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  2007-12-09 01:43:20

» n00b
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Re: [align=center][b]Friendster Tweaks Generator v7 "The First and Coolest Friendster Tweaks Generator inspired by OGcss"[/b][/align] [u][b] Function: [/b][/u]The function of this generator is to add some

It's not working on my profile!!please help me... :crybaby: [quote]Index | ChangeLog | Author Friendster Tweaks Generator v4.1 Created by Chibib0 @ 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Requirement: Ripway Account. Step 1: Enter all required informations in the textbox provided and press the generate button. Friendster User id(Required) Enter your friendster userid Dont know your user-id? Click Here to how to find your userid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Pop-up Message Enter your desired welcome message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Layout (using external stylesheet) Enter the URL of the External stylesheet Eg. Layout using an external stylesheet is one of the coolest tweak in friendster layout design. You can design completely your profile as you want. This is an example of an external stylesheet URL of a layout Note!: If you want to add the layouts from our layouts section, please add .css on the link -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WVM(Who's Viewed Me) v3.1.1 hosted by aftermath In order to have WVM you must register your friendster userid and tracker.css link in aftermath's database, or, click on the "modify database" button if you have other database. Replace the given php link below. (Ignore this if you want aftermath's database). Enter the max number of Visitors per page to be displayed If you dont have tracker.css, click the download link below to download tracker.css file and after you have downloaded it, upload it to your host (Ripway). Click here to download (Recommended) or use my public tracker.css file below -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChatBox Anti-Poser (Powered by Enter Complete Cbox Link (Eg. ChatBox Anti-Poser powered by is a chatbox that will be placed at the side of your profile along with friends and group boxes. The cool thing is, the exact name in friendster profile of the person who posted a message will be recorded as long as its friendster url. Step 1:In order to have this tweak, you must register first at to get a cbox(Chatbox) Step 2: Get the code of your cbox or click here if you are already logged in. Step 3: In the code of your cbox find your cbox link (Refer to the sample cbox code below) Example Cbox code: <!-- BEGIN CBOX - --> <div align="center" id="cboxdiv"> <iframe frameborder="0" width="160" height="305" src="" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxmain" style="border:#000000 1px solid;" id="cboxmain"></iframe><br/> <iframe frameborder="0" width="160" height="75" src="" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxform" style="border:#000000 1px solid;border-top:0px" id="cboxform"></iframe> </div> <!-- END CBOX --> In the example cbox code above the bold text is the cbox link. which is that is needed. FaQ: You can modify its appearance in your controlpanel by simply clicking "Colors & Fonts" Enter Complete Modified cbox Link (Eg. ChatBox at sidebar powered by is a chatbox that will be placed at the side of your profile along with friends and group boxes. The cool thing is, the exact name in friendster profile of the person who posted a message will be recorded as long as its friendster url. Step 1: Copy your cbox link, Eg. Step 2: And in that cbox link, change "main" to "submit". Eg. And that is the modified cbox link that is needed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube/iMeem Playlist Box Enter Complete Youtube/iMeem URL (Eg. For imeem: For Youtube Video: Youtube/iMeem Playlist Box is a tweak wherein your favorite youtube video or imeem playlist will be placed at the side along with friends and groups boxes Step 1: Get the code of the youtube video or imeem playlist first Step 2: Then get the url of the youtube video or imeem playlist. How to get the url of your imeem playlist? Get first the code of your imeem playlist. Below is an example of a imeem playlist code, the bold text will be the url of the imeem playlist that is needed. Just pick one(Its both the same). <object width="250" height="260" background="transparent"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="transparent" width="250" height="260" wmode="transparent"></embed></object> So for imeem playlist this is an example of a playlist URL How to get the url of a youtube video? Get first the code of your youtube video. Below is an example of a youtube video code, the bold text will be the url of that video that is needed. Just pick one(Its both the same). <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> So for a youtube video, this is an example link of the video that is needed FaQ: *If you want your youtube video to autoplay, replace "&rel=1" to "&autoplay=1&rel=0" Sample Outcome: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slide sliding Photo Gallery (Powered by Enter your slide userid Slide sliding Photo Gallery powered by is used to replace your photo gallery with flash sliding gallery. Step 1:In order to have this tweak, you must have an account in Step 2:If you have an account already, create your slide and set the style into "Sliding" and after uploading all your images, click the save button then get the code of your slide Step 3:Find your slide userid in the code you got. (Refer to the sample slide code below) For example this is the code of your slide: <div><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=un&il=1&channel=72057594043883695&" style="width:309px;height:110px" name="flashticker" align="middle"></embed><div