• » I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]I confess:[/b] - I really [u]need[/u] to start budgeting my money for my trip to Manila. WTF. I still need to buy [i]pasalubongs[/i] and I don't have much money. D: I still have to bring some money home you know. Shoppiiiing! :lol3: - My math finals is 3 days away. I'm freaking out. AHHHH!! :scared: - Despite the stress of finals, I am very excited because only [b]a week and 5 days more[/b] before I get to go home! :woohoo: I don't care about stupid grades. I just wanna go home. :< - Arghh. Damn my impulsive buying! I bought a ticket to see the JabbaWockeeZ live at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on May! I even spent my miles just so I could fly to Vegas. </3 Now I'm broke. T.T But it's okay, I get to see the WockeeZ! :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess i was shocked when i saw this game ->[url]http://theftalk.com/arcade-g1397-Esperma.html[/url] ((= i thought its just a random game but Gossh . lmao, i immediately closed the tab of that game, that game`s super not for me O:-) I confess I can’t sleep. I’ve been lying wide awake in bed for hours & I think my eyes are dry again ._. I confess I so envy those acapella vids. on youtube <33 especially those with beatbox, I was so amazed. I`ll do what they did! \m/ *dreaaming ~~

Last edited by Jasminee (2010-04-30 12:55:06)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[align=center][b]Confessioni-자백-اعترافات-וידויים-告白-WTVR YOU CALL IT. [/b][img]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q66/glow-imp/emoticons/462627z2v374m3zv.gif[/img][/align] [quote][img]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc310/Rainbows142/emoticons/63m7l6s.gif[/img] I confess I really want to watch UKV's last epidose. Gah, english subs. [img]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm74/hyuana13/Cute%20Emoticons/hatena04.gif[/img] Pwe.:-_-: [img]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc310/Rainbows142/emoticons/63m7l6s.gif[/img] I confess finding a nice Tumblr theme makes me annoyed. Like srslyy. :mad: [img]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc310/Rainbows142/emoticons/63m7l6s.gif[/img] I want my hyper badge back. :mad: [img]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc310/Rainbows142/emoticons/63m7l6s.gif[/img] I confess I was like :O when I saw [url=http://theftalk.com/p=Lelouch_0]Lelouch_0[/url]'s siggy. It's the b*tch banana.. :ninja:. Hha! [img]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm74/hyuana13/Cute%20Emoticons/kya-.gif[/img] [img]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc310/Rainbows142/emoticons/63m7l6s.gif[/img] I confess I'm going to stay here in our house on Monday and Tuesday. I'm so [u]egg[/u]cited for that[i] stuff[/i]. Holy fvck! [img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j56/kristen6906/emoticons/cute.gif[/img] But I'm still nervous, because Idk if that thingy will.. AHA. :xixi::xixi: This is my 3000th post, so yeah. This should be special. [img]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm74/hyuana13/Cute%20Emoticons/kira01.gif[/img] ROFL :lol3::lol3:[/quote]

Last edited by *nicz.love (2010-04-30 22:12:54)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=blackmamba;#3554884;1272646061]- Arghh. Damn my impulsive buying! I bought a ticket to see the JabbaWockeeZ live at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on May! I even spent my miles just so I could fly to Vegas. </3 Now I'm broke. T.T But it's okay, I get to see the WockeeZ![/quote] I saw them live. Freeeee. :lol3:! [b]I confess;[/b][hr][hr]I'm still lazy to post a very long post. And not that determined to get back my hyper. :disgust: I slept 4:40 I think? I really feel wasted now. :wasted:, I was pissed last night. OK it was morning. She doesn't want to sleep. I really felt that I'm crazy last night. :O I'm punching walls and punching my bed. :wasted: I was really pissed. Now, my hands hurt and my eyes hurt. T_____T Sorry for the grammar. Hope you don't read it. I'm shy. :lol3:! :blush:

