• » I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[align=center]-- Start Of Confession -- [/align] - Ahh at last, i finished all the exams and the assesments, now im just waiting for the final result if im going to be in or not. I wish id get in. I wish i passed the berlitz exam. Agh i was so nervous awhile ago, its liek my heart is beating out of my chest. I dunno if i even done well. I even forgot the rater's name wen i was done :facepalm: - My sister and her ofcmate was making fun of me, her ofcmate is treating me like a kid. well he is 10yrs older than me i think :lol3:, he messed my hair amf. anyway, its fun hanging out wif him and my sis' offcemates :lol3:, and of cors with my sister. Tho i was with her since birth. -Im chatting now with one of my precious.. precious? :lol3:, friends here in FT. We only chat once in a blue moon i think. I think its a blue moon tonight *looks outside*, lol its fun talking with him again :lol3: - Im getting addicted with tumblrr! :lala:, well not just me actually. i think almost all of the active member in CS is tumbling now :lol3:, gahhhhhh among us, harvii is the most addcted one :lol3:, actually its bcus of him thats why we tumblr ds much now. - My tumblr theme still sucks, i cant find the right theme for me to edit :lol3:, its kinda of hard to edit some of the scripts. - T_T Super Junior concert is 5 days away. Hay. A once in a lifetime even to see a group that i really love now and i cant go. Amf i regret a little going to that lady gaga concert. - If SHINee wud hav a concert, all hell will break loose. Dang i wud dfintely go whatvr it takes! - Emo moad. *change mood*, hay until now im getting ignored. LOL seriously, okay please tell me if you still want to continue this or what. - Im really starting to like SNSD (Girls Generation), in Oh!, they look cute. In RDR, they look smoking hot :lol3: - aigoo~ its 6am already. I shud be sleeping amf :-_-: [align=center]-- End Of Confession --[/align]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess that i want to confess because i saw my ate on the post above me :love: [spoiler]lol . i seriously love to call her ate <3 ate push ![/spoiler] ok back to the confession . . - i feel missing ftalk more since i rarely came here , and just post in group , and out :p and keep my bar lol . good thing my post is superduperextreemly lots , i dont have to work hard when my bar get lesser . post 1-2 post in class-s and i'll get it back from lv 2 to hardcore :p - i do wish for someone's luck today >_< a really huge luck . - i get more addicted to play . hope i can stop it ;_; as in stop it but i cant . lol poor me . :crybaby - i want to vote for the mascot contest but i dont want to vote for myself but uga will kill me because i dont help him (as for here U-talk) spread the U viruses around the world D: so i decided not to vote .but im glad to see people vote me :heart: go spread uga around the world ! ( [url=http://i39.tinypic.com/2d7hjkz.jpg]click if u help u-talk . or if you want to . or if you curious :p[/url] )
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I'm addicted to photo booths. Meh. ._____.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess my sisters and i made a music video thingy. O___o and finally, we're done. and i think this will take an hour before i can upload it to my FB. i confess i'm kinda lazy to post today. :invi:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I wont touch my Tumblr if I still don't have Adobe. :ohno:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[align=center][size=4][color=violet] :( My Sad Confession :( [/color][/size][/align] [quote][b]i confess that i really want to stop Ftalking from now on coz' i have a bunch of problems here, our house will be demolish within 2 months and we dont have another house to lived in. We have many debts in my brothers school. My dad joined a fraternity something like that, im not against on him but he's not working he's not thinking of us he's only thinking about his frat. And my dad is always drunk so his always getting into trouble and we are responsible for that and he is always hurting my sis and my brothers and even me. My mom is having a hard time finding money for us coz' dad is not helping her anymore..... [/b][/quote] [b]What should i do? im losing hope..[/b]

