• » I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

»» I confess that I had my [b]WORST[/b] dream awhile ago. That [b]bad element[/b] revealed himself in my dream. And I`m afraid that he will win. [b]My faith to HIM is still strong.[/b] I remember that in my dream I`m calling GOD and asking HIM to protect me. And I thank HIM because HE still cares and love me.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=FallOutBoy008;#3631955;1276538484]2. Hajime no ippo is the only manga that im reading...[/quote] ^ :music: It's one awesome manga, at that. xD -- [b]I confess:[/b] - I hate his friend. I swear. -___- Ever since [i]he[/i] came along, everything went down the fcking drain. Dude. Go hang out with your original friends. :mad: Fcking boy thinks he's all that. - I want to have more things to do with my friends so I could [i]not[/i] care about what he does with his. :< He's always out and I'm not! How come I get to be the miserable one? /: FINE. I'm going to effing NYC with my friends, foo. [-( - I just found out that I have my own folder in his Yahoo! Mail. Everything is in there. My letters, Facebook notifications of my comments, etc. I dunno if I should be touched, or worried because it's relatively easier to delete everything if it's in a folder. :lol3: Gaaawd I'm so paranoid. ;__; Nevertheless, I'm more touched than worried. :">

Last edited by blackmamba (2010-06-15 18:42:05)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]i Confess: [/b] I just got back from the Holy Angel University and i did the entrance test.And guess what?? I passed it :) The dean's assistant said to my parents that the score i got was above the average and that i can be a dean's lister.I am so happy.Maybe tomorrow will be my first day of school,i hope to make new friends and get good grades.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]Jhona[/b]: weee. maybe after 2 months we can meet at SM Pamp. :lol3: I`ll give you time to cope up. good luck. [hr][hr] »» I confess that me, my younger brother [-Trajano-] and our father went to the mall and watched Karate Kid. It`s pre-celebration of Father`s day. Then on Sunday I`ll buy some stuff for my father. I hope that he will like my present for him. :blush:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

CONFESSION : ; I just read the EB MOMENTS thread just minutes ago , i saw some ftalk's latest EB churva .. (((((: ENVY .. Especially on their reactions to each aderrrrr . :lol2::lol2: So JAMESSSSS is really that GOOD - LOOKING huh ? So the EB girls , really TILIIIII to death as if they saw a SUPERSTARRRR .. :o WHOA , HAHAHAHA .. :eh2: I wanna TILIIII too , HAHAAHHA .. Nobody told me that there will be an EB , [i]Nakapunta sana ako [/i]. O____O anddddd meet those ALIENs .. :lol2::lol2: LOLJK. They are saying that JAMES is sooo mabango , .. JAMES , what's your perfume ? :blush: Imma buy one too .. NYAHAHAH .. I saw TRICK on the pics too , WHOA .. Are you a korean ? HAHAHHA .. You should have your haircut, dude ! :lol: ; Well , i really got envy with the EB , actually . (((: I wanna meet my beepcorn (XSTEL) ! :run::run: Oh my , I might sampal her to death `coz of too much EXCITEMENT to see her . NYAHAHAh [i](wala pa nga eh)[/i] . :run2::run2: ; Well , if any of you guys will have another EEEBBBEEEEE .. Tell me ! I'll come if possssssiiibbbllleeee . ERRRRR .. XSTEL hazzz my numberrrr .. (: Im available anytime , except for sundays . :D ; If you find this confession weird , look . Im not drunk . HAHAHAH .. Well , i still have school tomorrow . Im not done with any of my assignments . DAMMET . ; errrr , pardon my english . Lack of Hunt's Pork & Beans . [b]:))))[/b]

