I confess I forgot that yesterday was the 22nd monthsary of MMP.

( And I am this -- like, facebook here, tumblr there. Then, checking twitter. Yeah, I remembered ftalk but I'm too lazy to open haha I don't know maybe because members are inactive because of works and classes or maybe there's other reason bothering me.. ? And yeah, when I saw James' post I think he was disappointed with us -- a lil' bit?

But yeah, sure that he was sad and I'm this guilty because now, I didn't checked my calendar or alarmed my phone just like before everytime MMP celebrated monthsary.

And I miss them so much most esp. when I got read James' post at tumblr. I got realized how James' a good leader even though, now we're inactive but he's still there -- and yeah, he said he's missing us.

Now, I missed ftalk.