• » [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

Hand Written.. hmmm in my opinion, if you dont have that good hand writing its better to make it through computer than writing the name :retard: coz believe me it could destroy the whole picture. Anywhoo i prefer hand writing coz [b]#1[/b] we dont have a pentel pen :lol: :P [b]#2[/b] its clearer. coz sometimes what you wrote will be lighter due to: flash of the camera, angle of you pose [b]#3 [/b] i just can add something around the computerized name, the important thing is the NAME of who i chose to give fansigns are clearer. :arrow: if you have any objections, just shut up. LOL kiddin', :lol: tell me.

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-04-09 10:14:02)

D' Angelo
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=kristina16][b]d'angelo[/b] [spoiler][img]http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/849/91086914iw7.jpg[/img] [img]http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/8586/27435584uo4.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/quote] hehehehe thx tinay, i luv it :D :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

Sis stitch and sis ice: wer's my fansyn??lol.. Renz: please gimme too..i'll mke u one for xure:lol: Bryanezz: wow! im in ur lists..well nwei..thnx for the fansyn! i luv it! its cool..hehe..nkaseperate pa..spexal??jowwks.. Amanda: ur pretty hot! thnxx for that..i luv it! Sis duschv: ur pretty..i love ur hair..hehehe=D Lucknskill: dnt yah worry..i'll mke you too..jst hit me back..ok..ok.. Sis tinay: thnx for the fansyns! i really luve it! they're awesome! Please wait patiently as im downloading all ur fansyn ryt away.. im really xorry..i really hve a long lists..and it really takes a lot of tym to upload it.. but nweiz..i'll posts it as soon as possible..uki..uki=D

Last edited by crying_zeicOh (2008-04-09 10:29:41)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

i want it too :wow: anyone here? kindly make me one :P
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

ok.,il make one for you:D pending bryanezz aka ck_jullo:D cklarck.. dale leojenny ewenessgallore aka k_y^h! hiylnkawaii john push aka claire:D my partner in crime lady
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^ wooooh :o tenx stitch05 :D ilabyu :wow: :lol:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[b]Stitch!!..partner, thanks for the [future] fansign..:D[/b] john_619 ill make u one, if u want! =D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

what should i write??ur codename??or ur realname?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

sure --pUshnIt08-- :eh: :arrow: [b]john_619619[/b] [spoiler]"REBORN" =D[/spoiler]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

khine..here is ur fansyn.. jst wait for the others guyss.. Khine:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_276660769l.jpg][/img][/url] [/img][/spoiler]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

waaaah. may i requests for some fansigns? i'll give back! promise! :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^sure takashi.. ill post it tomorrow! [quote=lucknskill][b]WISHLIST[/b] yanyan joebz ross [b]amanda[/b] zeicoh eweness pauline[/quote] ^sure kuya.. ill ake fan sign for you.. ill post it tomorrow

Last edited by amandacaresse (2008-04-09 11:36:30)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

huhu... I can post my pictures yet! i don't know why!:crybaby::puke: pending: with finished fansyns! [b]-bratinela -pipito -kielmaru -aya -bianx -krixtehl -tinay mami[/b] pending: unfinished [b]-rachelle -ziechie[/b] hehe...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

Tinay:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_139247043l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] Yan+yan:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_339325562l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] Pipito:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_934463000l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] Amandacaresse:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_799696129l.jpg][[/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] Juleightin:Juleightin:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_941816955l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] Kher Navarro:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_441094562l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] Angelalaine:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_198194400l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] PrincessLeigh:[spoiler][img][url=http://photos-445.friendster.com/e1/photos/54/48/12058445/1_428545543l.jpg][/img][/url][/img][/spoiler] To all those peeps who gve me fansyns..thnxx a lot!! and to all those ppol hu wants to gimme some more.. feel free guyss!! hehe=D PENDING LISTS:[spoiler][quote]:arrow: Jullo :arrow: Renz :arrow: Lucknskill[/quote] [/spoiler] hmmmmmmmmmmm...hit me back guyss.. and sorry if its kinda ugly ha..hehe..:D

Last edited by crying_zeicOh (2008-04-09 12:00:14)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

