[quote=Padme]Hehee, same w/ meng.
My dad taught me how to drink, started when I was 5 years old.
He usually drink his beer w/ a straw.

And he would give me a sip sometimes to my mother's dis-approvement.
He never said things about not to smoke or take drugs.
My parents seem to be so sure they were raising us right (three of us).
That they don't have to say those things. It's weird.
For me, wine and alcohol is okay.
As long as you drink in moderation, its good.
And lets not forget [b]even Jesus drinks wine[/b] hahaha![/quote]

love the last line ate padme

anyway, they just did it for us to be aware, like what if we were invited to parties and forced to drink alcohol, at least we know how to deal with it when it comes.

[quote=' ' sk8r.Ozzie xvii]But For Me, Drinking Alcohol Is The Same As Smoking or Taking Drugs!


are you talking about people addicted to alcohol or just merely drink it for leisure?
coz for me it's not that bad. It's bad when it hits the mind

like they cannot live without it
Last edited by meng.o3 (2007-09-07 06:55:20)