within certain limitations. (I prefer to use this one because it is easy to maintain and customize)[/quote] For the CSS layout type there are also... [quote][i]JavaScript [/i]supported or enabled type where there are certain code have been included with it for added value & functionality.[/quote] [quote][i]CrossOver[/i] type where this one usually can utilized your own banner to be used of. Of course the original friendster logo will somehow vanished (don't ask me why)[/quote] :arrow: And also the rare one here... [quote][b]Demi Overlay Layout[/b] (this is what I heard of) The concept is applied when a CSS layout and Overlay layout is being combined or make work together which uses [i]var replacement codes[/i] and [i]content changer[/i]. Currently this is the most advanced layout creation you can get as long as you know what is what and which is which.[/quote] [hr] Next... [quote]When you are doing / coding your friendster profile, have you ever taught of who would be your [b]target[/b] audience?[/quote] As for me, what I mean is that, have you give it some hint to what you are doing? What is your motive? Why you are doing it? And so on.... If we really give it a taught before we do something, then we should see at least some main points or objective behind coding the friendster profile.... I have seen a lot of people out there are really rushing.... I think what is in their mind is that they want to finish up quickly the profile coding and as cool looking as possible... This is what the mistakes are. Rule of thumb here is that what ever you do... [b]think it properly and steadily....[/b] Trust me.... I have been in this situation... so I know how the pain took your heart away without notice.... rushing things is not that good for your mind also.... Sorry to say but this is what most of the newbies done... even there are search function in here but they just want a shortcut. Shortcut and shortcut.... In this modern world... there is no such thing as shortcuts.... Do think it carefully of what I have said earlier and take it seriously..... [hr] Next... [quote]Get some basic ideas.[/quote] In here... do spent some time through reading the posts.... I know most of the people here don't like reading, but trust me... it is for your own good and for your own sake especially for your own profile.... Why would I say like that? Simply because.... [b]you can[/b]. For me... I would really recommend to go to the link as below as to give you guys of what is going on.... [url=]Friendster Tricks And Tutorials[/url] [url=]Friendster Add-ons[/url] both of the link are actually common place for starters... never ever go to anywhere without visiting these two links first... why? because you might get lost in somewhere else :P [hr] Next... [quote]Make know at least basic html codings.[/quote] Well... this is what i really want to stress about.... do make know of the html coding... this is the very basic... and for your convenience... here is the list... [quote][url=]W3 Schools[/url] the best place to start learning the basics.... even me took some courses in there.... :D spend time trying to make your test page there... and get hands-on... there are so much thing that maybe 15 years you have live without knowing it.... :cool:[/quote] [quote][url=]Twin Helix[/url] Visit this website for JavaScript Menu, DHTML Menu, Popup Tooltip, Ajax Scripts.[/quote] [quote][url=]Ajax Load[/url] Visit this for Ajax loading gif generator.[/quote] [quote][url=]ClustrMaps[/url] It is a map with your visitor location on it.[/quote] [quote][url=]24Counter[/url] This is a free widget allows you to see GEO locations of all visitors. It's also offers to see top countries , top regions , top visitors and recent visitors by geographical location.[/quote] [quote][url=]Widget Box[/url] Visit this for Widgetbox where an online gallery of widgets for blogs and other web pages.[/quote] [quote][url=]Flash-Game[/url] [url=]FlashGames247[/url] Want some Flash Games?[/quote] [quote][url=]Js-X[/url] It is a website for free javascript examples with javascript tutorials and live demos.[/quote] [quote][url=]Java Script Kit[/url] It is for a comprehensive javascript tutorials and over 400 free scripts.[/quote] [quote][url=]Dynamic Drive[/url] It is also for a comprehensive DHTML scripts, tutorials, and more.[/quote] [quote][url=]Pixel 2 Life[/url] This is for graphic tutorials.[/quote] [quote][url=]Deviant Art[/url] A place of art where it would be nice for your background or something.[/quote] [quote][url=]Developing Webs[/url] Some tips to get the idea on web codes.[/quote] [quote][url=]JavaScript.Internet.Com[/url] Also a javascript source website.[/quote] [quote][url=]Html Code Tutorial[/url] It is a website for free reference guide for help with html tags.[/quote] [quote][url=]Imeem[/url] This Imeem is an online community where millons of fans and artists discover new music, videos, and photos, and share their tastes with friends.[/quote] [quote][url=]CBox[/url] Have this on your profile for quick messaging.[/quote] Well... most of the codes... i got from there.... i still got more website links but i think this is more than enough info for you guys already... if you love my profile... then... enjoy exploring these websites... :thumbsup: [hr] Next... [quote][b]Plans![/b][/quote] Yeah... as what it says.... plan! draw some structure or backbones for your profile... a draft would always can be your help in determining the best one and fits for your purpose.... [hr] Next... [quote][b]Determine the codings.[/b][/quote] Alright... this is the crucial things that people sometimes overlooked... You guys must always bear in mind the factors below when doing the codings... [quote][b]How long the page loads?[/b][/quote] Always take note that people are human and have limits, not robots. Rule of thumb here is try to finish up the loading process below [b]15 seconds[/b].... no point of waiting for too long... people got other job to do as well... if you know it does take ages to load, try to find alternatives to minimized the page loading process... you are the maintainer and page owner... so it is up to you to do it or not... [quote][b]Does it needs page redirections?[/b][/quote] Alright... for me... you don't have to... simply because if there is steps involved if they want to view your profile... maybe they would just give-up and don't care anymore about your profile, no matter how cool it is... rule of thumb here is [b]minimized the steps or clicks required[/b] in order to view your profile... makes it automatic redirect if possible.... if you do want to insert the redirection codes.... [quote][b]Is it requires visitor to log-in in order to view your profile?