^oh sis.. i cant see the image.. :(
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

wew~ long time no here. ahahah... well. for da fansigns,... thank u~ soooooo much XD [b]NAMES WHOM I'VE GIVEN[/b] Faith Grace Jay Karuro Hilyn Maye Rosh Shane Shine Tinay. see it here. [url=http://theftalk.com/p808835-2008-04-06-17%3A11%3A49.html#p808835]link[/url] [b]PENDING[/b] Nela Bob Kiel Yuna Kim Harbii Airies Ice Cloud Khine Leigh. thats all folks~ pm me if ya want fansyn
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=john_619619]i want it too :wow: anyone here? kindly make me one :P[/quote] i already made u one 48 yrs ago :lol: chek back on page 42 of this topic =D or here [url=http://h1.ripway.com/deadly19/html/signs.html][b]Fan Signs[/b][/url] [b]Cloud[/b]., ur name is in der too :P
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

:arrow: [b]sHy19[/b] still waiting..=( hopeless...=(
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

okay. haha. i have some difficulty in finding some of the fansigns posted here. haha.:D TOPIC. here's my LISTS.:eh: my [u]FINISHED[/u] fansigns. BATCH 1 - bob - ice - khat - kimmie - pipito - airies - asukal - uma - tinay - faith - [b]karuro[/b] (newly added fansign) - [b]shine[/b] (newly added fansign) - [b]deathsiren[/b] (newly added fansign) TOPIC. fansigns. the NEW ones.:eh: [spoiler] [img]http://i30.tinypic.com/34sjz7q.jpg[/img] [img]http://i26.tinypic.com/25zs0ap.jpg[/img] [img]http://i29.tinypic.com/npq80z.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] my [u]PENDING[/u] fansigns. (haven't started at it yet.) - zeicoh - leojenny - pauline - khine

Last edited by bianx_06 (2008-04-12 08:26:40)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

[quote=D' Angelo][quote=kristina16][b]d'angelo[/b] [spoiler][url]http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/849/91086914iw7.jpg[/url] [url]http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/8586/27435584uo4.jpg[/url][/spoiler][/quote] hehehehe thx tinay, i luv it :D :thumbsup:[/quote] wee yer welcome ;) glad u liked em =) ;) [quote=crying_zeicOh]Sis stitch and sis ice: wer's my fansyn??lol.. Sis tinay: thnx for the fansyns! i really luve it! they're awesome! Please wait patiently as im downloading all ur fansyn ryt away.. im really xorry..i really hve a long lists..and it really takes a lot of tym to upload it.. but nweiz..i'll posts it as soon as possible..uki..uki=D[/quote] yer welcome siz... ;) =) [quote=KhErMiNaToR]:arrow: [b]sHy19[/b] still waiting..=( hopeless...=([/quote] have you seen my fansign for you kher? ;) [b]kherminator[/b] ;) [spoiler][img]http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4554/56211436ap8.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st batch: [b]laine, jemmie, uma, yuna, shine[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=16]1st Batch[/url] 2nd batch: [b]hilyn, duch, shy, maye, carlo[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=17]2nd Batch[/url] 3rd batch: [b]kiel, stitch, siz faith, lucknskill, karuro, dadi james, airies[/b] :arrow:[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=28]3rd Batch[/url] 4th batch:[b] pipito, shane, ate lai, juda, khine, cloud, roshi, ozzie[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=29]4th Batch[/url] 5th batch:[b]siz eizarg, couz khristel, steph, chariz and asukal rienee [/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=35]5th Batch[/url] 6th batch:[b] eehjhay, tjay, siz ross, jonathan,siz push, siz joebz, siz philixre[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=38]6th Batch[/url] 7th batch: [b]bob, dale, d'angelo, leojennyzi, khat[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=60]7th batch:[/url] 8th batch: [b]kher, pauline, renz, yanyan , zeic, bianx[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=61]8th batch[/url] [b]pending[/b] bhea jean takashi cklarck clangchique ephe cloud k_y^h *[i]wrong spelling?? :D[/i] shiffer ;) harvey aka fafeng harbs ;)

Last edited by kristina16 (2008-04-09 19:38:32)

  • » [quote][b][color=red]/!\ Please Read: [/color] Everyone If you want to say Thank you to your Friend/Ftalker who gave you a Fansign. Please PM them and say Thank You Instead of posting here but you d

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