Last edited by PhRem (2010-06-16 10:02:50)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I wish he wasn't that busy sometimes... it's hard wanting to talk to him but I can't because he has a lot of stuff to do. T.T Damn you, college. :angry: [i]Sigh[/i]. We're already a gazillion miles apart and yet I can't even talk to him anymore? :<
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=PhRem;#3633218;1276696874]So JAMESSSSS is really that GOOD - LOOKING huh ? So the EB girls , really TILIIIII to death as if they saw a SUPERSTARRRR ..[/quote] No I'm not. xD Believe me Phrem. -- I confess I super duper love my schedule. Anyway, non-sense confession. The real confession is, I love the way I feel right now. I won't give up on her. I'm willing for a LDR just for her. :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that I really am uplifted cause we're okay now. But the contrary of that happiness is I don't think that I'd be able to talk [s]him[/s] the way we used to. :/
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

hi confession thread. i missed you. - just got home this 7pm, i'm so tired. i always go home late, super goodluck to me. i feel sleepy always in afternoon :eh:. - my classmate, i mean my LOVING classmates are going to nominate me for president,i like it because NEW EXPERIENCE && i can handle class from now on, i hate it because, it's too hard being president. T_____T election is on monday, hope they'll not nominate me, instead.. secretary would be good.. :) - i hate my pe teachers. he's boring! he just want to talk and talk, no activities T____T. tho, i don't like PE and hate it so much. i'm still looking for some activities outside the room, you know. - i confess that i'm still on the newspaper as gfx designer/photojournalist. i'll wear civilian tomorrow, i like it! no uniforms :cool::cool: - i confess i should post it on the diary, what do you think? bye
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess i hate people who left without any word. which is really pathetic. swear, anyway don't want to mention any names. but yeah. it's pretty pathetic. sorrehhh
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=jamessss:b;#3633542;1276739644]I'm willing for a LDR just for her. :)[/quote] Woohoo! :music: I'm gonna support you guys. Whoever the other girl is. xD -- I confess I hate my stupid router. D: I just bought it two days ago and I'm still having problems with the WiFi. Aaaargh. I don't like not having WiFi... it's a hassle. >.< I guess I just got to figure out the problem later after work. -___- AAAHHH! I'm crazy about him. :"> Sure, his 'efforts' might be waaay different than when he was courting me, but it's still there. It may seem less, but it's there. It's the smallest things. < He's so sweet. :wow2: Hihihi.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that; - I kinda hate my section, all of my bestfriends are on the other section. I'm stuck with almost all the people I seldom talk to. :| - I love Kuya Josh for always being there, he the only bestfriend I have in our section. He even exchanged seats with a classmate so he can save me from getting my saliva spoiled. LOLJK, he's like the best guy bestfriend ever. =) - I'm also classmates with my close friends from First Year, but we like drifted apart. And, we're not that close anymore. :/ - The new English teacher has the cutest voice ever, he's so conyo. :lol3: - I have this Chem assignment that needs to be handwritten. :-_-: - I need to find decent clothes to wear for my Grandma's birthday tomorrow. :excited: - I still wait for his texts. :facepalm: - The EX kept bugging me. :mg: - I still loathe him. :mad: - I want to stab him with a pitchfork. LOLJK. :fork: - I want pancit canton. :lol3: - I miss Gei. :( - I don't know if this thing has sense. :wallbash:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I want to talk about school... or rant rather. But I always feel like there's someone stalking me online and sooner or later, I'll be in trouble again. Ugh. Look what he has done. I felt like I lost my freedom of speech. :aaa:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]I confess:[/b] - I hate myself. D: I hate it when I don't even mean it but I still end up screwing something up. Gaaahh. I want this phase in my life to be over. T.T - My head hurts like hell. -___- It's been a while since I felt this way... but I'm miserable. :< - Only two months left before Fall semester starts. I'm kinda excited but bummed at the same time. Excited, because I get to come home to Manila in a month, but bummed because school starts right after I get back. >.< - I want to be [b]better[/b]... :/ - I decided to brush up on my drawing and... make something for him. :">

