[quote=ducheszv]To all who gave me fansigns thank shooooooo much! ily!

anywhoo, here are my fansigns to the ff pips:
Bro Clou2:
Sis Tinay:
Sis Jemmie:
Mareh Push:
Sis Hy:
Sis Stitch:
Tunie Winnie:
Dadi EJ:

sorry if i look like shit..
for some reason i my skin gets a lot of pimples when i put something on my face

lol i wasnt like this before.. hmm
thats plainly me.. with nothing .. not even a lipstick..
soooo sorry

wee siz duch i loved it!! finally after 45 yrs 10 yrs contract yer fansigns are here... nyorks

i love it siz duch!!! i really love yer smile!
are u kiddin you dont look like shit yer very pretty!

i love it!!

thnx thnx siz..

1st batch: [b]laine, jemmie, uma, yuna, shine[/b]

[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=16]1st Batch[/url]
2nd batch: [b]hilyn, duch, shy, maye, carlo[/b]

[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=17]2nd Batch[/url]
3rd batch: [b]kiel, stitch, siz faith, lucknskill, karuro, dadi james, airies[/b]

[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=28]3rd Batch[/url]
4th batch:[b] pipito, shane, ate lai, juda, khine, cloud, roshi, ozzie[/b]

[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=25600&p=29]4th Batch[/url]
5th batch:[b]siz eizarg, couz khristel, steph, chariz and asukal rienee [/b]


5]5th Batch[/url]
6th batch:[b] eehjhay, tjay, siz ross, jonathan, siz joebz, siz philixre[/b]


8]6th Batch[/url]
and also a big thank you for [b]d'angelo[/b] for the fansign geez loved it too d'angelo

[b]to siz bianx..[/b]thnx siz ...ill be makin you a fansign later this afternoon..so you guys could just check it out`

if you go online later
thnx again...


[spoiler]princess leigh, pauline, yanyan, bianx, takashi, bob, dale, zei, renz[/spoiler]
pls pm me if you want a fansign or if ever i forgot yer name on the list....

memory gap