I confess I hate my guy friend. [s]We're close, too[/s]. He walked up to my boyfriend, asked him to join an org and said, "[i]Sige na. Mayaman ka naman daw sabi ni Gab[/i]." WTF! D: He made me look like I'm a fcking gold-digger in front of my boyfriend's friends. >.< Which is obviously not true because I'm always the one who buys my boyfriend things and whatnot. I don't even ask him to buy me stuff! Aaargghh. I hate him to death.

I confess there's only 2 more weeks and 4 days left before I come home to Manila unemployed. T.T Thinking about the future just stresses me out.

I mean, I could find another job after, but I love my job here! I love how much I'm getting paid!

Seriously. Most jobs out there pay about $8.50 to $10 an hour. I probably won't mind if I don't have a boyfriend in Manila, but I do. So. I want my job hereeee.

It's all my fault for taking up Computer Science and forcing me to move. T.T Waaahh. Decisions, decisions.