Last edited by shana16 (2010-04-06 04:38:06)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=shana16;#3512077;1270542949]:( My Sad Confession :( i confess that i really want to stop Ftalking from now on coz' i have a bunch of problems here, our house will be demolish within 2 months and we dont have another house to lived in. We have many debts in my brothers school. My dad joined a fraternity something like that, im not against on him but he's not working he's not thinking of us he's only thinking about his frat. And my dad is always drunk so his always getting into trouble and we are responsible for that and he is always hurting my sis and my brothers and even me. My mom is having a hard time finding money for us coz' dad is not helping her anymore..... What should i do? im losing hope..[/quote] i think this should be posted here --> [url=http://theftalk.com/t58536-Problem-Thread.-%28Read-first-post-first-before-posting%2C-thankyou.%29.html]click[/url] =) but well, just have faith. [hr][hr] i confess i'm excited much with the confee :woohoo::lol2: i confess i'm not tired,but i'm forced to go to sleep, hell, it's 2 in the morning. :eh:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

[quote=MiNEKOARCH;#3511998;1270538922]I confess I wont touch my Tumblr if I still don't have Adobe.[/quote] I confess I won't touch my tumblr if I don't have a DSLR. :evil:

Last edited by snypzelle (2010-04-06 10:37:47)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

Been watching [b]Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge[/b] for almost 5 hours. (: Omgg, I love Kyohei and Taekanaga. :wow2: I`m already on Episode 6 part 1. :lol2:

Last edited by MiNEKOARCH (2010-04-06 10:02:03)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I'm addicted to chat box !!!!! :lol2:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that I [b]hate[/b] snow. Especially if I've already changed my tires to summer tires. D: What the f-. I am sooo not going to school anymore!
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that I regret and hate myself for not focusing on my studies. I got very low marks in my MOCK exam and not only the teachers are disappointed, its me the one who is upset the most. I have no clue about what should I do for my upcoming board exam. I'm not caring about my studies so if I'm having a great time now then in future I wish i could go back in time and stop wasting time and stuff the books into my head.....
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that i don't get it anymore. :retard: I don't get it why my mom's favorite hobby is getting mad at me. :eee: Why does it have to be me? i still have other siblings. :swt: Am i that pretty to be noticed much? =D lolz. My father & I just :lol3: :lol2: :lol: while my mom is :eee: me. I didn't do anything :wallbash: so we just made fun of her. I told my dad about my dillemma, and hell yeah. He said a few, but it really struck me. :fork: I still feel bad about it though. :-_-: [i]i posted because i lost my alive & kickin badge. time to get it back. :xixi: Hello again Ftalk. :chew:[/i]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that I'm so glad that I can go to "super show concert" of super junior, luckily I got 2 upper box A ticket. Yesterday I went to gateway to upgrade my ticket to vip dance floor ticket, unluckily all vip tickets are sold out :no:. I really want to kill the f'ckn employee's at our school especially the dean :mg: , they are making some ways to destroy our summer vacation. They are freaking forcing us to do some subject matters in the summer and they even told us that it is a must even though it was not. Because of that my friends and I are having a hard time in postponing and moving our flight on the other date. We even pay some penalty on the immigration and it is a very long process. Summer sucks :-_-:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess..until now i cant believe that Ricky Martin is a gay...all this time i thought he was a maniac (well looking the way he kissed those girls on his music videos) but ok, i should get over it :lol3::lol3::lol3:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess that i think im going to be longer stay in school because of clearances. But i am the first enrolled in our section. :) My mom promised me that if she have enough money, she will buy me CD/albums. TVXQ is top of my list. and also BoA.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

i confess its been a long tym since i post and drop here in ftalk... shocked! i was :rolleyes: coz i dunno wheres the smilees...lol its like im still a newbie here...:wow: i confess that i miss many members here. -i saw also the pics and vids of our eb.with dess and dondon. i was :lol: at it..nice work don for stolen shots...:thumbsup: i was thinking if i will tag dess in FB...peace! thats ol for now.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that Me and oniongurl(If you know her) were sisters. I confess that I have phobia in crowded.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess that I'm hurting the guy I like. I mean, I've previously like. He still feels the same way towards me, but now... I have fallen for someone else. And I feel seriously guilty. :( I can't tell him the truth. :aaa:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

I confess I`m back :dance: yay ;DD I forgot my old pass. I wasn`t really so updated here, I`m not used with the new cute smileys :'> but hey, I you know I miss the pengu. and I was shocked with the arcade thing,so many new games . Anyway I miss everyone, and I cant assure that I`ll really be active as before [b];[/b][b];[/b][b])[/b]

Last edited by Jasminee (2010-04-07 06:03:19)

  • » I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

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