style="width:309px;text-align:left;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" ismap="ismap" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" ismap="ismap" /></a></div></div> The Bold text above will be the slide userid Which is 72057594043883695 that is needed T!p: You can upload photos from Friendster to Slide. Just go to "edit slide show" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poll Box (Powered by Enter your Poll id (Eg. p=93413) Enter the height of the poll (Refer to your poll code) Poll Box powered by is used to place your own poll at the side of your profile along with friends and groups boxes. Step 1:In order to have this tweak, you must have create an account as long as your own poll at Step 2:If you have created account and your poll already, get the "EMBED CODE/Flash Method" code of your poll which is located at the right side Step 3:Find your poll id which is the flashvar. (Refer to the sample poll code below) For example this is the "Flash method" code of your poll: <embed allowScriptAccess="never" saveEmbedTags="true" src="" FlashVars="p=93413" quality="high" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="252" height="330" name="beta3" salign="tl" scale="autoscale" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" ></embed> The Bold text above will be the poll id Which is p=93413 that is needed And the red text above will be the height Which is 330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yahoo Messenger Status below buttons Enter your Yahoo! ID (Eg. bigboss_1947) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatically Added Tweaks with no configuration required: Friends Randomizer Box - is placed along with moreaboutme, blog, photogallery etc. This tweak is used to respawn random friends without opening a new window. /*********************************************** * FTweaks Generator v4.1 - * This notice must stay intact for credit or legal use * For support, please visit the site stated. * Main Credits to: Marfillaster, Aftermath, Archer, * Feruzz, bryan, kaleumm, and Angel Deville ***********************************************/ //Yahoo Messenger var ymessenger; try {ymessenger = document.createElement("div");} catch (e) {ymessenger = document.createElement("<div>");} ymessenger.innerHTML = "<br><a href='ymsgr:sendim?pauralyn_dennierei'><img src=''></a>"; ymessenger.setAttribute("style","text-align:center;padding-top:10px"); document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").parentNode.appendChild(ymessenger); //SLIDE SLIDING PHOTO GALLERY if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){embed()})) window.onload = function(){embed()}; function embed(){ var slodde = "<embed src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" salign=\"l\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"cy=fr&il=1&channel=none&\" style=\"width:100%;height:125px\" name=\"flashticker\" align=\"middle\"/><div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>View All Photos</a> | <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Upload Photo for me</b></a></div>"; document.getElementById('content_1').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_1').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('content_1').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+slodde+"</td></tr></table>"; }setTimeout("embed()",10000); if(pageViewerID==""){ alert("Please log in your Friendster account to view my profile"); top.location.href=""+pageOwnerID+"&cookie=1"; } //Layout var css = document.createElement("link"); css.type = "text/css"; css.rel = "stylesheet"; css.href = ""; = "screen, print"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); //CGP var java = document.createElement("script"); java.type = "text/javascript"; java.src = ""; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(java); //Sideboxes and mainboxes function onProfileLoad() { Ffetcher.init(); addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker","8"); var media="<div align=\"center\"><object width='90%' height='200'><param name='movie' value=''></param><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='90%' height='200'></embed></object></div>"; addBox("RIGHT","Now Playing",media,"utube","8"); var cbox="<div align=\"center\" id=\"cboxdiv\"><iframe frameborder='0' width='100%' height='300' src='' marginheight='2' marginwidth='2' scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='yes' name='sbox' id='sbox'></iframe><br/>"+ "<form name='cbox' method='post' target='sbox' action=''>"+ "<input type='hidden' name='nme' value='"+pageViewerFName+"'>"+ "<input type='hidden' name='eml' value='"+pageViewerID+"'>"+ "<hr><textarea style='overflow:hidden' class='cboxMsgArea' cols='40' rows='4' name='pst'></textarea><br>"+ "<input type='submit' class='cboxButtons' value='Send' target='sbox' name='sub'>"+ "<input type='reset' class='cboxButtons' value='Clear' maxlength='25'><br></form></div>"; addBox("RIGHT","Post Message here",cbox,"chtbox","8"); var getObj="<div align=\"center\"><embed allowScriptAccess=\"never\" saveEmbedTags=\"true\" src=\"\" FlashVars=\"none\" quality=\"high\" wmode=\"transparent\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"100%\" height=\"355\" name=\"beta3\" salign=\"tl\" scale=\"autoscale\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"\"></embed></div>"; addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"'s Poll", getObj, "poll", "8"); } /*TRACKER OBJECT*/ if (typeof TRACKER == "undefined") { TRACKER = {}; } TRACKER = { //iframe css style: { filter: "chroma(color='#FFFFFF')", width: '300px', height: '315px', border: '0px', overflow: 'auto' }, //iframe attributes attributes: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "", display: 10, //rows per page /*do not edit below this line*/ /* WVMv3.1.1 by marfillaster, copyright 2007 credits: feruzz,, licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2 Disclaimer: NO GUARANTEE and WARRANTY provided! For educational purposes only. Author will not be liable of ANY damage through the use of this program */ base_domain: "",div: null,param: null,timedetails: null,iframeid: "cgwvm", details: { photo: null, gender: null, age: null, status: null, location: null, seek: null, since: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200\x22><a[\S\s]+?img src="([\S\s]+?)"