- I feel down right now. [b]@-@[/b] I`m not on the fcking mood suddenly. I`ve been a very bad and spoiled daughter lately. My mom even saw me cursing on Facebook. [b]@-@[/b] I`m sorry, I`m sorry. I`ll stop now. Whenever me and my mom chat on Y!M, I only ask for Money. [b]YY[/b]. All I can think of is Money. WTF. I know, I know. I`m a very bad daughter. I`m not even checking if she`s fine wherever she is. And, whenever we talk for a long time, I suddenly feel like turning the phone off. I just want a hug right now.

I`m not gonna curse anymore.

Like, swear.
- I wanna bond with the members of MMP on 21st. You know, I miss them. [b]@-@[/b] I wanna be close to them again. I hope we`ll all be active on[b] 21st[/b] so no one will be kicked. lol. (:
- I am still not sleepy. [b]XX[/b] And I think I might be inactive for the next weeks. I still don`t have internet connection at home. I`m tired coming here. But still, I`m worried about mai badge.

- I am seriously glad that Dess and I are okay now. [b]@)[/b] I mean, were always okay. But still, the treatment is not the same with before. So, you know, I`m gonna try to bring everything back around. I am seriously serious. lol [b]:[/b]D And, and, I realized one thing with our conversation. Okay, I`ll just keep it to maiself. (: And, and, for Chaw. I know you`re really busy and all, but I just want you to know that I miss you. [b]@-@[/b] K, I`m still here, you know.

lol, Nevermind.
- It`s really sad that You have someone always behind you and been part on some of your goals and the next thing you know, she`s all gone. Alright, I`m sleepy now. Goodnight, FT[b]![/b]