[/b][/quote] For me this is not required as we want to promote our profile not minimized the chance of people make known your profile.... unless you don't care, just put the code.... [quote][b]Is it cross-browser compatible?[/b][/quote] This is always been the case for most of the profile... sometimes it support Firefox and sometimes can't support at all... same thing applies to Internet Explorer also... vise-versa.... for me... your profile should be and can support at least Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.... never ever make a specialty browser support... like best view in Internet Explorer or best support in Firefox... never ever do that... profiles that fails to support at least these two browser most likely would annoys people and return-rate would likely greatly decreased. Remember.... we want people to know about us, about our profile and so on.... if it is inconvenience to them... then... you can kiss and say goodbye to that visitor, seriously... trust me.... i did the browser compatible as much as possible and my visitor have been very promising since then.... [quote][b]Does it needs blablabla-hidings?[/b][/quote] Well... it depends... sometimes people don't care but sometimes people wants to know let say how they connected to you... based on your judgment why it should be hide or not, the consequences if the panel-box being hide and so on... take great care of it.... [quote][b]Does it needs alerts? Prompts?[/b] (the-not-so-sensitive-profile-owner always put)[/quote] As for me... sometimes the alerts are necessary and sometimes it is not... if you do want to put in the alert code please make sure to take care of the alert wordings.... although it may seem funny to you but other people might think it negatively... be careful with your wordings... and make sure don't take it as a prank... if you do that... even me don't want to visit your profile anymore.... so please take this seriously... [quote][b]Does it needs images? Either internally or externally?[/b][/quote] Of course this is the essence in profile viewing... for me... it depend on how you want to show it to the public... avoid loading big graphics or graphic with more than 100kb in size.... these really makes your page loads like snail... try to use image slicing... much better that way... avoid using too much animated graphics since it does consumes your CPU and graphic card power, seriously... avoid using animated background if possible... it does annoys certain people unless you know how to tackle people with your graphics... [quote][b]Does it needs subpages?[/b][/quote] Many people put in in-frame codes.... it good when it looks good but do bear in mind... these also contribute to the page loading slowness as it has to call external file and put it in the frame... usually file management really important and should not be taken lightly... [quote][b]Forced comments plug-ins?[/b] (there is this type of comment fanatics which really really love to put this one - be careful when viewing such profile)[/quote] Frankly speaking... don't put the code... it is because people don't like to being forced to. if you yourself don't like to be forced, then don't do it... if people being forced to create comments to your profile, it is would likely be that the comments that being put is not the viewer consent.... thus it makes the viewer discourage to revisit your profile anymore... think about it.... [quote][b]Auto-Add & Friend Scanner plug-ins?[/b] (another type of fanatics which really really love to put this one - be careful when viewing such profile)[/quote] Let the viewer or your visitor do the decision. Asking to add without them willing to click add as friend... i think it is quite rude... even more rude if you don't even know who they are... [quote][b]Does it needs blablabla-effects?[/b][/quote] This is purely based on your opinion... how well you maintain the code determine the visitors return rates... [quote][b]How about quick comment or quick message box?[/b][/quote] For this i am on neutral... not discourage nor encourage... just make sure you know what are you doing... [quote][b]How about chatbox? who viewed me?[/b][/quote] It depend on you if you want to add the code or not... for me... i use it because of the technology... :D [quote][b]Should I enable the auto-play coding when people view my profile?[/b][/quote] This is[b] the most important[/b] of what i have seen lately (applies to anything that have sound)... if you want to put the mp3 function or flash player function or embedded video function and so on.... at least [b]DO NOT[/b] turn on the auto-play function code... seriously.... [b]it is really annoying[/b].... for me... for this type of profile i would not even bother to make friend with them... seriously.... rule of thumb here is [b]don't annoy people[/b].... unless you are not that particularly concern, then, be my guest.... [quote][b]Should I use theme switcher?[/b][/quote] Frankly speaking... better not... it is because usually people don't ever bothered to click the switch theme button... just a waste you know... besides.... it would makes your page loading become considerably long... i would recommend to use auto-theme switcher if you did want to use the theme switcher... it is more better like that... [quote][b]Can I put advertisement code into it?[/b][/quote] Well... to tell the truth... you can't... first of all, friendster doesn't allow any kind of that... secondly, people would see you are not honest with your profile... and lastly.... say bye2 to your visitor if you do put the code... for me... it would be like my first and my last visit to any profile which have this kind of codes... think about it.. [hr] Next... [quote]Test![/quote] It is important to test your profile with the loaded codes.... first try in Internet Explorer and then in Firefox... if the output are nearly the same... then it is good to go... remember... always bear in mind of what i have put in earlier.... [hr] Last but not least... [quote]Never give up![/quote] What ever you do... don't give up easily... it is your profile you are talking about and you have to take good care of it... even the code developers also had the hard time but they never give up... Rule of thumb... as long as people still exist... [b]you are responsible of what you are doing[/b]... [hr] Well... that's it for now... hope it will clears up few things a little bit and hopefully it does help you guys... I will do some updates if i got times... Until then... see you guys again... have a nice day and happy coding your friendster profile! :cool: p/s: For edits, please follow the style as close as possible... thanks :D

Last edited by deys82 (2009-04-20 08:44:22)

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