I confess that;
- I was so busy at school this previous week.

- I like went home almost everyday at around 6PM.
- I hate measurements in Geom, I'm too lazy to draw and measure each angle. Can I just like draw whatever polygon I want without exact measurements? I wasted 3 intermediate papers just to draw those and.. Poof! I have mistakes in drawing. /wrist.
- My lower legs hurt because of that bvnkslmpl 3minute step test. I want to like kill Sir Deo, LOLJK.
- I am [i]paos[/i] now because of the yells we were practicing.

- I had a Super fuuuuuuuuuuuun filled friday. \

/ It was our Club day and Intrams.
- There really are perks of having boy bestfriends. They are sweet, caring, funny, and they buy me Cornetto. TUGS TUGS. TUGS. But, well.. Kuya is[i] kuripot[/i], but atleast he always makes[i] lambing[/i] to me.

- I almost went home with him, we never really talked so.. K.