2007-03-05 00:14:49

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i think this is a need.. [quote]Forum Name: Real Name (complete): Address (or location if it is too confidential) Birthday: ways to contact (YM, Email, cp#) etc, etc plus additional personal info.. N

@onee-chan: im in Anime and Manga, Music, Games, Tech Corner, and Arts and Design. Sir Admin entrusted me a lot of sections. hahah. but its ok, i think ill be able to manage them. they arent that crowded [i]pa naman eh.[/i] :D ill just ask for your help if ever i need them. heheh. :thumbsup: @Tj: see? told yah. we just have to be patient and wait for Sir Admin's reply :D Congratz Tim :D :thumbsup: also, congratz to Ephe. heheh. you deserve to be a Mod. :thumbsup: the three of us (me, ephe, and theejay) compose the new batch FTalk Mods. we promise to do our jobs here efficiently, right guys? :D \m/,

Last edited by FoRsAkEnKiD (2007-03-05 00:15:36)

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