2010-06-16 10:01:14

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I was able to edit my profile in friendster, Finally. XDD I am so busy these past few days. Well, thank god. I love Bernard Jay Muyco and Marco Alfonso Go Santos III, even if he's GAY. and lastly, Je

CONFESSION : ; I just read the EB MOMENTS thread just minutes ago , i saw some ftalk's latest EB churva .. (((((: ENVY .. Especially on their reactions to each aderrrrr . :lol2::lol2: So JAMESSSSS is really that GOOD - LOOKING huh ? So the EB girls , really TILIIIII to death as if they saw a SUPERSTARRRR .. :o WHOA , HAHAHAHA .. :eh2: I wanna TILIIII too , HAHAAHHA .. Nobody told me that there will be an EB , [i]Nakapunta sana ako [/i]. O____O anddddd meet those ALIENs .. :lol2::lol2: LOLJK. They are saying that JAMES is sooo mabango , .. JAMES , what's your perfume ? :blush: Imma buy one too .. NYAHAHAH .. I saw TRICK on the pics too , WHOA .. Are you a korean ? HAHAHHA .. You should have your haircut, dude ! :lol: ; Well , i really got envy with the EB , actually . (((: I wanna meet my beepcorn (XSTEL) ! :run::run: Oh my , I might sampal her to death `coz of too much EXCITEMENT to see her . NYAHAHAh [i](wala pa nga eh)[/i] . :run2::run2: ; Well , if any of you guys will have another EEEBBBEEEEE .. Tell me ! I'll come if possssssiiibbbllleeee . ERRRRR .. XSTEL hazzz my numberrrr .. (: Im available anytime , except for sundays . :D ; If you find this confession weird , look . Im not drunk . HAHAHAH .. Well , i still have school tomorrow . Im not done with any of my assignments . DAMMET . ; errrr , pardon my english . Lack of Hunt's Pork & Beans . [b]:))))[/b]

Last edited by PhRem (2010-06-16 10:02:50)

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