[spoiler]-- I'm happy I'm back.

I miss ftalk very much and I got very excited to post more post because I can't wait to be "level up".

I think I'm staying for good.

-- I was very very VERY happy to know the name of the FFXIII character. It's [b]Noctis Lucis Caelum.[/b] Kyaa~
-- I stay up late tonight for SOMEONE but unfortunately, "someone" is not here.

-- I was jealous. VERY jealous.

I want to tell her but I can't because I'm afraid that she'll think something.. uhm.. wrong? or something that she is supposed not to think like I was very uhm.. jealous to anything and I like to keep her to myself and I don't want that. So, I think I'll just tell her some time.

-- I'm still confused which to choose between [b]RUKI[/b] && [b]URUHA[/b]

-- I'm excited to start band with my classmate and friends. I just hope it'll turn great.

-- I like to buy many many many many things but I have no money. hell.

-- I get mad at times because I was very excited at things but when I open my YM, nothing.

-- It kinda crossed my mind that I will NEVER expect something. NEVER again.

-- It kinda makes me sad to think that WE are not like before. I miss her.

-- My mom wakes up and telling me to stop.

I'll post more tomorrow.[/spoiler]
Ciaossu~ :3