Re: Well since the cancer is no longer acceptable, here's the "cure".
Most of these animu are my favorites.
And, Ask me or post if you have a question regarding something and/or I'll judge the animu fo
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Full Metal Panic
Ghost In The Shell [all series]
Nodame Cantabile [ season 1, Pariss Hann, Finale]
Tears to Tiara
Ookiku Furikabutte [season 1, season 2]
Suzumia Haruhi
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Nabari No Ou
07 Ghost
Pandora Heats
Spiarl ~Suiri No Kizuna~
Kurosagi The Black Swindler
Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker
Victorian Romance Emma
Gunslinger Girl