Last edited by snypzelle (2010-04-30 23:34:35)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]Confession:[/b] [quote]• I'm planning to make my own [b]premade graphics thread[/b]. Hikhik. ( ̄▽ ̄) But I'm too lazy to make graphics right now, wenk-wenk-weeenk [b]XD[/b] But I've got to move & moveeee. I just keep sitting here in front or my laptop for days. My butt hurts already. ;д; [b]LOL[/b], but making GFX doesn't make a difference neh[b]?[/b] :))) • It would make me happy if you read my poem [b]"Goodbye"[/b] @ the [u]Literature[/u] section [b]8DDD[/b] LMAO. And yes, I am telling you to go there & read[b]![/b] XD And comment, plox. Hahaha, kidding. Just read it if you want to. It's a pretty long poem [b];)[/b] And it's not that good, coz... I'm not a [b]pro[/b] poet. Nahaha, surry.[/quote]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]CONFESSIONS[/b]~ [spoiler]We laugh out loud at what we done earlier, Oneechan (bigbrother) used water in cooking instead of oil. He is frying the tofu, instead of *oil-sound-when-you-fried-something* it's boiling. :lol3::lol3: And my mom asked me to fried the chicken because she was damn exhausted :lol3: after she steam it and after I fry it the chicken was like "Fresh Chicken For Sale" we ended up cooking it again. :lol3::lol3: I pity my brother and I, we can't live our own yet :lol3: EPIC FAIL =D[/spoiler]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess i so love [url=http://theftalk.com/p=-RACH.]Choo[/url] & [url=http://theftalk.com/p=philixre]lableh[/url] , even though we had misunderstandings. I confess I`m so happy that I got to connect with [url=http://theftalk.com/p=imdemoprincess]Zen[/url] again. My searching powers so [i]magaling[/i]. It really feels super great connecting with her again (: But the friendship quietly changed, i feel like there's a wall between us.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I'm jealous with grazie. :cry: She made her hyper badge back. T__T
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

Hi Ftalk, I am missing you so much. I do miss MMP a lot. I left because I think I'll not be that active here. Well, you can catch me guys on Tumblr. Just click the siggeeyy there. I'm missing a lot of fun here. But what can I do? I wanna go back to MMP, but I'm shy. Blogging, this is my first love as of now. K Bye.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess i made a very big mistake to my [i]ate[/i]. i'm really sorry. T___T i don't know what to do. i confess i had fun at the catechism today. it was very fun. i think kuya arvin and my ate are dating. haha. lol.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=*nicz.love;#3555336;1272679851]I confess I was like :O when I saw Lelouch_0's siggy. It's the b*tch banana.. :ninja:. Hha![/quote] HAHA. I knew this kind of thing will happen. :lol3: [hr][hr][hr] [b]I confess that[/b].. -- I was really really disappointed in someone. [b]T.T[/b] I don't know if she's lying or she's really a wanna-be so she try everything to be like her idol. I thought our friendship is REAL, man. I thought it will be forever. But I really feel that she ditch me in a very rude manner. It hurts so much. And FYI, I think she's trying hard to be cool so she stick more with my cool friend. I think she's freaking envy! Argh. She even ignore my messages and when I text her, she was like "Oh. Yeah. Great." Like that. But when she text others she was like "Oh! I'm so happy! Yay! I'm so cool! I'm freaking funny! Yada yada yada!" Pfft. Very uncool to me. [b]T.T[/b] I really feel that I just lost a friend. I just wish she'll say in my face that "Hey! Get lost. I don't like you anymore. You're a trash to me." it would be better than treating me like I don't freaking exist. Cold treatment cut deeper than harsh words. True. [b]T.T[/b] -- Our internet connection is slow as a snail. :-_-: -- I miss 4 people here in Ftalk. =( Haven't talked to them for days but it feels like forever. :-_-: -- I write "Baby G" at the back of my hand. :xixi: It's because I'm addicted to [b]G[/b]. :xixi:

Last edited by Lelouch_0 (2010-05-03 10:00:11)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I just noticed that Ftalk is one of the sites that refere referred tumblr as a blogging site to many users. I just hate the way some others think. Tumblr isn't a place where you need to be famous. I hate those kinds of bloggers. They're like TRASH. I'm not referring to a specific person. That kind of idea really sucks.