/i, gender: />([\S]*male)/i, age: /male, ([\d]*),/i, status: /male, [\d]*, ([\S\s]*?)<\/span><\/li>/i, location: /Location\: <\/span><a[\S\s]+?>([\S\s]+?)<\/a><\/li>/i, seek: /In\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i, since: /Since\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i }, init: function() { document.getElementById("navBg").innerHTML+="<iframe id=\"cgwvm\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\" />"; var d= new Date(); var hr=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); this.timedetails="os="+hr; var ifsrc=this.phplink+"?"+this.timedetails+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&owner="+pageOwnerID+"&num="+this.display; var atr=""; var sty=""; for (val in this.attributes) { atr += val +"="+ this.attributes[val]+" "; } for (val in { sty += val +":"+[val]+";"; } try {this.div=document.createElement("<div>")} catch(e){this.div=document.createElement("div")} this.div.innerHTML="<iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="") this.getDETAILS(); }, getDETAILS: function() { processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/user.php?uid="+pageViewerID+"&_pmr=h&_pmmo=0&_pmt=0",true,null, "parseDETAILS",null); } }; function parseDETAILS(htm) { if(!htm) { alert("WVM Error: Unable to parse your details! Tracker will not update"); //TRACKER.getDETAILS(); return; }else { for (val in TRACKER.details) { try { TRACKER.details[val]=encodeURIComponent(new RegExp(TRACKER.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]); } catch(e) { TRACKER.details[val]=""; } } TRACKER.param="?owner="+pageOwnerID+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&name="+pageViewerFName+"&img=""&gen="+TRACKER.details.gender+"&age="+TRACKER.details.age+"&stat="+TRACKER.details.status+"&loc="+TRACKER.details.location+"&seek=""&since="+TRACKER.details.since; document.getElementById(TRACKER.iframeid).src=TRACKER.phplink+TRACKER.param; } } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; TRACKER.init(); function invert(x) { if(x>0) return parseInt("-"+x); else if(x<0) { x=x+""; return parseInt(x.substr(1,x.length-1)); } return 0; } /*END TRACKER OBJECT*/ /*MISC FUNCTIONS*/ function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } } function processAjaxRequest(type,url,cont,param,handler,handlerparam) { //by marfillaster //type 'POST' | 'GET' //cont 'true' | 'false' //param string | null //handler string | null //handlerparam string |null if(handlerparam) handlerparam=","+handlerparam; else handlerparam=""; var httprequest= window.XMLHttpRequest? new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); if(handler) eval("httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){if (httprequest.readyState==4) {"+handler+"(httprequest.responseText"+handlerparam+");}}"); type, url, cont); if(type=="POST") { httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", param.length); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } httprequest.send(param); } function randOrd(){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); } if (typeof Ffetcher == "undefined") { Ffetcher = {}; } Ffetcher = { friends: new Array(), pages: null, maxfriends: null, container: null, cached: new Array(), display: 10, base_domain: "", init: function() { var num=document.links; for(var x=0;x<num.length;x++) { if (num[x].href.match(/\/friends\/[\d]+?/)) { var t=/\(([\d]+?)\)/; this.maxfriends=t.exec(num[x].innerHTML)[1]; break; } } this.pages=Math.floor(this.maxfriends/30); var htm="<div id='fcontainer'></div>"; addBox("LEFT","Friends",htm,"frbox","6"); document.getElementById("content_frbox").innerHTML+="<div class='viewall'><a href='javascript: void(Ffetcher.more())'>Fetch More Friends</a></div>"; this.container=document.getElementById("fcontainer"); this.fetch(0); }, fetch: function(page) { document.getElementById("frbox").childNodes[0].innerHTML="Friends Loading... Pls wait..."; processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/friends/"+pageOwnerID+"/"+page,true,null, "parseFriends",page); }, show: function() { this.container.innerHTML=""; this.friends.sort(randOrd); for(var x=0;x<this.display;x++) { this.container.innerHTML+=this.friends[x]; } }, more: function() { if(this.cached.length<(this.pages+1)) { var temp; do { temp=Math.ceil(Math.random()*(this.pages)); }while(this.cached.toString().indexOf(":"+temp+":")!=-1); this.fetch(temp); } else {; } } }; function parseFriends(htm,page) { if(!htm){ Ffetcher.fetch(page); return; } var r= /search1\x22>[\S\s]+?paginglinksmodule\x22>([\S\s]+?)<div class=\x22paginglinksmodule/; var temp=r.exec(htm)[1]; temp=temp.match(/<div class="flogriditem">[\S\s]+?<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>/g); for(var x=0;x<temp.length;x++) { temp[x]=temp[x].replace("samsg_icon.gif>","samsg_icon.gif />"); temp[x]=temp[x].replace(/<a /g,"<a target=_blank "); if(!temp[x].match("nophoto")) Ffetcher.friends.push(temp[x]); } Ffetcher.cached.push(":"+page+":"); document.getElementById("frbox").childNodes[0].innerHTML="Friends ";; } { alert ('Welcome to my page!! Please leave a comment =)') } /*END MISC FUNCTIONS*/ /*OTHER JS CODES BELOW THIS MESSAGE*/ /*END OF OTHER JS CODES*/[/quote] is there something wrong with this or hould i do something on my .js code?

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