[quote=MiNEKOARCH;#3530543;1271610480]And, and, for Chaw. I know you`re really busy and all, but I just want you to know that I miss you. @-@ K, I`m still here, you know. lol, Nevermind.[/quote]
I feel the same way.

I'm just. Sad. that we can't talk to each other the way we can back then.
I am taking loathing on myself for being a fraudulent insensitive person. I can neither voice these feelings out through words nor show it through my facial expression/actions. I have a lot of selfish intentions running in my head. But I don't think I'll be able to mention some of them here.
I really miss Paw. It's been a while since we last talked. Honestly, I don't really know why I always feel scared whenever I try to talk to her. And whenever I do, I always end up not talking to her. Idk. It just feels like, someone built a wall between the two of us. Moreover, I'm looking forward on seeing her as a classmate in a specific university, and that thing won't definitely die in my memory.
I confess that I've been lazy with my clay crap thing lately. And that I lost my mom's bracelet last week, and I am so not going to tell her that I did.
Or else she'll bury me alive...

This is a very emotional post and I can't believe I'm the one who posted this.

I have a big crush on Tsuchiura Ryoutaro and Tsukimori Len. I confess that I want to kill Leonardo Dicarpio for not shaving his beard.