i confess that im really [b]confused[/b] right now.

Idk if i really want to be a teatro member. I mean, yeah i auditioned but that's because my bestfriend [b]insisted[/b] me to try it;.. and so did I. But I really did not expect that im going to be accepted.- and that's not part of my plans because all i wanted is to be a [b]volleyball player [/b]but now im stuck with this descision.

worst is, my friend [u]backed off [/u]and even tho i wanted too, my mom wouldn't let me. She says that [i]'the opportunity is good and that i shouldn't just trash it because something like this doesn't come often in my life'[/i]. Ohhcrap. idkwhatodo. ;/

if i choose teatro, i can't play volleyball anymore like i do in regular sections (Because i would be[b] busy [/b]with workshops and P.E is [b]not part [/b]of their subject). If i choose to back off too, my mom would be [u]veryyy[/u] disapointed. fvck. this [i]shiz[/i] is getting in my nerve. It's like choosing between icecream or cake. That i can't choose. ));;