Last edited by blackmamba (2010-06-17 19:26:44)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I've done something weird yesterday :lol3: It's unexpected but its worth it :eh: :lol2: hmmmm... It's related here in FT :lol3::lol3::lol3: What a day yesterday. lmao. :xixi:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that; - I still didn't do the Chem assignment. =D - I'm at my grandma's this weekend. - I haz no time for thats. :lol3::lol3: - I want to meet up with my Elementary friends this weekend. - But they're busy, I think. - Only Alonzo wants to go. :lol3::lol3::lol3: - I want to watch Karate Kid. - I think I really like you. :love: - But, I can't like you. :| - So. Okay. Thanks. Bye. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess;; - I`m getting </////3 again. : || I hate myself for being so [i]selosa. [/i] Ughhh. I really dammit hate it. Fckthwrldpls! Ughhhhh. I hate it. Whenever there's this thinggy called.. 'stupid jokes, infatuation and not-true affairs.. Falling inlove comes true. :wallbash: But no, i`m not.. I didn`t falled for another guy just like that. He was just like 'strange' these days. And it`s not love. K? I`m jealous because of this and that and that and this. :-_-: I just want to quit it at all. : || - I hate our club secretary & president. They didn`t chose me for a varsity this year. Badluck. Fcktbllsht. :snob::snob: My parents were disappointed. I didn`t do something bad that made me go out of that stupid varsity. Ohfckit. I hate it. I hate sophomore life. And my so-called-bestfriend is with my enemy. Fckit. : || I won`t trust her ANYMORE. I hate her, after getting all my secrets, then now.. :snob::snob: There`s just no GOOD person here in this Earth anymore. :cry: Nobody can understand me. :snob: - The wound on my wrist that I made last May 17, 2010 is not yet [i]magaling[/i] now. Its been 1month and 1day. And still the scar is there, and I know, the wound is very deep. :confused: - I remembered my 1year-ex bf. :|:| I don`t know why he popped in of my mind. I just.. don`t know why. And I just not missing him anymore. :smoke: - I know sophomore life would be.. our eviction year. So I really need to focus on my studies. But I can`t. :'( - I really miss someone here. :snob: [hr] Edited[i]![/i] I confess that I wish there`s someone to make me feel better. :'(

Last edited by xstel (2010-06-18 09:25:33)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]I confess:[/b] * It's a great feeling to know that he's most comfortable when he's with me. :"> He told me he'd probably get teary-eyed at the end of Toy Story 3 if he was watching it with me. :lol3: Maybe it's a guy thing to not let your friends see you tear up, but at least he let's his guard down when he's with me. :giggle: * 35 more days until I get to come home again~ :woohoo: I have I feeling I'm going to hate the 10-hour flight from Hawaii to Manila, but it's all gonna be worth it in the end. xD * I'm going on a vacation with him and his mom when I get back. Just for the weekend though, since he has school. /: Aaaahh! This will be my first time to go out of town with him. xD I don't mind having his mom around. She's pretty cool. ;D Plus, we're tight. :xixi: * I only had 4 hours of sleep again today. T.T Slept for 2 hours, talked to him for 4 hours, then went back to sleep for 2 hours. Yeeep. It's tough being sleep-deprived. :faint: * My head's gonna f*cking explode. Aaaahhhh!! I need more sleep!!! :zzz:
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I Confess. -- Wee, it`s weekend & I love it. Haha. Classes start & i really dont wanna go to school. Its soo uber mega boring there. [bad.] -- Yesterday is my behated, oh i mean my beloved sisters' birthday. But since there are classes yesterday, we`re going out today. haha. -- I sense something with my first year classmate. haha. -- I miss my cousin who`s in Calamba, working, eventho she irritates me, alot. -- I soo love `DaJoy`s. they`re soo funny. Love `em all. END.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess i think i kinda like the loveteam of [b]naruto <3 hinata[/b] than [b]naruto <3 sakura[/b] :lol3: co'z i like this part [url]http://img-c.onemanga.com/mangas/00000004/000147022/12.jpg[/url] oh well nonsense confession :xixi:

Last edited by dondon (2010-06-19 02:17:11)

  • » I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

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