[quote=FallOutBoy008;#3631955;1276538484]2. Hajime no ippo is the only manga that im reading...[/quote]
It's one awesome manga, at that. xD
[b]I confess:[/b]
- I hate his friend. I swear. -___- Ever since [i]he[/i] came along, everything went down the fcking drain. Dude. Go hang out with your original friends.
Fcking boy thinks he's all that.
- I want to have more things to do with my friends so I could [i]not[/i] care about what he does with his. :< He's always out and I'm not! How come I get to be the miserable one? /: FINE. I'm going to effing NYC with my friends, foo. [-(
- I just found out that I have my own folder in his Yahoo! Mail. Everything is in there. My letters, Facebook notifications of my comments, etc. I dunno if I should be touched, or worried because it's relatively easier to delete everything if it's in a folder.
Gaaawd I'm so paranoid. ;__; Nevertheless, I'm more touched than worried. :">
Last edited by blackmamba (2010-06-15 18:42:05)