i confess that i want to confess because i saw my ate on the post above me

[spoiler]lol . i seriously love to call her ate <3 ate push ![/spoiler]
ok back to the confession . .
- i feel missing ftalk more since i rarely came here , and just post in group , and out

and keep my bar lol . good thing my post is superduperextreemly lots , i dont have to work hard when my bar get lesser . post 1-2 post in class-s and i'll get it back from lv 2 to hardcore

- i do wish for someone's luck today >_< a really huge luck .
- i get more addicted to play . hope i can stop it ;_; as in stop it but i cant . lol poor me . :crybaby
- i want to vote for the mascot contest but i dont want to vote for myself but uga will kill me because i dont help him (as for here U-talk) spread the U viruses around the world D: so i decided not to vote .but im glad to see people vote me

go spread uga around the world ! ( [url=http://i39.tinypic.com/2d7hjkz.jpg]click if u help u-talk . or if you want to . or if you curious

[/url] )