[align=center]-- Start Of Confession --
- Ahh at last, i finished all the exams and the assesments, now im just waiting for the final result if im going to be in or not.
I wish id get in. I wish i passed the berlitz exam. Agh i was so nervous awhile ago, its liek my heart is beating out of my chest. I dunno if i even done well. I even forgot the rater's name wen i was done
- My sister and her ofcmate was making fun of me, her ofcmate is treating me like a kid. well he is 10yrs older than me i think
, he messed my hair amf. anyway, its fun hanging out wif him and my sis' offcemates
, and of cors with my sister. Tho i was with her since birth.
-Im chatting now with one of my precious.. precious?
, friends here in FT. We only chat once in a blue moon i think. I think its a blue moon tonight *looks outside*, lol its fun talking with him again
- Im getting addicted with tumblrr!
, well not just me actually. i think almost all of the active member in CS is tumbling now
, gahhhhhh among us, harvii is the most addcted one
, actually its bcus of him thats why we tumblr ds much now.
- My tumblr theme still sucks, i cant find the right theme for me to edit
, its kinda of hard to edit some of the scripts.
- T_T Super Junior concert is 5 days away. Hay. A once in a lifetime even to see a group that i really love now and i cant go. Amf i regret a little going to that lady gaga concert.
- If SHINee wud hav a concert, all hell will break loose. Dang i wud dfintely go whatvr it takes!
- Emo moad. *change mood*, hay until now im getting ignored. LOL seriously, okay please tell me if you still want to continue this or what.
- Im really starting to like SNSD (Girls Generation), in Oh!, they look cute. In RDR, they look smoking hot
- aigoo~ its 6am already. I shud be sleeping amf
[align=center]-- End Of Confession --[/align]