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  2007-04-17 14:07:39

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: They say.. Your hairstyle is an expression of your tastes, attitudes, and preferences. [b]How do you wear your hair? How much time do you spend styling it?[/b] Or if you like, post a photo (of your

i'm confused with my hair style! hahaha!! it's short-long-short. err. *do i make sense?* my hair now is super short at the back, and when i say super short it's above my nape. hahaha! then in front, it's long (up to my chin). and i have bangs! hahahaha! weird hairstyle. the stylist even told me that my hair was so unique. err. maybe david's salon went nuts. hahaha!! but i like it. i think it fits me well and it goes out with the season. since it's hot, i really need to cut my hair short. :D

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