Last edited by japzy (2010-05-03 10:05:05)

» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I think I have a crush on a married guy who is ten years older than me. I know it sounds creepy but I'm dead serious about it. It all started when they had their campaign here in our place. Yes, he is a politician. I thought he was some random teenager who was part of the campaign. Seriously, he looks like a teenager. It was like..I got hit by Cupid's bow. :lol3: Me and my friend always talk about him. And whatever I do, I would talk about him. I don't like this kind of feeling anymore. :facepalm: I don't want my Mom to leave yet. I don't think I could survive months without her by my side. :invi:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]I confess:[/b] - My math finals wasn't really that hard as I thought it would be. o_O Of course, I don't want to be [i]too[/i] sure, because I might end up getting a low score. :lol3: But yeah. I've noticed that it's relatively easier compared to the 4 other tests we had. - I almost died when my boss' boss played me. I was asking him to sign my timesheet because my boss wasn't around and he told me, "I can't. As a supervisor, I need to see you working in order to sign this. I haven't seen you working." then I told him that my boss wasn't around and she asked me to ask him to sign, but he still wouldn't listen. And then afterwards he was like, "I'm just playin' with you. Of course I can sign this." :facepalm: I hate it when they do that. D: - OMG. I'm feeling the [b]excitement[/b]. 9 more days 'til Manila and I cannot wait!!! :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=anne_cutie;#3560379;1272881092]i confess i had fun at the catechism today. it was very fun. i think kuya arvin and my ate are dating. haha. lol.[/quote] Whatever. [hr][hr] • I confess I don't like my mom's attitude these days. Seriously. She didn't allow me to join the Youth Camp. Why!? Because Jorence is coming. Wtf. Kill me. Kill me now.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I want to shoot my art teacher's head. I am so inlove with art. But I'm starting to hate it because she keeps on giving us projects that are so impossible to finish in a very short amount of time. T-T And, I heard what my friends told me about her. And I definitely disagree with them saying that she's a 'something'. I mean, she's nice, but... Ugh. -___- I confess I 'empathized' with some animals awhile ago. It's so hard being a cow, kangaroo and a camel. Thank God I am human. Because sometimes I wonder why. I know, I'm weird. I confess that I wish Paw will have a wonderful, not-tiring life. She always tell me that she's tired when she's not even exercising. I just don't get it. XD I confess I'm finally obsessed with playing basketball. Though I'm not fortunate when it comes to shooting the ball. [s]coz I'm a shorty.[/s]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that I will be absent the whole day . cause of this so fcking sorethroat and fever. :-_-::-_-:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess, I am [b]dead tired[/b] of my life. The optimism that made me was slowly conquered by the pessimistic side of me. I had lots of problems. And I thought, I won't have a problem here in the [u]cyber world[/u]. But, the answer is, [i]"You always will have a problem. Seriously."[/i] First, with my [b]family[/b]. I appear as the usual bubbly girl to them, but the real thing is, I don't express my real feelings. That, in fact, I am a sadist. I am a [u]sensitive[/u] fouteen-year-old and I am really [u]gullible[/u]. But, whenever they offend my feelings, I just smile, go into my room, bury my face with a pillow. Then I will [color=red][b]cry[/b][/color]. Next, with my [b]friends and school[/b]. Of course, they also see my bubbly side, and they have always admire my impressive cheerfulness and energy. Of course I don't have to remember my problems back home, wherein my family is completely broken.. but, at school, when I don't feel a friend supporting me, I'll tell them, [i]"Okay, my head's aching. I'll take a nap first."[/i] and then, I'll be there on my desk, crying. And third. Up here in the [b]cyber world[/b]. Wherein I thought I can be completely happy since no one will see my expression. But then, I am wrong. I dunno, but I think [b]happiness is not for me.[/b] I just want a [u]happy family[/u]. A supporting [u]real[/u] friend. [u][b]Complete[/b][/u] happiness. But I know, God [b]never[/b] forsaken me. In times when I'm in need and I am lost, He is the only one for me there. [b]He is real, and He will never forget me.[/b] And lastly, because I can cry in front of God while I am praying, and I'll say, [i]"Lord God, thanks for the optimism you'll give me after breaking down in front of You."[/i] Actually, I am thinking of not posting it here since I don't want someone to know my real feelings, but then, I knew, no one is gonna read it btw, so why not post here? At least I am able to let out my feelings, even though it's just typing it here..
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[b]I confess that[/b].. -- I'm pissed off because of the picture I'm downloading. x( I refreshed it for a hundred times and it still doesn't load. Arr. Gimme a break. x( -- I talked with my "bestfriend" earlier. We talked about our friendship. It's still unclear to me. -- I'm =(.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that.. [li] I am posting too much that it may go up too spamming? Haha, just to have those 2000 posts. That I should leave MMP for days? Weeks? K. OMG. I dunno what to do without them for days.[/li]
  • » I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

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