meh? you forgot me

list of persons with finished fan signs ,,
yan-yan, rossini, stitch, asukal reinnie, uma, Shy19, shunz_7, kielmaru_07, icekandi, 03_khine_03, bratinela01, maye (deathsiren),
lea (punkprincez_lea), Hilyn Annly (HiLyNkAwAii), faith, shane1304 ,airies ,black2punx ,
kristina16 ,
just click big mouth over here,, to view the fan signs...
my list
crying_zeicOh (it's zEi? ok,, got it!)
bianx_06 (bianx)
[scroll]for those who want a fan sign from yours truly,, hehehe,, just send me a PM ,, be sure to hit me back ayyt??? [/scroll][/color] [/align]